Word count: 1014
-Jaemin's POV
"Let's go to the park!" I shook my head. "No we can't go." I say. "Why?" The little kid I babysit pouts. "Because it'll rain soon." I tell him. "But it isn't now." He whines. "Fine. Get changed." I tell him. He runs to his room to get changed. "Hey calm down little rat." Y/n yells to her little brother who rushed up the stairs. "Don't be so rude to him." I tell her. "Are you telling me how to act? I can get you fired at any minute." She threatens. "Sorry." I apologise.
"You always say that." She rolls her eyes. "Hey, I'm still older than you here so don't roll your eyes at me." I tell her. "Well, I can't help my parents hired you and then leave the house for a month. They left so I'm in charge." She squints her eyes. "They hires me to take care of their kids, you're one of their kids so I'm pretty much in charge young lady. Now get ready we're going to the park." I tell her. "But it's going to rain." She sighs. "Well that's your bad." She gets to her room.
"I'm not going." She mumbles. "Yes you are. Your brother would like it to spend some time with his sister. Do it for him." She just stares at me before going to her room. "Can we go now Jaemin?" I turn to see y/n's little brother. "Sure." I take my car keys and go out with the kid. "Is y/n coming too?" He asks me from the backseat. "I don't think so." I tell him. "But weren't you talking with her?" He asks me. "Yes, I tried to get her with us but she didn't want to. I'm sorry buddy."
"It's okay. I'm used to it. My parents always out, my sister who doesn't wanna play with me. I'm happy I still have you Jaemin." I felt so sorry for the kid. He shouldn't be feeling like this. "You can make friends at the park." I tell him. "But I only see them once and then never again." He sighs. "I'm sorry buddy. I'll try talking with your sister once we get back home." I tell him. We got to the park and go to the playground. "No ones here." He pouts. "Because it's going to rain. But that shouldn't stop you. We have our raincoats and jumping in the puddles is very fun!"
It quickly started raining. "Look Look it rains, let's jump into the puddles!" He takes my hand. We both jump around and laugh a lot. "We should go back. You don't want to get sick." I pick him up. "But why go home already? To be with my boring sister?" He pouts. "We have to, I'm sorry." We get back into the car. "I'm sorry for making your car dirty." I chuckle. "It's okay. I had to clean it anyway." I drive us both back to his home.
"Go to the bathroom and take a warm bath, I'll come bring you some dry clothes." I go to the guest room where I sleep to get myself clean clothes first. "I told you it was going to rain." Y/n said. "First of all, can I get some privacy? I'm trying to change. And secondly, we had a lot of fun. But he missed his sister a lot." I tell her. "I never had any siblings, I was very lonely as a kid. My friends always had fun with their brother or sister. You should too, so he can later tell funny stories."
"But he's like 6. I'm almost 20! That's 14 years you know." She says as if I didn't know. "So? Does age matter as siblings, I don't think so. If I was you I'd spend so much time with him, be a good role model." I saw the guilt come over her. "Jaemin! Where are my clothes?" I walk out of my room. "I gotta take care of him" I get his clothes and go to the bathroom. He was wrapped in a big warm towel. "Here are your clothes. You can do that yourself right?" He nods.
"Good, I'll go to the kitchen and make some dinner for all of us." I say as I leave the room. "Wait Jaemin." I turn back around. "Yes, what's up?" I ask. "You and my sister are the same age right?" I nod. "A few months older but the same year yes." I tell him. "Then you should date." I was surprised by the suddenness. "Why?" I ask. "Because you're single and so is she and she likes you. I heard her call a friend earlier." He smiles. "Oh really. Well I'll think about it."
I get up and left to the kitchen. "Are you going to make food?" Y/n asks me. "Yes, are you going to help me?" I ask her. "And burn the kitchen? No thanks I don't want to be killed by my parents." She chuckles. "I can teach you." I tell her. "You want to do that?" She asks and I nod. "Jaemin, I'm ready." He walks into the kitchen. "You can go play or watch some tv until we're ready." I tell him. "Okay." He runs away again. "So what do I do first?" Y/n asks me.
"Confess." I say. "What?" She says confused. "Wash the vegetables." I say instead. Y/n washed the vegetables as I did the meat. "And now cut them." I tell her. "H-how?" She asks. "Like this." I turned her around and kissed her. "Is that how you cut veggies?" She asks. "Is that how you confess?" I ask her. "How. How do you know?" She asks me. "Does that matter? I raised a brow. "You're right. Uh I actually didn't get how you cut these, can you show me again?" I playfully roll my eyes before kissing her again. "Jaem- Oh no!" We pull away and see y/n's brother covering his eyes.
A/N: wasn't quite sure how I was gonna make them fall in love but I did it and I thinks it's nice

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