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Word count: 1032
A sleepless night


It was 3 in the morning and I still couldn't sleep. I was on my couch watching a movie since I had nothing better to do. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I get up and open the door to see WinWin. "You're awake." He smiles. "Yes I am but why are you awake?" I ask. "I couldn't sleep and I saw you were online like 20 minutes ago." He chuckles. "So you decided to come 2 floors down to me." He nods. "So can I come in?" I nod and let him in.

"What's your reason to be awake so late?" He asks me. "Insomnia I guess." I tell him. "Have you tried sleeping pills?" I shook my head. "I don't want to start with such things, is only bad for you. You wanna drink something?" I ask him. "No I'm fine." I say. "Okay." We sit on the couch in silence. "You were watching a movie?" He breaks the silence. "Yes. You want to watch with me?" I ask. "Sure." We sit there in silence watching the movie from earlier. We usually are never this awkward and quiet around each other.

"It's a bit cold don't you think so?" He says. "Want a blanket?" I ask. He smiles and nods. I take on that's big enough to cover the both of us. I noticed WinWin moving closer to me. Would he know I like him? Maybe I was too obvious in the past. I hear him suddenly laugh, I look at the screen and noticed it was a funny scene. "Didn't you think that was funny?" He asks me. "No it was fun." I say. "Then why didn't you laugh?" He asks confused. "Oh uh I don't know." Y/n don't zone out, you gotta focus.

A little later he moved even closer. Our legs almost touching each other. I take a quick glance and noticed that he was staring at me, my cheeks heating up. Don't blush, he'll see it and make fun of you. We soon were sitting really close and WinWin's arm sneaked around my shoulder, how did I not notice him doing so? "It's okay like this right?" He asks me and I nod. "Yeah, it's good." Good, really y/n? Ugh I'm so dumb. A kiss scene showed on the screen, I looked down, this was too embarrassing.

"Did you ever kiss someone?" Sicheng suddenly asks. "Uh you mean like my mom cuz yeah, a lot as kid." He shook his head. "A romantic kiss." He says. "Oh uh no." I'm just making it worse for myself. "Me neither." He replies. I was surprised to hear that. "Have you ever been in love?" He then asks me. "Yes but not in a relationship." WinWin gave me a confused look. "I love someone as in a crush." I tell him. "Me too." He tells me. There go all my chances with him. "It's you." Or not.

"Me? For real?" I ask. It was difficult to hide how happy I was. "Yes you. Do... do you love me... me too?" He stuttered. "Yes I do." I smile. I noticed him looking down at my lips and him leaning closer so I did the same. We almost kissed as suddenly someone knocked on my door. I quickly got up. I tried cooling down before I opened the door. "Doyoung?" My eyes widened. "What are you doing here?" I ask my brother. "I couldn't sleep and knew for a fact you were awake as well." He says. "Can I come in?"

"Uh, why?" I ask. "Because I'm your brother and I came all the way here to be sleepless with my sister." He says. "All the way. You're talking as if you're not living in the same building. "Just go home." I say. "Why, are you hiding something?" He asks me. "No." I then hear a glass drop. "What was that?" Doyoung asks. "What was what? I didn't hear anything. He pushed me aside and walked inside. In the kitchen we saw how Sicheng was trying to clean the glass scatters. "Why's he here?" Doyoung asks me.

"Sicheng couldn't sleep and had the same idea as you, to join me and have a sleepless night." I say. "Oh then we're with 3 now." He smiles. Oh god can't he just leave? "Go to the living room, I'm gonna help Sicheng." I tell him. "I'm sorry." WinWin apologises. "It's alright. But now Doyoung is here and I can't get him out." I sigh. "It can't be that bad right?" He asks me. "Doyoung will do anything to get guys away from me." I sigh. "Oh well maybe we can sneak out and go to my apartment?" He says.

"You're genius but how do we get to the door, we'll have to pass Doyoung." I say. "Make him some warm milk, that'll help make him tired. "You've done this before haven't you?" I ask. "Only with my parents whenever I wanted to go out late with friends." He chuckles. I made some warm milk but once we walked into the living room we found Doyoung asleep on my couch. "Well that was easier than planned." I place the mug on the coffee table and we then sneaked out to Sicheng's apartment. "Wait isn't Lucas here?" I ask. "No he's out with friends most likely won't be back until tomorrow morning."

We sit on the couch awkwardly as if we were 2 teens scared to do or say anything. "I really love you y/n." He breaks the silence. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. "Of course, I'd love to." We hug each other. When we pull away we look in each other's eyes then at the lips. We lean in again and our lips touched each other softly. "Woah, am I interrupting something?" We quickly pull away and look at Lucas standing there. "Since when are you back so early?" WinWin asks. "No, since when are you still up at this hour? Did you even sleep?" We look at the clock and gasp. "Guess we did an all-nighter." He laughs.

A/N: my albums will arrive soon because the store received them yesterday hehe let's pray for a Mark pc in the Empathy album and a Jeno or Jaemin pc in We Boom and for Shinee's Don't Call Me it doesn't really matter to me I'm already happy I'm getting the album!

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