Christmas Party

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Atsumu was over because later we're gonna have a Christmas party at Suga's, and man were we excited."What do you think?"Atsumu asked as he stepped out of the bathroom to show me his outfit choice.He was wearing a santa dress that showed his curves, he had matching red heels."You look good!"I exclaimed as he took a selfie."Thanks!You look great also!"He said as he invited me over to take selfies that would be posted on Instagram later.I was in Santa long sleeve shirt that had my shoulders cut out and was cropped, I chose a red skirt with a black belt with a pair of black heels to accompany it."Thanks babe.Now lets get to the party already!"I exclaimed excitedly as we started to lock up the house and shut the door, we drove to Suga's house making sure to be slow and careful because the roads had snow on them.We quickly got out of the car and rushed to Suga's door to knock, Suga opened the door and let us in."Hey you two.How are you?"He said as we took off the coats we threw on."Good, how 'bout you?"Atsumu asked as I noded then looked around the party, everyone was here."Good.Ready to start the party?"Suga asked as we basically screamed yes.Atsumu wondered off to go find Sakusa, it's kinda surprising that they aren't together yet.I walked over to the punch, It reeked of alcohol so I didn't drink it, I bet Noya or Tanaka spiked it.I instead grabbed a cherry coke, satisfied when a pop erupted when it opened.I wondered around the house a bit more, there was a couple games to play, Kageyama and Hinata making out, a pole table and Christmas music playing from the speakers in the living room.I decided to play some pole before I snuck to the kitchen to eat.Suga made the best cookies, they were heaven.I downed 6 cookies before moving on to play some games with the others.Kuroõ and Bokuto where drunk as fuck, they were all up on eachother until thier boyfriends pulled them away from eachother.I laughed at Kenma's death glare aimed Bokuto because he had left a hickey on Kuroõ, they were wild.Suga was next to me pulling Kageyama off Hinata and lecturing him, I wasn't surprised when I saw him pull out a slipper.I looked around to see Iwa~chan sitting on the couch alone, he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.I walked over and sat next to him."Hi Iwa~chan!"I exclaimed as he rolled his eyes at me."What shittykawa?"He asked before I laughed."Nothing, you seemed lonely."I responded as he lifted his eyebrow."You caring, impossible."He teased as we both laughed."Want to get out of here?"I asked as he noded.I followed him out the door and to his car, we decided to go to the park near here, it was so pretty in winter, there was snow everwhere but the sidewalks.Maybe wearing a skirt wasn't the best idea but I really didn't care.I motioned for Iwa~chan to follow me as I lead us to the swings.The seats were cold but I brushed it off and got on it."Iwa~chan push me!"I exclaimed as he did smiling.After a couple of minutes we stopped and juts sat on the swings facing eachother.It was silent until Iwa~chan spoke up."I like you."He stated as I widened my eyes.What?!It took me a few seconds to register what he just said."You like me?"I questioned."Yes."He replied as he grabbed my face with his cold hands, he filled the gap in between us by landing his lips on mine.I instantly kissed him back before we pulled away."I like you too Iwa~chan."I announced.He smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me up making me walk with him."Will you be my boyfriend?"He asked a minute into the walk."Yes!"I shouted but quickly shut up when strangers just looked at me like Iwas crazy.We headed back to his house before he opened his door.He lead me to his bedroom where he threw me some clothes, a sweetshirt and pants.I changed then jumped on the bed.He climbed in behind me, pulling me flush against his body making me little spoon.He pulled the blanket on us then buried his face in my hair, my eyes slowly drifted shut making any of my conscious leave my body.

Merry Christmas!🎁I hope you enjoyed!

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