Depressed?Family U.A

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Idea from Emma10103

Kagayama didn't understand what depressed meant.I mean he was only 3 and a half years old when Oikawa was diagnosed with it.What could he do when his mommy changed?Oikawa changed a lot.He rarely ate, he didn't sleep much and he made small cuts on his skin sometimes.Oikawa didn't want to make his family more worried about him then they were already.But he also lnew it was going to be easier with them here.

Oikawa's P.O.V
I fell less motivated then usual.I mean I basically changed into someone I didn't want to be.I didn't want Kagayama to see me like this.I was in the bathroom.I didn't want to disappoint my family.I slowly begam to cut myself.I made sure the cuts weren't deep.Damn it!Why must you disappoint people so much!?What will happen when Iwa finds out.I stared at my wrist, watchimg the red liquid drip from my arm.I was going to cut again but what happens when my baby biy sees me like this?What would he think?Damn it Oikawa stop this!I chucked the razor at the wall.I had to get rid of it.It had to be out of my sight.Iwa rushed into the bathroom.He stared at my wrist a d looked at me with eyes that showed sympathy.I looked down.How could I look at my lover like this."Baby, look at me please."He said softly.I slowly lifted my head to look at him.He had tiny droplets of water on his cheeks but he was still looked at me with his famous soft smile.Oh god how I missed it.He rarely every showed it.He crouched down in front of me and took bandages from the cabinet.He cleaned my cuts and wrapped them.Then he kissed each one softly.I blushed, sure we were married but it still felt like he did this for the first time."Oikawa please call me or even Kagayama to come before you cut.I know Kagayama will help you."He said ss he helped me up as I rolled down my sleves."Mommy?"Kagayama said as I turned around to take a good look at my child.He was supposed to be in bed but I guess all the ruckus woke him.I walked up to him and ruffled his hair."Yes sweetie?"I said."What was all the noise?"He said as he rubbed his tired eyes.It was 3 in the morning, he shouldn't be up at this time.Look what you did Oikawa.You made your baby lose sleep."Don't worry hunny, why don't we go back to bed?"I said as I picked him up."Can I sleep with you and daddy?"He asked as he yawned."Of course baby."I said as I took him to the master bedroom while Iwa followed.I forgot all about everything.The only thing that mattered was my baby.Iwa nad I laid on the bed with Kagayama in between us.He latched onto me and and buried his face in my chest."Goodnight mommy.I love you."He said as he stopped wiggling and fell asleep."I love you too baby."I said as I kissed his forehead.I looked over to see Iwa smiling.I smiled back and kissed him gently.Then I fell asleep with life on my chest.If it wasn't for him and Iwa i dont know what I would've done.
I woke up first and started making breakfeast.I figured pancakes are fine, plus they are Kagayama's favorite.Hmm strawberries and whip cream or chocolate chips and whip cream.I decided on chocolate chips a d whip cream.I put chocolate chips in the batter too.As I was flipping the last pancake I was greeted by my son."Good morning mommy!"He said as I placed the last plate on the table.I took a look at the food, man I'm a great cook."Good morning Kags!"I said as I kissed his head as he sat down in his seat and tried eating his pancakes.He was struggling to cut them."Do you want me to cut them for you?"I said."Yes."He said a bit deflated.I cut them into pieces and got up to make coffee before Iwa comes in.Iwa has works at 9 its 8:20 so I better get him up.I walked into the room a d shook him roughly.Iwa is a very heavy sleeper.He didn't stir.So I threw a shoe at him, hard."Ow Wtf Oikawa?!"He yelled as he sat up."You have work at 9 and you have to leave a 8:50 so you have 30 minutes to get ready.Also breakfast is downstairs."He said as he walked down the stairs.

People might think he was acting just like himself, well of course he was faking it.He was faking being happy.He just didn't have to fake happy with Kagayama.He felt happy around him and he didn't know why.Correction he did know why.That boy went through the same things he did.Sure his own were a bit more troubling then Kags but he still felt as though if he could smile and be happy after what happened in the past he could also.Oikawa was abused by his family, but they never got caught.After he hit 16 he was always left alone by himself in the house or would be used as a sex toy for his dad and his dad's friends.If Kagayama can do it I can too.At least he thought.

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