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"Mommy!"Kageyama yelled as little feet pounded the floor making their way to the kitchen."Yes Kags?"I asked as jumped excitedly as he stood beside me."Can me and Hinata have a sleepover?"he babbled as I laughed slightly."Sure, I'll call and let Suga know."I replied as he hugged me as a thank you.I picked up my phone off the counter then dialed a familiar number."Hey Suga!"I greeted as I sat down at the table."Hey Oikawa!What's up?"He asked as I paused to take a sip of my light brown coloured coffee."Kageyama and Hinata want to have a sleepover.I'll take them this time."I responded."Ok, you sure you want them?"He asked as I smiled."I am sure.Plus you and Daichi haven't gone on a date in awhile."I said as Kageyama returned to the kitchen and climbed on my lap."Thanks Oikawa.I'll drop Hinata off at 12.Bye!"He commented as I replied with a quick "Goodbye" then hung up."Mommy, I need help ckeaning my room."Kageyama complained as he got off my lap.I laughed slightly then followed him up to his room, his room was a mess.We instantly started cleaning up, I put stuffed animals away as he cleaned up his blocks.Man, being a single parent was tiring, I adopted Kageyama after I graduated with a degree in business.I opened my own bakery once I had the money, I love baking.I made Kageyama's bed as he slammed his toy box shut."Done!"He exclaimed as he sat down on the floor facing me with a bright smile that I returned."You want to watch tv until Hinata gets here?"I asked as he ran down to the living room and plopped down on the couch, he took the remote and flipped to the kids channel.I laughed at the response I got before I sat down beside him playing on my phone.

The doorbell caught our attention, Kageyama ran to go open the door but was to weak to do so, I opened the door to see Suga and Hinata standing there smiling brightly at us."Hi!"Hinata exclaimed excitedly as he waved then squished Kageyama into a tight hug that lasted for a few seconds."Hi Hinata and Suga."I greeted as Suga waved."Hey Oikawa."He replied as I smiled brightly stepping to the side to let him in but he didn't move."Actually, the Daichi is waiting in the car."He said as I smirked."So what are you standing here for?!Go on that date with your lover!"I teased as he turned a bit red.He waved quickly before hoping in the passenger side of the car then I watched the car disappear.I turned my attention back to the two little heavens behind me."What do you two want to do?"I asked as Hinata giggled."Can we to the park?"He asked excitingly as Kageyama noded."Well let's go then."I stated as I held out my hand for one of them to take, Kageyama took my hand and Hinata took his.I shut the door and then we started our journey.

As soon as we entered the park they both ran off to the playground as I sat down on a bench that overlooked the playground.They climbed the steps to the slide then went down after eachother, they soon got bored of the slide and went to swings.I took a quick picture of them before I felt someone sit beside me as another 2 kid ran towards the playground.I turned my head a bit to see a male with brown hair that was styled weird, brown eyes that watched over the kids, I noticed he had a backpack on his back that looked more like a diaper bag then anything.I moved my gaze back to the kids, they were playing what looked to be tag together.Suddenly Hinata came running torwards me and climbed up my lap to escape the other kid touching him.The rest of the kids appeared infront of me as Hinata blew raspberries at them, I picked Hinata up and put him right next to the other kid and he got tagged."Oikawa~san!"He whined as I ruffled his hair a bit before he ran off to play.Kageyama crept up in front of me before climbing my lap before dozing off.I chuckled lightly at his actions then pulled him up a bit to rest his head on my chest."They could go at it for days."A voice said as I looked to see the male next to me was talking."Yes they could."I replied as I threaded my fingers through Kageyama's hair."I'm Oikawa.You?"I introduced."Iwaizumi.Those two yours?"He asked as I shook my head."Sunshine is my friend's kid, this one is mine."I responded as I looked at Kageyama then back at him."Those two are mine."He said."Single parent?"I asked as he noded."You?"He asked as I noded.The three came over to where we were and stood infront of us."Oikawa~san!"Hinata yelled before he threw himself at me, lucky I caught him before he landed on Kageyama."Be careful Hinata, Kageyama is asleep."I stated as he noded and went to cuddle Kageyama."Who are your friends bud?"I asked as he jumped down excitedly as he pointed at each kid."This is Kyoutani and this is Kunimi!"He exclaimed as I laughed at his behavior."Nice to meet you boys.I'm Oikawa."I stated as they noded."Oikawa, can we get icecream?"Hinata asked as I laughed at his bright smile."Sure.Would you guys like to get icecream with us?"I asked as they noded and we all got up heading torwards the icecream shop in the park.

"What flavor do you guys want?"I asked as Hinata smiled brightly."Strawberry!"He exclaimed as I laughed.I ordered on strawberry."Can I have a mango popsicle instead?"Kyoutani asked as I noded and took his order.Everyone had icecream or a popsicle, Iwaizumi tried to pay but I beat him to it."Thanks Oikawa."The kids mumbled as Kageyama licked his icecream."Thanks for the icecream."Iwaizumi stated as we parted ways."Your welcome.Bye!"I exclaimed as we walked in the other direction of them heading to my house.Today was a good day I'll say, I mean I met a hot guy, he had kids and is a single parent like me.

I hope you enjoyed!There will be more parts to this.

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