Will you marry me?

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Oikawa's P.O.V
I was headed to a karaoke bar with a group of friends.Today Atsuma and I are going to propose to Iwa and Sakusa.We decied to do a song together to ask them."Oikawa are you ok you seem nervous?"Hinata asked as I smiled at him.Only Suga knew what we were doing."I'm fine, just a tad bit shy to sing in front of a lot of people."I said as Iwa held my hand gently stroking it.I gave him a kiss on the cheek before we headed in.We picked a group of people to sing with on any song.The bottoms were up first so we sang "Still into You".Suga started us off."Can't count the years on one hand we've benn together!"Suga sung happily.He sounded really good.I could see Daichi clapping for his husband."I need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better!"Hinata sung loudly.He was decent at it but his spirt makes the rest up."It's not a walk in the park to love each other!"Atsuma sung as he danced slightly."But when our fingers interlock.Can't deny, can't deny.You're worth it."Suna sung as Osama blushed slightly."Cause after all this time I'm still into you."I sung as Iwa blushed a bit.This went on until the song was over.My mouth was very dry from singing most of the high parts.The next group was Atsuma, Bokuto, Kuroõ, Terushima, and me.Kuroõ started us off."He's a very kinky boy."Kuroõ sang as I could see Suga tormenting Kenma as Kenma blushed."The kind you don't take home to mother."Terushima sung as he swung a arm over my shoulder.I could see Iwa's glare at gim but I ignored it."He will never let your spirits down, once you get him off the streets."Atsuma sung as he threw me a wink."He likes the boys in the band.He says I'm his all time favorite!"Bokuto sang loudly as I laughed at him dancing."When I make my move to her room it's the right time.He's never hard to please."I sang as I threw as cheesy wink at Iwa."That boy is pretty  wild though."Kuroõ sang as he pointed at Kenma as to embarrasse him, and let me tell you he was more red than the Suga's shirt."The kinda boy you read about in New-Wave magazines"Terushima sang."That boy is pretty kinky.I's really love to taste him."I sang as I winked at Atsuma just to make Sakusa mad."He's alright, he's alright, that boys alright with me!"Atsuma sung."Hey, hey, heeey!"Bokuto sung as I heard Akaashi laughing."He's a super freak, super freak!"I sang louder than before."He's super freaky!"Atsuma sung as Kuroõ laughed.After singing we always got a applause from everyone.Ws weren't the only people here but we didn't care.I got hit with a wave of nervousness as Suga and Hinata finished singing meaning Atsuma and me were next."Don't quit now."Mattsun said."How did you know?"I asked as he laughed and squeezed my shoulder."Suga told me because you looked like you were shiting your pants."He said as I laughed."Thanks but I guess it is time for me to go now isn't it?"I said as Atsuma noded and lead me to the stage."You can do it!"Suga shouted as I gulped down my nervousness."You ready?"I asked as Atsuma noded.I could hear people on the crowd wondering what Suga meant."You can do it guys!"Mattsun shouted as Iwa looked at him confused.I grabbed a microphone as Atsuma did the same."105 is the number that comes to my head, when I think of all the years I wanna be with you."Atsuma sang as the attention was brought back to us."Wake up every moring with you in my bed, thats precisely what I plan to do."I sang as Atsuma took a deep breath."And you know one of theses days, when I get my money right.Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life."Atsuma sang as he looked at Sakusa."We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush.But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough.I'll say.."I sang as I fiddled with my pocket in my coat I decided to wear."Will you marry me?" We both sang at the same time as we went down on one knee on stage and pulled out a black box that revealed the rings we chose.I could see most of our friends were surprised and very happy.Then there was our boyfriends who were frozen with a surprised.They snapped out of it by Osama and Makki tapping their shoulders.They both ran on stage and jumped into our arms and at the same time yelled "Yes!"Iwa pulled me into a kiss before I put the ring on his hand.I looked to see Atsuma and Sakusa snogging eachothers faces off before they pulled away and Atsuma smiles at me.A whole bunch of cheers erupted as we walked back to our friend group."Never thought I would see the day were Sakusa and Iwaizumi were brought to tears."Kageyama said loudly with a smirk resting on his face."Oh shut up at least my fiance isn't a pussy like you and proposed."Iwa said as Kagayama's smirk faded."I can't believe the bottoms proposed though."Kuroõ said as Iwa and Sakusa scoffed.Mostly everyone sarted laughing."We knew if we didn't propose we would have to wait for when before we died."Atsuma said as Sakusa hit his arm."So Suga and Mattsun knew then."Sakusa asked as we noded."Congratulations Oikawa~san and Atsuma!Hinata yelled as he jumped onto me for a hug."Thanks Hinata."I said as he did the same thing to Atsuma."Now since we proposed we're in charge in bed tonight~"Atsuma said as I agreed.Iwa and Sakusa looked deflated."So are you like making them bottom tonight then?"Daichi aske."Yep."Atsuma and I said at the same time.Iwa and Sakusa lookes like they wanted to die."Don't worry babe I'll do the same things you do."Atsuma said as Sakusa whispered "I'm fucked."I drank what was left in my drink then sat down.

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