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Part 2 to Oikawa's P.O.V

I woke up before anyone else did so I decided to make breakfast.First I have to slip out of the teams grip without waking any of them up.I quietly walked to the kitchen to cook.I decided on pancakes, eggs, bacon, and yogurt with fruit.I cut strawberries and blackberries then added them to 9 bowls with yogurt.I quickly wipped up my grandmother's homemade pancake batter, then cooked them.I made 20 so there was 2 extra for anyone who wanted more.I quickly fried the bacon then plated it with the pancakes on 9 separate plates.Then I put the eggs in the bacon grease then put them on the plate.I pulled out a couple water bottles, a couple bottles of juice, and made 3 protien shakes for Iwa, Kyoutani and me.Now all I had to do was wake them up.I walked to the living room to see a few were up sitting while others were not.I noticed Kyoutani, Iwa, Maki and Yahaba were still asleep.I went up to each one and shook them.Everyone woke up except Iwa and Kyoutani.I put Kyoutani on my back to carry him to the kitchen because he literally wakes up with the smell of food.I tried walking over to try getting Iwa up again but Maki stopped me."I've go this.Watch."He said as he moved to Iwa's ear."Iwaizumi! Oikawa's kissing some random guy!"He yelled as Iwa bolted up yelling "Like hell he is!"It took him a moment to realize Maki was joking.He looked over to me and glared at the sleeping boy on my back."Why are you carrying him again?"He asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.I rollled my eyes and said "Breakfast's on the counter, take a plate, bowl of yogurt,  and take a drink.The 3 protein shakes are Iwa'a, Kyoutani's, and mine so don't touch them."I said as everyone ran into the kitchen.I walked to the kitchen to see some on the barstools eating on the counter and the reat at the table which fit about 6 people.I felt a shift in position from the person on my back."Food."Kyoutani said as he got off my back and took his food and drink.I laughed with everyone else.There was 3 seats left for us at the table.Both Kyoutani and Iwa were arguing who was sitting by me.So I just sat in the middle of the set of chairs as they sat down on either side of me."It's like having 2 little kids that are childish."I said as I began eating.Everyone but the 2 laughed."I'm not childish!"They both yelled at the same time.I nearly choked on my food from laughing."So are you all ready for pratice?"I asked."But our uniforms are dirty."Mattsun said as I went to the laundry room and set the uniforms on a clean part of the counter.We had pratice before they came over yesterday so they didn't bring any spare clothes so I lend them my spares."I cleaned them now go get dressed."I said as I heard 7 thanks and saw most of the team scatter to any place to change."See you act very much like their mom."Iwa said as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind."Maybe I do but, I didn't really have a parenteral figure that cared for me so I want them to at least have one."I said as Iwa turned me and kissed me quickly but lovingly."I know.They probably will forever treat you like their mom."He said as we went to change in my room.On the way we could here moans coming from one room."Maki and Mattsun keep it in your pants!I don't want my house dirty with your filth!"I shouted as I walked quickly to change.I could hear laughing coming from the other rooms.I went to my personal bathroom to do my haur but I first picked up a phone call from Suga.I quickly answered and was greeted."Goodmorning Oikawa.How are you?"He asked.I could yell he was mking sure I was ok from yesterday."I'm doing good actually.How about you?"I asked as Iwa hugged me from behind."Good.The teams is a handful though."Suga said as Iwa started to kiss my face gently."Tell me about it.The team slept at mine yesterday.Everone slept on me and left no space for Iwa.You'll never guess who clung to me like a little kid."I said as Iwa left the room most likey to make sure the team isn't burning down my house."I bet Iwaizumi was Jealous"He said as I hummed to confirm his assumptions."Who clung to you though?"Suga asked curiously
"Kyoutani.He wouldn't let me go.Iwa tried to pull him off but failed.That's why everyone slept on me."I said as Suga was surprised."The angry dog did that?I need proof."He said as Oikawa sent him the picture of last night."Oh my god.Wow.Never thought I would see the day.Well it was nice chatting to you but sadly I have to go.Bye!"Suga said as I replied with a "Goodbye." then hung up.I finished my hair and headed downstairs.Everything was chaos.Kunimi and Kyoutani were at eachothers throats, Iwa was in the corner looking terrified, Maki and Mattsun were full out making out, and Yahaba and Watori and Kindaichi were standing by the door ready to go.I walked up to Kyoutani and threw him over my shoulder recieving some hits on my back I didn't respond to."Who ever is not out the door in 5 seconds is running 30 laps!"I yelled as I picked up Kyoutani's and my bag, then head out the door counting.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Everybody ran out with their bags.I locked the door up and started walking."Can you put me down now?"Kyoutani said in a annoyed tone."You sure you seem liked you liked me holding you yesterday."I said as Kyoutani blushed red.I heard the rest of the team laughing.I swiched his postion so he was piggyback style on my back.He leaned his head on my shoulder.I could see Iwa glaring at him but I ignored it."Oikawa~san can you give us piggyback rides?"Yahaba asked as the rest of the team agreed.After every 5 minutes I switched out the team members.Since I had already been through everyone once I wasn't gonna do anymore until Kyoutani climbed back on my back."No fair Kyoutani gets another turn!"Watari whined."Why don't you ask Iwa for piggyback rides instead."I said knowing Kyoutani was sleeping on me.He buried his head into my neck and was out like a light.Iwa looked at me like I betrayed him.I reached behind me and took Kyoutani's bag off his back and held it.When we reached the school Iwa had Kunimi asleep on his back and I had Kyoutani on mine.The coaches looked surprised when we walked in.I set our bags down in the changing room and tried shake him awake."No..I'm comfy..."He whined as he went back to bed.Everyone started laughing but me.I changed his position so he was hugging my front."If you don't wake up I'm going to put lipstick on and kiss all over your face like your mom does."I said as he jumped up and started changing.I laughed as everyone left but us 2.I reached into my bag and pulled out a bracelet that he was waiting to give to one of his younger teammates before the third years left.I customized the braclet for him.It was black with a little spikes with a inside pattern of dogs."Here."I said as I handed it to him.His eyes lit up at the sight."I want you to keep doing a tradition for me.I want you to make a bracelet for your favorite younger teammate when in your third year."I said as he put the bracelet on."Thank you.I will fore fill your request."He said as he hugged me.I hugged him back and kissed his forhead."Now let's go pratice."I said as he followed me."That means I'm your favorite younger teammate."He said as I noded.I could tell he was gonna brag about it."About time.Let's start."Iwa said.And so practice began.

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