Finally Over

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Guilt is like a river, it is very heavy and strong, then it slowly evens out.

"Your over reacting!"Iwaizumi yelled as Oikawa cried even more."So sleeping with another person is over reacting?!"He screamed back.This is how it's been for a week, Iwaizumi kept coming home late and he had enough of it.He went to pick him up when he got off work and he found his husband a girl having sex in his office."You know what!?I'm done Iwaizumi!Take your stupid ring back!"Oikawa yelled as he threw the ring at Iwaizumi and stormed off to the bedroom.He quickly packed his things and headed for the door."Where are you going?!"Iwaizumi asked as he stood in front of the door blocking his exit."Away from you."He said as he pushed Iwaizumi aside and went to his car.He quickly put his things inside then drove off.Iwaizumi stood on the porch watching Oikawa drive away.Why?Was the only thought that crossed his mind.He drove to Makki and Mattsun's house letting his mind run miles around the track that was his brain.His heart felt broken, and like it just shattered in tiny pieces unable to put back together.He was only 30 minutes away from their house.He vision got foggy as his tears were suffocating his face.He didn't pay attention to anything until the impact made him regain focus.His car had been rambed into on the driver side by a black truck.Slowly he closed his eyes as the pain was unbearable.He heard the sound of an ambulance and a voice saying "Hold on for me.The ambulance is gonna be here any second."The voice was nervous and very worried.God it felt nice to be cared about.He finally closed his eyes feeling people touching him.Quickly he was rushed to the hospital almost dead but the paramedics found a pulse and kept him alive.

He could hear everything from his devastated friends to Iwaizumi.But he couldn't see, he was in a void of black.It reminded him of the sky at night time in the city.No stars were visible but the sky still looked so pretty with the black mixed with some dark blue and dark purple.He was trapped in his mind while the outside world freaked out.He was calm even though he knew what had happened.Makki sat down holding onto his hand explaining what happened."A drunk driver hit your car with his truck.Y-you have a 40% chance to live.You can't leave us.Please stay strong for us, please."He said through muffled cries which he assumed was because he was crying into Mattsun's shoulder.Prayers could be heard through the room."If he lives he will wake up in 1 year.If not he will never wake up.He had a lot of damage to his upper chest."The doctor explained as Oikawa tried to open his eyes but to no avail did it work.Everyone left except one person, Iwaizumi.He sat down in the chair next to Oikawa grabbing his hand holding on for dear life."I'm sorry.I'm sorry."He repeated over and over again until he burst out into tears."It's all my fault."Iwaizumi said in a voice Oikawa only heard once before in his life, when his mother died.Iwaizumi didn't leave until visting hours were over, leaving Oikawa alone in his head.Sure he thought it felt nice to see that Iwaizumi actually cared about him, but he never wanted to make anyone so upset.His mind was like a projector, it showed him the memories he wanted to see.He replayed the memories over and over until his mind shut off and left him bored.Everyday was the same, Iwaizumi stayed at the hospital with him arriving when visiting hour start and leaving when visting hours ended.He told Oikawa everything, like how he fired the girl after he found out she drugged him, how he learned to make milkbread for him, how he planned to spend all his time with Oikawa when he wakes up.Makki visted every two days updating him with what he's missing or how Iwaizumi was doing.Mattsun stayed with Iwaizumi when he wasn't at the hospital.Makki told him Iwaizumi wasn't eating unless being forced to.He told him how Iwaizumi only worked, slept a bit, and only ate when Mattsun was around.Oikawa realised how much everyone needed him.Some of his coworkers visted him telling him how there was no good designs for clothes because he wasn't there.Oikawa sparked the creativity when it came to designing clothes, without him everything was too bland.It has only been three months but everyone was heavily affected by this.Everyday Iwaizumi brought in his favorite flowers and told him each day how he was sorry.Oikawa wasn't much different from them, he felt bad.He couldn't do anything about this and it pained him.He desperately wanted to wake up and tell everyone how he was alright and alive but of course that never happened.At 11 months mostly everyone didn't seem as upset but more worried.Everyone that is but Iwaizumi, he was almost the same as day one.Expect he was a little more happy, Oikawa learned that he bought a bigger house for them and moved all his stuff in there.He told Oikawa that there was enough room for kids which Oikawa was always bugging him about before the incident.Oikawa did forgive Iwaizumi since it was not all his fault.Oikawa was happier than day one but he wantes to wake up and be able to show everyone he was alive and well.Everyday he reviewed those memories until his mind didn't let him.Today was the day when it had reached 1 year, the day that determineds everything.Iwaizmui was holdimg onto his hand tightly as the doctor explained that if he didn't wake up by the end of visiting hour then he wouldn't wake up.Oikawa always tried to squeeze Iwaizumi's hand but it never worked.He did the same thing everyday until he heard Iwaizumi gasp at the sudden tightness around his hand.He immediately called the doctor and the doctor said that was a sign he was gonna wake up soon.Every chance Oikawa got to squeeze back Iwaizumi's hand he did, it never failed make Iwaizumi happy knowing Oikawa was gonna wake up.Oikawa could tell it was around 5pm. because Iwaizumi usually fell asleep before Makki came to vist.Oikawa tried on last time to open those beautiful eyes of his and this time he could see, the white room, Iwaizumi who looked terrible, the machines hooked up to him, the flowers on the table in a vase.He reached over to Iwaizumi's face and gently caressed it as Iwaizumi leaned into the touch whispering "Feels like Oikawa's touch."Oikawa chuckled quietly as a doctor came in.The doctor explained all his injuries to him, he had a big gash that was really deep at his upper chest down the middle his chest from glass that was now stitched up, his left arm was bruised, his side he had a few ribs cracked and some broken that still needed to heal a bit.The doctor left leaving him with Iwaizumi.Iwaizumi had his own ring on his left hand and he had Oikawa's ring on his right pinkie since Oikawa's fingers were thinner than his.Oikawa slipped his ring off of Iwaizumi's pinkie finger and put it on his own finger.He looked at the engraving of a O and I, he missed wearing it.He directed his attention back to Iwaizumi noticing how he was wearing his favorite alien hoodie, that was a bit big on him.Iwaizumi had a bit of stubble on his face along with dark eyebags.Before he knew it Makki and Mattsun entered the room dropping their stuff almost shouting but didn't since Oikawa put a slender finger in front of his lips.They both quietly walked over to the hospital bed and hugged Oikawa, Makki crying tears of joy while Mattsun telling him everything after hugging him and getfing his husband to let go of Oikawa."So when are you gonna wake him up?"Makki asked pointing to Iwaizumi."Let him wake up on his own, he should be up in 30 minutes anyway."Oikawa said as Mattsun laughed quietly."Did you like memorize our schedule?"He asked jokingly as I noded.

"Makki, Mattsun shut up, I'm trying to sleep."Iwaizumi said as he slowly opened his eyes to see not two sets of eyes staring at him but three.He basically jumped out of his seat and hugged Oikawa tightly while letting tears escape his swollen eyes.Mattsun and Makki left to go get some food to let the two be alone."When did you wake up?"Iwaizumi asked as Oikawa smiled."About 2 hours ago."He said as he looked at Iwaizumi.took a deep breathe fiddling with his ring then switched to his other hand noticing Oikawa's ring wasn't on his finger.He slightly panicked as he checked his pocket for it.Oikawa took his hand and held the both of them up the his face showing him that he had his ring on his finger.Iwaizumi let out a deep breathe as he fiddled with Oikawa's ring."I'm sorry.I-"Iwaizumi tried to say but was cut off by Oikawa talking."Don't apologize anymore.I heard everything when I was in a coma."He said as Iwaizumi looked down."I forgive you, you idiot.Look back up."Oikawa said making Iwaizumi smile gently at his husband.Oikawa pressed a soft kiss to Iwaizumi's lips that was full of love which was returned."When do you get to leave?"Iwaizumi asked."Two days.They got to make sure everything is ok first then I get to come back home."He said as Iwaizumi smiled again."Home."He agreed then Makki and Mattsun came back in with 4 bento's."Here."Makki said as he gave everyone what they needed.I had downed 2 water bottles before I even ate.The bento's were ok for hospital food."So when do you get released?"Mattsun asked as Makki shoved a lot of rice in his mouth."Two days."Oikawa said showing two fingers."That's good."Mattsun said as he continued eating.I noticed Iwaizumi didn't eat all of his food, infact he ate about half of it."Eat all of it."Oikawa said as Iwaizumi took a sip of his water."I'm full."He said as Oikawa raised an eyebrow."Eat it all or I'm staying at Makki and Mattsun's house."He said as Iwaizumi grumpily started eating.A nurse came in and told us visting time was over."Bye guys."Oikawa said as the two lovebirds left."Goodbye Oikawa."Iwaizumi said as he kissed Oikawa before he walkes out, he left Oikawa's phone on the table next to his hospital bed.Iwaizmui always kept his phone charged for him.Things were shitty and now it was all good.Bads things happen for a reason, don't they?

Should a make a part 2 of this?Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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