Life after

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This us a part 2 to finally over

Life has been great since the incident.I finally got to see the house Iwa bought, it was really nice and spacious.Iwa did most of his work at home so he could spend most of his time with me.I made friends with the drunk driver, turns out his name was Trevor and he suffered from broken legs and a couple brusies.That was all a year ago, now things were different.My thoughts were interrupted from Kyoutani shouting."Mom!"He shouted as I quickly turned my head torwards him."Yes?"I asked as he pointed to his shoes."Dad couldn't get them."He said as I bended down to unknot his laces then tie them, Iwa still didn't know how to untie a knot."Thanks."He mumbled as I kissed his cheek and he ran to Iwa who was helping Kunimi put his coat on."Ready to go?"I asked as they noded and I ventured out the door with followers.Half way to our destination Kunimi tugged on my pant leg wanting up.I picked him up and balanced him on my hip as he snuggled his face into my chest trying to block out the bright sun."Mom, up."Kyoutani said as he tried to climb up my leg.For being only 6 he was very strong.I picked him up and put him on my other hip."Traitors."Iwa said as I laughed because the kids made fun of him.Even though everything seemed fine I still got eminence pain while doing some things because of the scar on my chest."Over here!"Makki said as he waved us over to the table his family was at."Hi Makki."I said as I sat across from Makki and Iwa sat across from Mattsun.We put the kids in the middle, Kunimi was next to me across from Kindaichi, Kyoutani was next to Iwa across from Yahaba.The other two children are Makki's and Mattsun's.They were pretty good friends and they made my two talk."So hows everything?"Makki asked as I took took a sip of my bottle of water."Good.What about you?"He asked as I smiled more brightly but I leaned over to his ear."Don't tell the kids but we plan on adopting two more kids."I whispered before leaning back in my chair."Really.That's great!"Makki said as I laughed as he blushed from embarrassment from being to loud attracting some people's attention."It is.What about you?Gonna get anymore?"I asked as he shook his head."Two little monsters are enough."He said as I laughed.We talked for a bit more before ws had to order food.After ordering Kyoutani got out of his seat and crawled into my lap facing Makki."What are you doing Kyoutani?"I asked as he looked at me innocently before he threw my water bottle at Iwa.I didn't know what to do so I laughed with Makki as Iwa grumbled and gave me my water back, I made sure to put it out of his reach this time."What was that for?"I asked as he smirked."Dad was talking about stupid stuff again."He said as Makki laughed at how brutal this child was."Let me guess, the new Godzilla movie?"I said as he noded and Iwa scoffed."Still the least favorite?"Mattsun asked Iwa making all the adults laugh but Iwa."It's not fair how they only like Oikawa."He whined as the kids colored on paper the waitress gave them."Dad look it's you."Kyoutani said as he shifted off his lap to show Iwa his picture.I don't think I have seen Iwa look more unimpressed and offended before."That's very accurate kid."Mattsun said as he Iwa groaned.The picture was a ogre looking thing.This kid definitely had my personality."That is definitely Oikawa's kid."Makki said as we laughed.Before anymore conversation could go down our food came and Kyoutani returned to his original seat next to Iwa.Yahaba was talking with his mouth full to Kyoutani as Kindaichi juat ate quietly.Kunimi was having trouble get his rice do I helped him a bit.

"What a eventful day."I said as I took off the kid's coats off then mine."Indeed."Iwa said as the kids instantly went upstairs to their bedrooms."So we ready for tomorrow?"I asked as he noded."Let's go tell them."He said as we both traveled into their bedrooms but didn't find them so we checked their toy room."Hi guys.We need to tell you something."I said as they looked at us confused."Tomorrow we are gonna get two new family members."Iwa said as they still looked confused."Your gonna have two new younger brothers."I said as there faces went undetectable."I don't want a new sibling.They will take you from us."Kyoutani said pouting."No they won't.You two will still be a priority to us no matter what."I said as I booped both of thier noses.Kunimi didn't really care but it took a bit to convince Kyoutani.The four will get along just fine I'm telling you.

"You ready to meet your new siblings?"I asked the two before opening the door to the building of the adoption center."Mmh."Kunimi hummed as he took Iwa's hand and Kyoutani clung to mine."Names?"The lady at the front desk asked."Iwaizumi's."Iwa said as she leas us to a room to the corner that we memorized from coming here may times before to meet these two."Here you go.They should have their bags packed and ready to go.One of you needs to fill out the paperwork. "She said as Iwa followed her.I slowly opened the door to see Tsukishima and Kagayama sitting on their beds.Kunimi and Kyoutani gripped both of my hands tightly."Hey Tsukishima and Kagayama."I said as they turned their heads to look at me."This is Kyoutani and this is Kunimi."I said as they walked up to me.I've already told them about these two."Are you ready to go home?"I asked as they both noded and got their bags.Lucky my car fit 8 people.

"This is your room Kageyama, feel free to wander around.Tsukishima yours is across the hall, the other two's are the rooms next to your, and the one at the end of the hall is our room."I said as everyone scattered to their rooms while I went downstairs to grab a snack, I decided on a piece of strawberry shortcake.I heard little footsteps come down the stairs and stop right behind me.I turned around with a mouth full of cake to see Tsukishima with his eyes focused on the shortcake I had.I swallowed my bite then took a piece with a small strawberry on it using my fork and held the fork infront of Tsukishima's face.His eyes lit up as he took a small bite.I gave him my fork so he could finish what's on it then took a smaller slice of the strawberry shortcake and gave it to Tsukishima after grabbing another fork.He happily excepted it and sat down at the table."Already feeding the kids sweets babe?"Iwa said as he came into the kitchen with Kageyama right behind him."Atleast I found something he likes."I said as I stuck out my tongue."Can I have more?"Tsukishima asked as I got him another slice again with more strawberries aince he seemed to like earing then first."Thanks."He said as he began eating his second piece."Kageyama do you want anything?"I asked as I opened the fridge to find a bottle of water.I turned back to see Kageyama's eyes resting on the cartoon of chocolate milk.I put my water on the counter then grabbed a glass and poured him some milk.I put the glass right in front of him with a couple of small powdered donuts on a napkin.He basically inhaled the milk then ate the donuts."Stop being so good with them."Iwa said as I laughed."Not my fault I pay attention."I said as the other two came running downstairs."Mom!"they both shouted as I turned to look at them, Kyoutani was running up to attach onto my leg while Kunimi had ran to my other leg."Yes you two?"I asked as they pulled me to the living room to make me read to them."Read."Kyoutani said as he took a book from the bookcase and pushed in in my hands before sitting on the couch with Kunimi."We should see if the other two want to listen first."I said as I went to the kitchen."Do you guys want me to read to you?"I asked as they both noded and followed me to where the other to heavens were.I sat down on the couch with two kids on one side then two on the other.I started to read the book Kyoutani picked out then let the others pick one book they wanted to be read.I learned that Tsukishima is obsessed  with dinosaurs as he went straight for a dinosaur book when he choose a book.I guess Iwa will have someone to watch Godzilla with after all.

I hope you enjoyed!

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