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Oikawa's P.O.V
Sure Kagayama and I act a lot like rivals but we just hid our feeling of care for eachother.He was like a little brother to me.My thoughts were interrupted by a call on my phone.I answered.

Can you come with me?

Yes I can, where are you?



I went to my car and drove there.I walked straight in his house with the key he let me have incase of emergencies."Kagayama?"I said as I moved to his room.I could hear faight cries coming from it.I opened his door and saw him curled up and crying."Kagayama what's wrong?!"I half yelled as I ran to sit next to him.He immediately hugged me tightly."H-he died!"He said as his crying increased.I knew he was talking about his grandfather.He was his only family member left."Oh Kagayama,it's ok."I said as I ran my fingers through his unbrushed hair."B-but I have no family left.I'll be put in a orphanage."He said as he buried his teary eyes face in my chest."It's ok Kagayama.Calm down I won't let that happen to you."Oikawa was a orphan himself but he moves out after he hit 18."How?"He asked as he looked up at me.I thought about it as he put his head down.Kagayama was only 17.He would only have to be there a year.Then it hit me."I'll adopt you."I said as he looked up at me surprised.I was 20 so I was old enough and had enough money."But i'll just get in your way.Plus what would Iwaizumi say?"He said as I looked down at him."O don't care what Iwa says.Plus I want to adopt you, your not gonna get in my way ok?"I said as I hugged him tightly."Thank you"He said as he fell asleep.Welp guess I'm gonna be here for a while.I'll go to the adoption center tomorrow.I whippes out my phone and texted Iwa.

I'm adopting a child.


I'm adopting a child.

You don't have to repeat gezz.Why are you adopting a child?

They either get sent to a orphanage for a year and leave their friends or I adopt them.

Oh my.What have you got yourself into.What their name?

Im adopting Kagayama.

Hold up I thought you hated him?!

I don't.He is like a brother to me.I'll always help him.

Ok ok.So you telling me your adopting Kagayama.Milk boy?

Yes I am.You cannot change my mind.

Ok.It's your life.

Good I would have done it if you didn't agree anyway.Bye.

I didn't want to listen to him anymore.I fell asleep.

I passed and adopted Kagayama.He was so happy.I don't think I have ever seen him smile that much."Thank you Oikawa."He said as he hugged me."Your welcome.I hope you like your new home.I had to buy a bigger house since you're moving in but don't worry.The walls are soundproof fyi.I don't want to hear what you and chibi~chan do."I said as he laughed.

"This is your room.We will go out later and decorate it how you like ok."I said as he looked fascinated at how big his room was."Thank you Oikawa."He said as he flopped down on the bed."Your welcome.Also the kitchen is stacked with food.Also with milk in the fridge in the garage."I said as he ran torward the garage."I love you!"He yelled as he ran.

At Karasuno's pratice

Everyone looked as the double gym doors opened.They weren't supposed to have any vistors.The door opened to reveal Oikawa walking in with goodie bags for the team."Oikawa~san what are you doing here?"Hinata asked."Hi chibi~chan.I'm here to deliver treat bags for my kid's team."I said as they looked surprised."Who's your kid?"Tanka asked loudly."How did you adopt one of us?!"Noya asked."Well they had no family left and we were like brothers so I adopted them so they wouldn't go to an orphanage."I said as everyone looked at me surprised."Oikawa I didn't know you could be that kind."Suga said as he gave me a pat on the back."God bless you Oikawa."Asahi said as he put his hands together as a praise."You didn't tell us who your kid is yet!"Noya half yelled."My kid is Kagayama."I said as I gave him two cartoons of a strawberry and chocolate milk."I thought you hated him?!"Suga asked."No we just acted like that.We are a lot closer than you think."I said as I passed the bags around.I put everyone's favorite foods in them."Thanks Oikawa."Kagayama said as he hugged me."The King can act nice?"Tsukishima said sarcastically.I rolled my eyes and hugged back."Also Kagayama and I moved so our new address is in the goodie bags."I said as I kissed Kagayama's forehead and let go of the hug."Oh my god Kagayama didn't kill him!"Hinata exclaimed excitedly.I saw Kagayama give him the death eye.I went up to Hinata and whispered "The walls are soundproof.You can scream all you want."He turned a cherry red as I laughed."I didn't know you basically act like a mother."Daichi said."Oh you should've seen him when I got a cut yesterday.He freaked out and helped me right away.It was funny."Kagayama half laughed.I rolled my eyes."Well at least I don't have pictures of Hinata hung on my wall."I said as he turned a bright shade of pink.I laughed and Suga hugged me."Thanks for doing that."He said as I pullled back from the hug."Don't worry I wouldn't let Kagayama go through what I had to."I said as Kagayama smiled at me."What the hell?!He is smiling!"Tanaka yelled."Shut up bald bitch."Kagayama yelled."Definitely my kid."I said as Suga hit my head."So are you staying for practice?"Yamaguchi asked."Of course I am."I said as they went back to praticing."Kagayama you got a lot better."Daichi said as Kagayama set a perfect ball."I had a little help."He said as he smiled at me.I smiles back.I taught that boy everything he knows.I have a date with Iwa later so I wanted to see Kagayama before hand.

"Kagayama Iwa and I are going on a date so I won't be home until 8pm.Don't burn the house down kiddo."I said as I ruffled his hair."Ok then I'm having Hinata over."He said as he looked back ahead as we walked back to the house."There are boxes of condoms, lube and bedsheets in the bathroom bottom cabinet in the back."I said with a wink."Oh shut up."He said as he walked faster.I caught up with him and stuck my tongue out and ran.

No one would expect to see Oikawa shouting at Kagayama to win at Kagayama's game.Everyone was surprised with his shouts torward the setter.He made the most noise out of everyone.He felt damn proud of it too.Of course he would go to his kid's game.He wouldn't miss it for the world.He wanted Kagayama to still have someone there for him at all times.He was gonna make that happen.

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