Kagayama's biologic parents

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This is a part to Family explaining what happened the day Kagayama's biologic parents attacked Oikawa and him.

Oikawa's P.O.V
"Bye Iwa!"I said as I kissed him goodbye."Bye Oikawa."He said as he shut the door heading to work."Kagayama baby come here."I yelled loud enough so he could here me in the living room."Here mommy!"He said as he smiled as he ran into the kitchen."Go get dressed baby.We are going out today."I said as he ran upstairs excitedly.I followed him upstairs, then went to my room and changed.I wore sweetpants and a black tshirt.I put on my black shoes and went back downstairs.I wanted to take Kagayama shopping for new clothes for him and also pick up groceries on the way back."Done."He said as we both walked torward the door.I think we'll take my car."Get in the car sweetie."I said as I locked the door.He went and sat in his carseat and I buckled his seatbelt in.
At the mall
We walked in the main entrance with me holding Kagayama,I didnt want to lose him.I turned into a big store full of children's clothing."Mommy can I get this?"Kags said as he was pointing at a shirt with a volleyball on it."Sure baby" I said as I got a basket and let Kagayama walk while holding my hand.He picked out a few more shirts he liked and I picked out bottoms for them."Mommy?Can I get this?!"He simaid as he pointed to a milk carton stuffed toy."Sure."I said as he picked it up and walked back to me to hold my hand.

We walked into the grocery store in the mall.I grabbed a cart and put Kags in it."Kagayama want do you want as your snack?"I asked as we rolled up to the snacks."Goldfish!"He said really happily.I smiled at him and got him a bag of goldfish.I picked out a couple of other snacks also.We walked to the produce section and picked out strawberries,bannas,kiwi, and apples from the fruit.I picked out a couple vegetables too.We walked down to the cheese and picked out a few.Then we went to the milk and got a jug."Mommy, can I get that?"Kagayama said as he pointed to little milk cartoons of different flavors.He was to adorable to say no too.As Kags got his milk I noticed a man and woman watching us.I shrugged it off.A lot of people were always looking our way when Kagayama calls me mommy.I guess people didn't expect it really."Kagayama let's get what other things we need then let's go.

We walked out of the grocery store and walked by a icecream shop.I stopped and looked at Kagayama."Do you want to get Icecream?"I said as he responded with nodding rapidly.We walked in the little shop and put our things in a booth then went up to the counter."Hello welcome to Sweet's Treats what would you like today?"A girl around 16 asked politely."One chocolate peanutbutter icecream with a waffle cone and one banna split please."I said as she made our orders.The same couple who was watching us earlier walked in and sat down.I just thought it was a coincidence."Here you go sir!"The girl said as she handed us our icecream.We walked over to the table and ate.When Kagayama was done he had a face full of chocolate.I wiped his face with a napkin we got."Thank you."He said as I finished with my banna split.I picked up our bags and took Kagayama's hands then walked out of the mall."Hey you usless brat get over here!"I heard someone shout as we were walking to the car.I turbed around to find the same couple from before."Mommy that's them."Kagayama said smas he hid behind me.I knew exactly who he was talking about, it was his biologic parents."What would you like with MY son."I said confidently as they walked close to me.At this point we were 6 feet apart."That little shit is not yours.He needs to come back home!"The male shouted."Leave mommy alone!"Kagayama said as he stood in front of me."How dare you yell at me you little shit!"The woman said as she went to kick Kagayama.I moved fastly so that I was infront of him.She kicked me in my leg.I hurt like hell."Well look at that the little shit has a protector.I wounder how long he will last!?"The woman said as they both hit me.Kagayama cried really loudly "Leave mommy alone you witch!"He said as he tried to run in front of me only to be held back by the male.The woman suddenly had a knife and sliced my arm a bit and then my cheek.I was bkeeding really bad.I snappoed when I heard my baby yell from pain.I turned to see the male slap his face.You know what was good about playing volleyball in high school?I could hit really gard and move fat.I jumped up and Knocked the woman out.I kicked the knife away from me when it fell by my feet.Then I went and punched the guy in the face and kicked him so he passed out.I quickly picked up my baby and walked a couple feet away."Stay here baby."I said very seriously.Kagayama was crying very hard.I pulled out my charging cord from my purse and tied up the woman then pulled out a broken headband and tied the male up with that.I walked back over to Kagayama and hugged him."Mommy your bleeding!"He yelled while cring more."Shh.Im ok baby it's just a little cut.I sat down on the fround with Kagayama in my lap becuase I was a bit dizzy from how much blood I lost."Hold on the police and ambulance are on their way."I heard someone shout before I passed out.
Iwaizumi 's P.O.V
I was watching the news because I was on break.Then came on was about something that just happened a minute ago.In the background I saw my husband get takwn away in a stretcher and Kagayama right next to him walking.Oikawa had cuts on him.I  quickly ran to the main office."Tell the boss I got to go.I just saw my husband on tv and he is getting taken to the hospital!"I yelled as I ran to my car and rove to the hospital.

Oikawa's P.O.V
I woke up in a room with very bright lights.I felt something curled into my side.I looked to find Kagayama holding onto me for dear life.I pulled him up to my chest and woke him up.My arm and face hurt like hell.Kagayama woke up and cried while hugging me very tightly."Mommy your ok!"He said as he hugged even tighter."Of course I am.I wouldn't leave you for the world."I said as I kissed his head as my room doors flew open to reveal my husband.He ran over to me and hugged both of us."Are you both ok!?"He asked loudly.He looked like he had been crying for a bit."We are both fine Iwa."I said as I kissed his head."But you hurt!"He argued."I'm fine ok.I'm alive and awake."I said as I made room on my bed for Iwa to lay pn.He layed down and curled into my side."You scared me."He said Quietly."I'm fine."Kagayama was back asleep."What in the world happened!"He asked."Well we went out shopping then when we got out his biologic parents came calling him names and other things.Then Kagayama stood in front of me and the woman tried hitting him so I protected him.I tied them up and passed out after."I said shorten the story."How did they get out of jail?"He asked."I don't know.After that the doctor came in explaining I got stitches on my arm and cheek becuaee the cuts were a bit more deep then I thought.He also informed us that they are in jail.He gave me pain medication and left saying that I was released.

Ever since then Kagayama has nightmares every week.

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