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Oikawa's P.O.V
I didn't know hiding your pregnant is so hard, like how do you hide throwing up from your husband and kid?I am one month in and it's hell for me.I threw up most if the food I ate and I was really moodly.I snapped at Iwa yesterday because he got the wrong icecream flavor, I felt terrible from it."Mommy, are you ok?"Kageyama asked as he knocked on the bathroom door."I'm fine baby."I replied as I flushed the toilet then opened the door."Are you sick?"Kageyama asked as I chuckled."I'm not sick so don't worry kiddo."I responded.Should I tell him then tell Iwa when he gets home?"How would you feel about a sibling?"I asked as Kageyama's face lit up."I'd love to have a sibling!"He exclaimed as a bright smile flashed on his face."I'm pregnant."I stated as he looked confused."There's a child growing in my belly."I stated as his eyes lit up and his hand made it's way to my stomach."Sibling is in there?"He asked as I noded."You can't tell daddy yet ok?"I asked as he noded with a big smile on his face.I decided to lay on the couch because I was feeling a bit nauseous, what I didn't except was for Kageyama to climb up and rest his head on my stomach.I smiled gently at the boy before the door opened, Kageyama immediately ran to go greet Iwa bedire I too got up."Hey babe."He said as I walked over to see him holding Kageyama."Hey Iwa."I said as he kissed my forehead before heading upstairs to change after he put Kageyama down."I'll go make dinner."I stated as I went to the kitchen, I wanted to surprise Iwa so I put the test results under his pillow, he'll find it later.

"I'm gonna go make the bed."Iwa stated as I watched him walk up the stairs slowly.I giggled softly when I heard a thump from upstairs, before I knew it Iwa flew down the stairs almost tripping on the way down.He had the results in his hand before he took a much needed breathe before walking over to me."You're pregnant!?"He exclaimed as I noded.He pulled me into a tight hug as I felt his smile against my shoulder."Does Kageyama know?"He asked when he pulled away from the hug."He does."I replied as he pushed me on the couch before lying on top of me, resting his head on my stomach.His smile never disappeared from his face as he caressed my stomach softly."How did you hide this for month?"He asked as I saw Kageyama sneak down the stairs."Talent."I teased as he chuckled before his head was accompanied by Kageyama's own one.Kageyama pushed his head away claiming the middle of my stomach for himself.I laughed softly at Iwa's stare he gave Kageyama before it got raspberries in response.They continued to push each other's heads off my stomach for five minutes before I grew tired of it."Stop fighting you two or I'll sleep by myself."I stated as they instantly stopped fighting, Kageyama liked sleeping with us since he didn't like to be alone.I slowly closed my eyes before falling asleep.

I was 8 months in and I was not left alone for a minute, I was only due next week.It was cute at first when they followed me around or helped me do things but now it was just frustrating, I wanted to do things by myself.Iwa gave me a cereal bowl before grabbing the coco puffs."Can I go out with Atsumu today."I asked."As long as I come with you, you can."He stated as he put my bowl of cereal infront of me."No, I'm going by myself."I stated as he gave me a challenging look, usually I gave up after that but I wanted to be able to go somewhere without someone."You will not go by yourself.End of discussion."Iwa stated as I rolled my eyes."Not end of discussion.I'm going by myself and you can't stop me."I replied as he glared at me."I can stop you and you will not go without me."He responded as I groaned."Iwa I am going.I don't need to be babysat, I'm 27 years old for god sake!I understand your being overprotective because I'm pregnant but chill out will ya?I can do things on my own, I don't always need help."I half yelled as he sighed."Fine, you can go on one condition."He stated as his face softened."You have to text me every hour your gone and where your at."He stated as I gave him a hug that he melted into."Thank you.I'll leave at 11."I stated as I finally ate my cereal as he ate his own.

"Do you know how hard it was to get him to agree to let me come alone?It was harder than finally getting in Ushijima's head that I didn't want to come to his stupid school."I stated as Atsumu laughed."Tell me about it, Omi won't let me go anywhere."He stated as I laughed.Atsumu was also pregnant but was 8 months in so Sakusa was always watching him like a dog, he was due some time in two weeks."So food then walking around the park?"I asked as he noded.We walked to the little restaurant on the corner, it wasn't well known but their food was heaven, especially their cakes.We ordered our meals and scarfed down our food before leaving after paying."I love walking in the park."Atsumu stated randomly as we wondered to a playground.I giggled as I ran to the swings holding one out for Atsumu.He got on and started swinging a bit but he didn't go high at all so I did the same thing as him, we weren't really supposed to be swinging but oh well."You excited to see your little boy?"I asked as he smiled at me."I can't wait to see him."He replied as he stopped swinging suddenly."Why'd you stop swinging?"I asked as I got off the swing and stood in front of his.My eyes glazed over his body before I noticed that his pants were soaked with liquid before he stood up slowly still in shock but his face quickly merged i to a pained look."Did you water jsut break?!"I asked frantic as I took a deep breathe before calling Suga, he lived less than 5 minutes from the park and Atsumu and Sakusa's house was more than 30 minutes away."Don't freak out."I said not knowing if I was telling myself that or Atsumu.About three minutes later Suga pulled up and we dragged Atsumu to the car."I told Daichi to call Sakusa."He stated as we headed for the hospital.Half way there I felt extreme pain before I noticed my pants and Suga's seat were wet."God down it, my water broke."I stated as Suga glanced at me."Contractions suck."I stated as Atsumu laughed but you could hear the pain in his voice.I fumbled with my phone before taking it out of my pocket before calling my husband."Hey babe."He greeted as I winced at the pain coming from my bottom half."Suga is driving us to the hospital because Atsumu's water broke about 20 minutes ago.Mine broke about 2 minutes ago."I sated calm before I heard Iwa running."I told you you should've stayed home!"He yelled in panic.I heard Kageyama's voice before I could hear him grab a few things."How are you doing?"He asked as I heard a car start up on the other line."Not too bad but it hurts like hell."I said as Suga pulled up to the hospital."I've got to go Iwa we're at the hospital."I said before he replied with a goodbye the I hung up."Atsumu you good?"Suga ssked worriedly as we looked at his pained expression."Other than painful contractions fine."He replied laughing but was cut off from him wincing.We walked to the desk bedore we had to wait and was it hell for us.I could feel my baby girl drop down and damn it hurt, Atsumu was having painful contractions before he felt his little devil drop a bit.We held onto Suga's hands before we were took to the back, we were in rooms right by eachother, I told Suga to go with Atsumu.I was quickly switched into a hospital gown before they checked how far I was, I was at 7cm already and it hurt like hell.Suga came in to see me and told me Atsumu was only 3cm.Suga left to go back to Atsumu after I convinced him to.Before I knew it Iwa flew into the room and held my hand."How far are you?"He asked as he put down the baby bag he remembered."7cm.Where's Kageyama?"I asked as he smiled."He's at my parents house, don't worry."He replied as he ruffled my hair before I winced in pain."How bad does it hurt?"He asked as I almost snorted."Getting surgery on my knee hurt 100 times less than this."I replied.My knee surgery was hell with weeks and weeks of physical therapy.About a hour later a docot came in and checked, I was at 10cm so I guess it was time.My god giving birth hurt like hell, each push felt like I was getting ripped in half.Poor Iwa's hand was almost purple from me squeezing it, but he still whispered words of encouragement to me through the whole thing.With one final push loud cries echoed the room as I got a glance at my baby girl, my god she was perfect.I was spacing out before I heard Iwa yelling at me to keep my eyes open, I couldn't help wanting to close them. Blurry figures ran around the room as some stayed near my bottom half, yelling could be heard before my eyes felt too heavy for me to keep open.

I woke up feeling energized but was met with a bright light shining on me.I saw a figure of what looked to be a angle waiting by the bright light."Hello Oikawa."It greeted me as I walked to it cautiously."Where am I?"I asked as the person smiled sweetly."This Oikawa is the in between.The in between is where you are between life and death."It said as my eyes widened.I was deadish?!"Is my baby ok?!"I asked frantically as the angle moved it's hand to show my daughter sleeping peacefully in a hospital crib.I let out a breahte I didn't know I was holding."It is time for you to choose child.Do you wish to continue on with life or do you wish to leave?"It asked as I didn't hesitate."Continue on with life please."I replied as the angle smiled."I shall see you another time my sweet child."It said as I noticed that this thing was a woman with white smooth hair going to her shoulders.She waved her hand a bit before darkness invaded my vision before a hospital room was in sight.I blinked a coupled of times before I noticed my husbands hand that I followed aith my eyes to his tear streaked face.I gently rubbed his hand waking him up before he hugged me tightly."Your ok!"He yelles loudly as I hugged him back."I'm ok.Stop crying, tears don't look good on you."I stated as he laughed before kissing me."How long was I out for?"I asked as he wipes his nose."3 days."He replied as I sighed."Can I see our baby now?"I asked as he shook his head."She's sleeping, plus you need to rest more."He replied as I grumbled a bit before deciding to fall back asleep.

I hope you enjoyed!Also thank you for all the ideas you gave me!idea from Fettyswag2004

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