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Warning!Talks about Suicide

Oikawa's P.O.V
I made my way to a group chat only a few know about.I mean we don't want anyone else to know about it.

Hey, hows it going?

Good therapy has helped me a bit.What about you guys.

Good but I'm not aloud to be alone.My brother follows me everywhere.

You have tried committing suicide 4 times in your life Atsuma.He just wants to protect you and be there for you.

I agree but you never answered how you are doing Oikawa.

Decent but same old shit.Iwa bullying me, the whole team bullying me, and parents still fighting.

That reminds me you never told us how many times you have tried to commit.Tendou has 2 times, me 4.

I'll tell you.I have tried 12 times.

Holy crap.When?

That's alot.

6 times in middle school, 2 the first year of high school, 2 the second year and 2 this year.

That recent?!


It's fine.I'm fine.Don't worry

Does Iwaizumi know?

No, just you 2.Should I start going to therapy.

I think going would be good.It helped me and Tendou alot.

I agree.It has helped me more than you think.

I'll schedule a appointment for tomorrow.So still getting bullied.

Ya, the usual.Me being a monster and saying how im not good enough for Ushijima.

How about you Atsuma.Sakusa still pushing you away and everything.

Yep and the team bullying me.I mean Kita and Osama are defending me but it still sucks

I know what you mean.

Guys!Check the number of people here.

I quickly checked how many people were in the groupchat to see four.Oh no!We added Kenma and forgot to take him out.Shit!

Oh shit.We forgot Kenma was here.

I know.My phones blowing up with messages.

Mine too.I'm guessing he told everybody already.

Ya I would say so.My phones going berserk.Oh shit we have to explain everything to them.Kill me now.

Welp they were going to find out anyway.Let's go see how it goes.Best of luck.

How could we be so stupid.I didn't want anyone to know.I opened my messages to find messages from everyone but about 100 from Iwa.I quickly read over his messages.Oh shit he's coming over.Welp guess i'm gonna wait.I'm in deep trouble.I was pulled out of my thoughts when my bedroom door slammed open."What the hell Oikawa?!"Iwa half yelled, half cried."Iwa?"I askes as Iwa basically jumped onto me and latched onto me.He started full out crying."Why didn't you tell me?"He asked loudly but soundes like he had no emotion."I'm sorry.I didn't want you to worry about me."I said as I too started crying."You should've told me.It's my job to worry about you."Iwa said as he started littering my face with kisses."Why didn't you tell us that the bulling was hurting you.We would've stopped."He asked as he looked into my eyes."I thought you guys wouldn't care and continue."I said quietly as Iwa felt a pain pull at his chest.He started crying. Heavier.I gently ran my hands through his hair.He slowly started calming down, his cries turning into soft hiccups."We care more than we think you do Oikawa."Iwa said as he leaned onto my touch."I realised that.I did."I said as I pulled my hand away from his head and held his hand squeezing it hard.My hand had a hard squeeze in return."I'm taking you to a therapist.You need to let everything out someway."He said as he stood up dragging me up with him."Don't worry I have one already scheduled."I said as he started to lead us both to the couch downstairs."Ok but I'm coming with you.I refuse to let you go alone."He said as we sat down.He got up to go make us food when the doorbell rang.He tried to open it but I reaches it first and opened the door to be faced with my team.They all rushed in at once and hugged me tightly crying.I heard apologies inbetween each cry.I couldn't hug all of them at once but that didn't stop me from trying."Guys it's ok, please stop crying."I said as they shook their heads no."No it isn't."Yahaba said through hiccups."I forgave you guys already."I said."Ok guys get off him, your suffocating him."I heard Iwa say as all but one got off me and stood in front of me.Kyoutani stayed on me hugging me burying his face in my shoulder."That means you too Kyoutani."Iwa said as he attempted to pull him off of me but gave up."Over my dead body are you pulling me off."He remarked back as he held on tighter to me.Never thought the big bully would act like a little kid.Iwa was about to speak when I stood up carrying Kyoutani.He hooked his legs around my waist and held onto my shoulders.I could tell Iwa was glaring at him.I walked over to the couch and sat down.Apparantly everybody wanted to claim a spot to lean on or sit on.I had Yahaba and Kyoutani sharing the space on my lap and chest hugging me tightly.Maki and Mattsun claimed my left shoulder as their spot, they were nuzzing their face in my back.Kindaichi and Kunimi took my right shoulder fighting over it but then settled down.Then Watari took the middle of my back.Everyone fell asleep on me.Iwa took out his phone to take a picture."Well looks like I'm sleeping on the recliner."Iwa said as I grabbed his hand as he passed me."Yes you sleep there, but can you get the stack of blackets in my closet and cover them up.I cannot physically move."I said as Iwa laughed."You really are like the mom of the team you know.I mean they all fell asleep on you and you always worry about them."He said as I rolled my eyes.He quickly went upstairs to retrieve the blackets leaving me with a bunch of teenages laying on me.I could feel some spots on my shirt wet from their tear stained faces.I slowly started caressing Kyoutani's back as he was moving around a lot.He stopped moving and I took my hand away.Then a raspy voice spoke."Can you keep rubbing my back?"I heard Kyoutani ask as he put his head under my chin and on top of Yahaba's head.This was the first time I heard him ask for something and say please.I hummed as I went back to caressing his back.A couple of them moved a bit to find a comfier position.I'm so happy the couch is big in width and base.I luckly could fit everybody on it.Well everybody except Iwa.Speaking of Iwa he came down the stairs and put blackets on all of them."Kyoutani must really like you because I've never seen his soft side before."I noded at him as he put his pillow and blacket on the recliner to sleep.I took turns in kissing everyones head as I heard snickering.I turned my attention onto my boyfriend taking pictures of us."Really?"I said as I rolled my eyes at him."Yep.I couldn't resist the opportunity to get you acting like their mom."He said as I leaned back into the pile of teens."Oh shut up
If i'm the mom then your the dad of the team."I said as he shook his head at me."Nope I abandon them.Their your responsibility now."He said as he laughed quietly."Well I'm tired so good night."I said as I slowly close my eyes hearing a "Goodnight" before I was out cold.

I've never seen so many teens blushing when we showed them 1 picture.All it was was them sleeping on me.Iwa sent me the picture and I went and got a couple copies of it printed.I bought a new frame and put the photo in it.This is one memory I'm not gonna forget.

Also for this I'm going to do Tendou's and Atsuma's P.O.V.I'm also going to do one of Oikawa's P.O.V in the morning after this.

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