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Oikawa's P.O.V.
Today is mine and Iwa~chan's 3 year anniversary.I'm so excited to see what he has in store for me.

  Good morning Iwa~chan.

Leave me alone Shittykawa, I'm studying.


No buts leave me alone


Guess he forgot about today, huh?Tears were brimming my eyes but I quickly wiped them away.Maybe I should go hang with Tendou today.

Hey Tendou, do you want hang out?.

I'd love to sis but isn't it yours and Iwaizumi's anniversary today?

He told me to leave him alone because he was studying.

Aww babe.Lets go to the little cafe you love.Love you ~❤

Ok love you too~❤

I started heading toward the cafe when I ran into someone."I'm so sorry."I apologized quickly."Oh, hi Ushijima." "Hello Oikawa."For minutes we stood talking until I remembered that Tendou is waiting on me."Oh shoot I got to go, Tendou's waiting on me, bye Ushijima." "Bye oikawa."

As soon as I arrived I went straight to sit at the table my red head friend was located at."Oikawa what took so long?" "I ran into Ushijima on the way here and we chatted a bit." "Ok, so what are you gonna do about Iwaizumi?"Tendou spoke while the waiter placed down my milkbread and boba tea and Tendou's boba tea."I think im just gonna hang with friends today and see how long it takes him to even realize it's our anniversary today if he does."Being completely truthful I felt hurt knowing Iwa isn't gonna even realize what today is."Well let's get all the bottoms together and have a sleepover at my house."Tendou said as he interrupted his thoughts."Sure seems like fun, what time?" "5:00, five hours from now."With that they left the cafe going separate ways.

I was currently at the store buying groceries for his house, until I stumbled down the jewelry aisle, I found a matching pair of bracelets which were silver and had the words "All that you are, is all I'll ever need"Of course I bought them.Iwa wasn't one to admit anything but he loved bracelets.The sleepover was 2 hours away so I had to quicken his pace.

Iwaizumi's P.O.V
I got done studying a few hours ago, I'm very bored.I was checking my phone, there was a lot of messages but none from Oikawa.I clicked on Sugawara's.




What are you on about

What's today

July the 12th, why

Look at you calendar stupid

I immediately looked at my calendar.Oh shit, today's Oikawa's and I's anniversary today.I immediately started getting dressed in nice clothes.I've had this day planned for months and I forgot it was today.I quickly took my present out from in my closet and ran towards my car.

Suga where is oikawa?

At a sleepover at Tendou's with all the bottoms crying over a stupid boy.He literally soaked my shirt.You better have something planned.

Oikawa's P.O.V
I was currently crying on Akaashi's shoulder soaking his shirt.My tears kept coming back after I thought about that stupid Iwaizumi.How could he forget our 3 year anniversary!"Oikawa~san stop crying, he is not worth wasting you tears on."Hinata said making the cute face he makes when he is mad.I laughed.I moved off of Akaashi and looked to my left to see Suga carrying a tub of peanut butter fudge icecream."Thanks Suga." "Your welcome hun"

We were currently doing my nails."What colors do you want hun?"Tendou asked as he got out a big case of nail polish."That one and that one please."I pointed at a teal and a light blue."Any reason why you pocked those colors babe?"Atsuma said."Mine and Iwaizumi's favotite colors."I spoke with a hint of sadness in my voice."Aww babe dont thin-"Tendou was saying but was interrupted by the doorbell.Everyone headed down stairs to answer it.Who was at the door I didn't expect."Iwaizumi?"I pushed through everyone to stand at the front of the group, staring at him."Look I know it wasnt right of me to forget our 3 year anniversary but please listen to me."Iwaizumi spoke fiddling with his hands."Ok what do you want."At this point everyone was holding Kenma back from punching Iwaizumi out of anger.To be honest Suga wasn't doing to well holding himself back either.Everyone went back upstairs to listen in on the top of the staircase where they couldnt be seen."I'm sorry Oikawa.I know I shouldn't have forgot our 3 year anniversary today and im sorry I told you to leave me alone.I've had this planned out for months for us and me being stupid I forgot.So will you let me make it up to you now.I have everything planned but all I need is for you to say yes."I looked at him blankly.I didn't know he had it in him.Part of me wanted to slam the door on his face and walk back upstairs but I didn't.Instead I agreed."Fine, but let me get my stuff first."I walked upstairs to be greeted with all them looking at me."Are you sure Oikawa?" "Yes Akaashi, I want to see what he has on store for me and then i'll see if I forgive him."Everyone muttered a be safe and bye as I left.

We arrived at a spot where we used to hang out a lot when we were younger, a spot in the woods that had a clear area.Set up was a picnic surrounded by fairy lights hanging from tree to tree.Everything looked so pretty.I must of zoned out because Iwaizumi gently taped my shoulder.I turned and looked at him.He was wearing the same outfit I bought him a year ago because I thought he looked good in it but of course he never wore it until now.He lead me on to the the picnic blanket.In the picnic basket there was milkbread, sandwiches, carmel apples , a water and a sweet tea."When did you have time to set this up?"I asked."I set it up before I went and got you." "Thank you Iwa~chan."I said as I took a bite of my sandwich.Iwa blushed a bit before pulling me against his chest as we ate.We took about a good 10 minutes eating everything.Iwa layed down on the blanket and motioned for me to lay next to him.I layed down right next to him."Oikawa, do you forgive me?"He said as he wraped his arm around my waist."I do Iwa~chan."Suddenly he got up and helped me up.He motioned for me to take his hand.I took it and he pulled me close to him."I know I haven't been the best boyfriend.I know I push you away at times.But please remember I love you."I didn't know what to say."So Oikawa would you take my hand and and dance with me?" "Yes!"I quickly put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist.We danced for about 20 minutes until he lead me over to a hill not far away.We layed down and looked at the stars.I started pointing out all the constellations I knew.Then I looked over to Iwa, he was on one knee and had a black box open in his hand."Touro Oikawa, will you make today the best day in my life and marry me."I started crying while screaming "Yes!"He slipped the ring on my finger.We shared a very needed kiss."Is this what you had planned for months?" "It is dear."I looked at the ring it was gold with a row of diamonds in it."We should go back to my house so I can give you your present." I said as we started walking towards the car."What kind of present?"he asked smirking."That and something else." I said as I pulled out the case of the bracelets."Here I got them for us, since you love bracelets."I said as he put on the bracelet that matched mine.He quickly kissed my lips before driving off to my house.Best night ever.

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