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Oikawa's P.O.V
I was really happy for some reason today.I skipped over to the gym for pratice."Good morning eveeyone!"I said as I ran to change.I heard a couple grumbles of a response.

"Oi shittykawa come set for me"I said as I obeyed and walked over to him.For a whole 30 minutes I listened to him talk crap about me and call me names.But one thing made me snap."No wonder your parents left you."Iwa said as I clenched his fist.I took the volleyball he had and spiked it into his head."Your a dick!"I screamed.Iwa got back up and looked at me like i'm crazy."What the hell Oikawa?!"He yelled.The yelling caught the rest of the teams attention."What do you mean what the hell!You brought that upon youself Iwaizumi."I said as I packed up my things then went to change."Oikawa where are you going?"Makki asked as I quickly threw on my clothes."Home."I said as he noded.He understood I didn't want to talk about it.I walked out of the locker room and looked at the team.They were still in shock."I'm leaving.Practice is over.Mattsun lock up please."I said as I walked out the door.He didn't have to bring up my parents.Fucking asshole.Why the hell am I dating him.I mean he treats me like shit!All I do is treat him nicely.And what do I get in return, nothing, absolutely nothing!"I was so caught up in thought that I didn't notice I bumped into someone."I'm so sorry."I said as a hand reached down to help me up since I fell."It's ok Oikawa."I looked up to see Terushima."Oh, hi Terushima!"I said as I was back on my feet."You ok Oikawa?You look pissed."He said as he gently caressed my cheek with his hand."The usually, Iwa being mean.But this time I snapped after he said stuff about my parents."I said as he looked at me with concern."Oh god.I'm sorry you had to be reminded of them.It's not your fault they died."He whispered in my ear as he hugged me tightly as tears streamed down my cheeks.Everything I was holding back is coming out now."Do you want to stay with me.I can ask to see if you can go to pratice with us."He asked as he smiled gently.It felt nice to have someone care about you."Sure, but can you give me a piggyback ride?"I asked giving him puppydog eyes hoping he would say yes."How could I not.Get on."He said as I jumped on his back and wrapped myself around him.He started walking to his house.We've had sleepover things like this before so I had clothes at his house.I got bored along the way and played with his hair.It was a bit spikey but really soft.I heard a soft chuckle emerge from Terushima.I buried my face in his hair and fell asleep.

I woke up in Terushima's spare bedroom.I quickly checked the time on my phone and noticed many missed calls and unread messages.Most were from the team but some where from the other teams.I simply ignored them not wanting to talk.I put on a oversized shirt in the drawer and headed down stairs."Hey Terushima."I said as I sat on the couch leaning against him."Hey Oikawa.Fell a bit better?"He.asked as he rubbed my back a bit.His massages were legendary."A bit better.My phone is blowing up though."I said as I leaned more on Terushima."I know when I went to check on you all I could hear was your phone buzzing."He said as he laughed."So what do you want to do today?"He asked as I shifted my position to face him."I want to get a tatoo and a couple piercings."I said as he noded."Let's go now then.Go get dressed.You can't stay in my t-shirt forever."Terushima said as he got up making me whine.I was touch drived.I slowly got up and followed him upstairs.

"Dang this place is crowded."Terushima said as he looked around the mall."It is but the stores over there Teru."I said as he laughed turning a slight shade of pink."Right let's go.Btw what tatoo and piercings are you getting?"He asked as we were infront of the shop."My tattoo is going to be 3 butterflies.My piercings are going to be both ears and then nose ring, maybe a eyebrow one too."I said as he raises an eyebrow.

"You look great Oikawa."Terushima said as he snapped my picture."Thanks but come over here so we can take a picture together mister tongue piercing."I half laughed as he made his way over to me overly swingong his hips.I snapled the pic and put it my insta."Do you want to get clothes?"Terushima asked eyeing a specific store."Sure but I'm not dumb sis."I said as we started walking."I don't know what you mean."He was definitely going there to check someone out.The store was filled with clothes to the brim.My luck they were my style.I followed Terushima's eyes to a man at the front desk.He looked no younger than me and was beautiful.I nudged his side a bit."I'm going to go look.Are you coming or gonna keep watching him like a creep."I said as he jumped out of surprise then looked at me with a maddish look..The whole time we both tried on clothes and bought so many.I learned the man at the front was named Carter.He was 18 like us and went to school around here.They definitely knew each other.

I flopped into my temporarily bed and fell asleep.I would go to school with Terushima tomorrow so I needed to rest.2 days left with Terushima.

There will be three parts to this.

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