Enough is enough

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I walked into pratice like normal, everything normal, getting insulted by my team and boyfriend.Who knew words hurt so much."Oi Shittykawa keep your eyes on the ball and set for me."Iwaizumi demand as I forced a smile as I set the ball but the ball was a bit too low, Iwaizumi still managed to hit it though."What the fuck was that?!"Iwaizumi asked as I looked at the gym floor."Pay attention!"He demand as I felt like crying but sucked it all up and set the ball again, this time it was perfect, atleast I thought it was."That was shit."Iwaizumi stated as I looked at the clock, only 10 more minutes."Hey captain, can you help me set?"Yahaba asked as I noded and walked over to him."Like your gonna learn anything from him."Kyoutani mumbled as I helped Yahaba."Go change and go home."I said as practice was over, I started to clean up the gym.Everyone already left as I let my tears fall as I made my way to the locker room to change.I slowly walked to my house as I dried my tears, my hands were a bit wet but I didn't care.As soon as I got home I threw my backpack down and checked my phone when I reached my bed, I was getting notifications from the team group chat.

He's basically a door.

Mad dog sent a attachment

That's fucking hilarious.

It is very realistic.lol

Why is he even our captain.We don't need him.


You should be nice to captain.

Nobody cares.We'd be better off without him.

After reading everything tears flowed down my cheeks.Did they really not need me?You know what they do need me more than they think.Suddenly an idea popped in my head.

Nobody's P.O.V
"Where's shittykawa?"Iwaizumi asked as the team shrugged their shoulders or said they didn't know.Coach stepped into the gym making everyone stand around him to hear what he had to say."Oikawa quit the team.Yahaba your captain. "He said with a sour expression.Losing your best setter and the captain made coach pissed, he knew exactly why Oikawa quit but didn't tell them.Oikawa and him did make a deal though."What?!"They all shouted at once, many had faces of surprise, others didn't seem so upset and those others were Watari and Kindaichi.Oikawa told them why he left and how he'll keep in touch, of course they wished him the best but they knew his plan."Why are you acting surprised, you should've saw this coming."Kindaichi stated catching everyone's attention.Coach walked out not wanting to hear the team."What do you mean?!"Iwaizumi asked as Watari shook his head in disappointment."You guys made fun of him and treated him like shit, what did you expect?"He asked as he and Kindaichi went to practice in the corner far from the others.Everyone had shocked expression, some had ones of full of hurt and sadness."I guess let's start pratice."Yahaba said as he looked down at the floor, ashamed of himself.

Oikawa's P.O.V
I was having the time of my life, I decided to take a trip to America for a month.I took all my belongings with me, I rented a apartment for a month in NYC.New York was way cooler than I thought, the food here was different but amazing and tasty.I quickly set up my apartment and headed to bed, I was a bit jet-lagged.

I quickly threw on a outfit and grabbed a bunch of money I had and ventured into the street while taking pictures.I headed straight for the shopes first, New York had a amazing choice of clothes.I returned back to my apartment about 3 or more hours later, but I got a lot of cute clothes.I even made a friend with my neighbor, her name is Lexie and she's lesbian.We clicked instantly, we talked for hours until it got dark.She lived here normally so after a month I won't see her for awhile.I was definitely coming back here sometime.While out clothes shopping I did get food also.I quickly made some ramen then went to bed.America was hella fun and exciting.

Nobody's P.O.V
The team all headed to Oikawa's house expect Watari and Kindaichi, they knocked three times before Iwaizumi just pulled out a key Oikawa gave him.The entered the apartment to see there was nothing there but furniture, none of Oikawa's stuff, some photos were missing."Where the hell is Oikawa?!"Iwaizumi yelled frustrated."I don't know.None of his stuff is here."Makki said as he looked like he was about to cry.Mattsun wrapped a arm around his boyfriend and brought him into a warm hug."Oikawa, this isn't funny!"Iwaizumi yelled as he searched the entire house for Oikawa but he found nothing.Iwaizumi quickly looked for any notes and surprisingly he found one.

Dear my ex teammates,

I know you'll find this letter eventually.As you know I quit the team and I'm not at home.I'm staying somewhere until I forgive you.(which I don't know if I will)After a month I will be back home, until then you will be on you own since you don't need me.I'm sick and tired of your insults and other bullshit.I hope your behavior changes.This is goodbye for now.Good luck with the pratice matches.I wish you goodluck you ungrateful brats.

P.S.Iwaizumi you have your own personal letter underneath this one.

The team broke down into tears as the letter was passed between them.Iwaizumi took his letter and read it.

Dear Iwaizumi,

I'm not breaking up with you but if you keep insulting me it will turn out with you single.You have been a major reason I left, your my boyfriend but you don't act like one.When I get back you better have yourself together.

Nobody expected Iwaizumi to break down crying from writing but when it happened everyone was surprised.Iwaizumi walked to Oikawa's room and laid on his bed crying his heart out while the team cried downstairs.Karma happens doesn't it?

I hoped you enjoyed!There will be more parts of this.

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