Perfection doesn't exist.

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No one is perfect, no one can be perfect, no one has the perfect life, only cowards still pretend they do.

Warning!This has related topics to suicide and attempt of suicide.

Oikawa's been suffering with depression since the age of 12.No one knew about it, not even Iwaizumi knew.His depression started when his parents abandoned him, he was left with his aunt.His aunt tried the best she could to help him cope but it was no use.Since then, the boy used fake smiles and faked his confidence, insults from people just made everything worse and they caused him to cut.He laughed off every insult his friends threw at him, but in reality the insults drowned him.When he turned 16 the voice in his head appeared and he listened to everything that voice said.Sure if you asked him to roll up his sleeves you'd find no cuts but if you asked him to look at his stomach or thighs he would neglect the order.Now things have gotten a lot worse.

Oikawa's P.O.V
Another worthless day.I sat up and turned off the alarm clock before letting out a groan, why the hell was school so early?!I took a shower avoiding the mirror best I could, I hated how my body looked.All the damage I did to it, all the scars, my thinness, I learned how to shower with my eyes closed because of it.I knew what I was doing was wrong and not healthy but I had no control.I quickly wrapped bandages around the cuts on my waist I did yesterday then I quickly changed into my clothes, a sweatshirt and sweatpants.I better meet Iwa outside of my house before he storms in and yells at me.You deserved to be yelled at.I noded, I knew the voice was right but I still rushed downstairs and on my porch."Took you long enough shittykawa."Iwa grumbled as I put on my fake smile."Mean Iwa~chan!"I fake whined as he hit my shoulder."Shut up."He stated as he started walking to school without me.Even your bestfriend doesn't want you, how pathetic.I quickly caught up with him as I yelled at my mind to shut up.

As I walked through the halls to my first class I could see people whispering about me."Look at the fag."A boy said as he let out a laugh as he pointed at me."I know, how did he even get in the volleyball team?"A girl whispered back."He probably sucked the coach's dick."The boy whispered back as I walked faster to class.I dropped myself into my seat before taking out the homework that was due.Of course the same boy from earlier was in my first period class.His name is Andy Smith and he's been tormenting me since I came out a bi.Reporting him was off limits because he is the principal's son so I would get in trouble instead.He's right and you know it.I shook my head lightly."I don't even understand why a worthless human like you is alive, you'd be better off dead."Andy whispered in my ear as he oassed my desk.Just kill yourself, it'd make everyone's lives better.I know it would, believe me.I must've spaced out for awhile because class was already over.

"Hey flatass where are you going?"Iwa asked as I walked away from my last ckass and torwards the door."I'm going home Iwa~chan."I stated happily."Ok, your gonna have to walk by yourself, I'm gonna study at the library."He replied and walked away from me as I truned the opposite direction and headed out.I ran home and locked the door, I couldn't do it here.I ran upstairs and wrote on some paper before running off to the cliff that overlooked the city, one of my favorite spots.

Just jump already!Not now, not yet.I want to see the sunset one last time before I go.Just end it already.No one's gonna search for you.I know they won't and that is why I want to wait til the sun has left the sky, no one cares anyway.I hummed as I swung my legs that were off the edge.I stared at the rocky path below me, there was no chance of survival with the pointed rocks, sure the cliff wasn't that high but the rocks were sharp enough to go through you body if you landed on one.I sat there for hour on hours just staring at my death.The voice never left me alone, it just shouted at me to jump already.The sun was falling ever so slowly but I've had this planned out for weeks now and I wasn't going to screw it up.The only reason I chose to wait for the sunset to be over was because before my parents neglected me we watched the sunset every night.But things change, I know exactly why they left and it stilled burned my heart to think about how they left because of me.They wanted a daughter but instead had a son that they decided wasn't perfect so they left, they just left without a word.Days on days I waited for them to come back but I just gave up.Now I'm giving up completely.I wonder if anyone found my letters yet?Nobody cares so why would they find them?I know they'll find them a bit too late.I watched as the golden orange slowly faded to a blackish blue before taking a deep breathe.Should I jump or fall.Jump!Jump!Just jump already you worthless idiot!I guess I'll just jump then.I stood up and stood right on the ledge of the cliff, never thought the ground could look so soft."I guess this is goodbye."I whispered as I leaned forward a bit."Goodbye cruel world."I stated as tears streamed down my face and I was about to jump but got startled by a voice."Oikawa don't!"The voice yelled as I turned around to see my best friend running torwards me.I lost my balance and fell back onto the ground below.

Nobody's P.O.V
A loud thud indicated he hit the ground but he was still able to be saved, he didn't land on any rocks instead he landed on the small patch of ground there was ."Oikawa!"Iwaizumi screamed as he ran down the path that lead to where Oikawa's body was.As soon as he saw the boy's blood scattered on the ground he rushed to check for a pulse, and luckily there was a very weak one."Hold on Oikawa, the ambulance should be here soon."Iwa stated as tears flowed on the boy's head that was now in his lap.He was smart, he called a ambulance before he reached this place.The sound of sirens put Iwaizumi in relieved state but nothing could bring his mood up.The paramedics quickly rushed to Oikawa after Iwaizumi called out for them.Then Oikawa was taken to the hospital with Iwaizumi right behind them in his car.

You never no something is important until you lose it.

I hope you enjoyed!There will be a part 2!

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