Meeting 2

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This is Part 2 to Meeting.

Iwaizumi's P.O.V
Ever since I met Oikawa I couldn't stop thinking about him.Whenever we went to the park I would look for him or Kageyama.We've hung out a lot since then, the kids really like eachother even though Kunimi doesn't really play with them.My thoughts were interrupted by Kageyama and Kyoutani running around Oikawa's house as we sat on the couch.I noticed how Kunimi had climbed up on Oikawa and curled into him as he slept soundly.Oikawa only smiled at him and ran his fingers through his hair gently.The kids really like him alot, as soon as we get home they go on for hours about Oikawa and I admit it was very cute.I noticed how the other two stopped when they realised Oikawa had Kunimi, they climbed up on him and cuddled into him without disturbing Kunimi."Snuggle bugs."Oikawa whispered as Kageyama shifted a bit so he was listening to Oikawa's heart beat.Kyoutani was quiet and calm which was surprisingly, he was not one for being touched, yet there he was snuggling on Oikawa.I could tell Oikawa liked me and I had the same feelings, I planned to ask him out on a date but it seems that would happen later.With three sleeping kids on him he looked tired as well, he shifted a bit making sure not to disturb the kids and leaned against my chest a bit.He was passed out in a few seconds so I wrapped my arm around his waist a bit and pulled him closer without waking up the kids.There was no point in trying to get up so I just watched the four of them sleep a bit before I too fell asleep with my head resting on Oikawa's shoulder, he smelled like lilac.

I woke up to see Kageyama looking at us from the floor, looks like he woke up first."What are you doing buddy?"I asked quietly as he looked at me realizing I was awake."I'm hungry."He stated as I shifted Oikawa off of me and let his head land on a pillow nearby, the other two followed with him."Come on, I'll make food."I stated as I walked to the kitchen with him behind me.I took out the ingredients for Tempura(a fried dish made from fish, shellfish or vegetables.)"You make mommy happy."Kageyama randomly stated as I made the batter."Your mom makes me happy too."I replied as he smiled at me and held his arms up.I lifted him up and put him on my shoulders as he giggled, he held on tightly to my hair but I didn't mind.I heard footsteps before the Oikawa entered the kitchen."Mommy!"Kageyama exclaimed as he reached out for Oikawa.Oikawa laughed then took Kageyama and held him."What are you making?"Oikawa asked as I turned my attention back to frying the fish."Tempura."I replied as he put Kageyama down."Need any help?"He asked as I noded."Can you set the table please?"I asked as he noded."Go play with Kyoutani and be careful not to wake up Kunimi."He told Kageyama as he ran out of the kitchen and to the living room.

2 year later

Oikawa's P.O.V
I walked downstairs to see my fiance making breakfeast."Good morning babe."I said as I kissed his cheek and started the coffee pot."Good moring Turoo."He greeted back as little footsteps came down the stairs."Good morning Mom."Kyoutani said as he sat down at the table."Good morning Kyoutani."I replied as I ruffled his hair a bit before drinking my coffee.More footsteps could be heard before tbe other kids entered the kitchen and sat down waiting for breakfast that was jsut finished."Good morning mom."They said before Hajime put waffles on their plates along with the other plates.It's been two years and I couldn't wish for anything more in life, Hajime proposed to me a year ago, and we adopted one more kid.Watari is younger than the others but he is a sweetheart.We sat down ant ate our breakfast peacefully until Kyoutani and Watari decided it was play time, they both ran off to the play room as I sat down on the couch with a content sigh escaping my lips.Hajime sat right next to me before Kunimi climbed up on my lap and sat there just staring at me before I leaned down and kissed his freckle covered cheek.He instantly curled up in my lap before falling asleep, he always made me kiss his cheek before he went to sleep."I want up."Kageyama whined as he tried to crawl on my lap but there was no space.Hajime pulled him into his lap before he settled down, he slowly closed his eyes griping onto Hajime's hand as he slept."Why do they always want you?"He complained as I laughed gently."They just like me better."I replied back as he furred his eyebrows before alughing with me."I wonder what the other two are up to?"I asked as he shook his head."Better not to know."He responded as we heard a loud clash come from the play room.I slid Kunimi off on the couch and ran to see what the noise was only to find that the little heavens had knocked down a wood decoration from the table.The decoration was broke in half and couldn't be fixed, not liked I liked it anyway.Actually I was trying to convince Hajime to get rid of it because having a random piece of wooden clown is totally normal, it wasn't really special to him so it was fine.I quickly threw the piece away before turning back to the kids."How did that happen?"I asked as they both looked down as of in shame."We were running around the table then we knocked it down."Watari said as Kyoutani noded."Are you guys ok?"I asked as I checked them for any damage but found none."I feel fine."Kyoutani said as Watari noded."It's ok I didn't really like it anyway."I whispered in their ear as I pulled them into a hug.The giggled cutely before Hajame came in the room."What did they do this time?"He asked as the two his behind me."Broke the ugly clown wood piece "I replied as he rolled his eyes."It wasn't ugly.Be careful you two."He replied as Kyoutani hoped on my back as I picked up a piece of paper from the ground, Watari followed and now two kids were on my back holding on for dear life."Up."Kunimi whispered as I noticed his and Kageyama's presence, they were both in front of me making grabby hands.I pulled both of them up so they rested on my hip, Hajime took a picture before taking the two rascals off my back."Put me back."Kyoutani whined as Hajime laughed."Nope, you are perfectly fine being held by me."He replied as Kyoutani glared at him."I like mom better."He responded making Hajime gasp."I'm hurt, my own kids like the annoying human better."He replied as Kyoutani and Watari left his arms."Mom spoils us sooo."Watari said as he blew rasberries at Hajime before running off to the living room as Hajime followed playfully.I couldn't ask for a better life then the one I have now.

I hope you enjoyed!

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