Snaps Part 2

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I was awoken up from my beauty sleep by Terushima throwing a shoe at me.A shoe!"What the hell Terushima!"I half yelled half grumbled as I attempted to bury my face back in the pillow."We have school!"He reminded me.With that I jumped out of bed and quickly changed in front of Terushima.We have seen eachother naked before so it wasn't weird or unusual."When are we leaving?"I asked as I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen."10 minutes so eat up and grab the blue lunch box on the counter.I packed you a lunch."He said as he started making his own lunch.I quickly thanked him and dug in."Come on Oikawa!We have to go!"He shouted as we put my backpack on."Ok I'm coming!"I yelled as i ran to the door, opened it,  and walked to the car.

"It's so crowded here!"I complained.We were walking down the halls heading to a spot to eat outside."Well you have fangirls everywhere.Deal with it."Terushima said as we arrived at a table outside with no one else."Do you sit by yourself usually?"I asked as we both plopped a squat down."Yes I do.I hate how loud everyone is."He said as he started to eat.I noded and began to eat my lunch.My lunch consistented of a piece of milkbread, 6 sushi rolls, a Gatorade, and a bag of crackers.It's been awhile eating something made by someone else.I mean I live alone and have no parents so no one really can make food for me.Terushima grabbed my arm gently to snap me out of my thoughts but I flinched and jumped out of my skin.I felt pain erupting from a scar on my back getting ripped open."Ow!Fuck!"I shouted as Terushima looked at me concerned."Did you tear a scar again?!"He asked worriedly as I noded.He quickly took out bandages and cleaning alcohol from his bag.He walked over to me and I took off my shirt.No one was around so there was no chance of someone seeing my scars.He wiped the blood oozing out of the cut and cleaned it.I winced slighty.He wrapped the scar with a bandage and I put my shirt back on.The scar was from a year ago when I was handed over to my uncle to be taken care of.He abused me badly and raped me all the time.Thanks to a family friend he was sent to jail and I was aloud to live alone."You ok Oikawa?"Terushima asked as he sat down next to me and hugged me."I'm fine now.Thank you."I said as the bell rung.We stood up and walked to our next class.


Answer me!


I was trying to sleep but got woken up from his phone buzzing.


When are you coming home

Tomorrow night, why?

Iwaizumi won't do anything

What do you mean he won't do anything

He won't eat, he won't sleep,he won't come to school, he misses practice, all he does is sit all day in bed and cry.

Have you tried to do anything help?

The whole team has but nothing works.Everytime we try he tells us to go home and let him sulk.


I felt a sting in my chest when I read the messages.I guess it's nice to know he cares but he needs to eat and sleep.

I'll come home tomorrow morning.Don't tell anyone yet.Where is he at?

He's at your house, he refuses to leave it.He snuggles with your alien stuffed animal though.

Ok, see you tomorrow 
and goodnight


I felt terrible knowing Iwa was tearing down his mental and physical state because of me.I know I shouldn't be feeling so bad but he still is really important to me.I powered off my phone to prevent myself from calling him.I'll see him tomorrow there is no need to call him now.I walked over to Terushima who was watching tv on the living room.It was a Friday so no school tomorrow."Hey Terushima I'm leaving in the morning."I said as i stood in front of the tv."Why?Did something happen?"He asked as I could.see a bit of worry in his eyes."Iwa is basically not doing anything but cry in my bed.I have to check on him before he gets worse."I said as he came and put a hand on my shoulder.He was trying to comfort me but it wasn't gonna help."Ok but don't blame yourself ok?You didn't know he would act like this.Plus the dude needs to feel like how you did."He said as I looked at his eyes."I know trust me.Just because I'm going back doesn't me I forgive him or anything."I said as he noded and ruffled my hair.I walked back to the bedroom and flopped on the bed face first.I let out a sigh and pulled out a picture out of my pocket.It was when Iwa and I had our first date 2 years ago.He took me to the movies and then we watched the stars.I put the picture back in it's original place and pulled the covers over my body.I have to admit, I missed Iwa badly but I didn't want to forgive him without a apology first.I drifted off to sleep wondering how tomorrow was gonna go.

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