Life in America

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This a part 2 to Enough is Enough.

"You're telling me you've never had a cheesesteak before?"Lexie asked shocked as I laughed awkwardly."I haven't."I replied as she looked at me in disbelief."You are trying one today.Now let's go shopping."She stated as she lead me to a random shop.Sure things were overpriced but who cared?I went to the book section of the store to find the romance novels, surprisingly I found 3 I liked.I went to go find Lexie before I paid, she was looking at the beanies."Which one should I get?"She asked as I looked at the two beanies she held up, one was black while the other was a dark shade of purple."Purple."I stated as she put the black back."That's what I was thinking."She replied as we made our way to the checkout.

"This is so much fun!"I exclaimed as we entered a anime store, I instantly found myself in the My hero Academia merch.I picked up a Kirishima plushie before looking around more, I picked up a Deku plushie.Deku is Watari's favorite character so I got it along with a Denki plushie for Kindaichi.Then I passed the Demon slayer merch and picked up a Tanjiro plushie, it was Yahaba's favorite character.I guess this trip turned into getting plushies for the team."Why do you need so many plushies?"Lexie asked as I smiled at her."I'm getting one for me and the rest are for the team."I stated as she rolled her eyes."I can't believe you still get them crap after how they treated you."She scoffed as I laughed."I have a feeling they'll apologize."I stated as we payed for everything.She got a few posters of a anime I didn't recognize.I wonder how the team is doing.

Nobody's P.O.V
The team was miserable and everyone noticed it.Iwaizumi was the worst though, he always lingered around Oikawa's house hoping he would be back, but of course he wasn't.Iwaizumi would throw on a hoodie he stole from Oikawa before this happened and then he would sit on Oikawa's bed waiting for him to come home.Watari and Kindaichi missed captain but they were proud of him, he finally stood up to them.Kyoutani became quiet and only spoke when needed, there was no insults or smart remarks leaving his mouth.Yahaba became very stressed and often was unorganized, he forgot when they had practice only to be reminded by the Makki or Mattsun.Makki acted like normal but you could see the sadness in his eyes whenever he saw something that reminded him of Oikawa, he was breaking slowly.Mattsun was far upset but still tried to cheer his boyfriend up or create a distraction, but nothing worked.Kunimi spaced out a lot more and didn't talk only responding with a nod or a shake of his head.Coach informed Oikawa on the teams state, Oikawa did feel bad but they needed to learn.Coach always watched how depressed everyone looked, some had eyebags others had no motivation to do anything.The whole team had a crater where Oikawa used to be but now all it is a spot full of regret and sadness.They had a practice match soon and everyone would notice Oikawa not there.How the hell were they supposed to pull this off without the heart of the team?

2 weeks later

Oikawa's P.O.V
America was really fun but I missed everyone dearly.Coach imformed me at the end of each week how they were doing and to be honest they weren't doing well.Coach said they lost the pratice match by a lot, the score was 15 to 34 and it was a pratice match against Fukurōdani.The actual match was in 2 weeks, right after the day I returned.Lexie helped distract me from them though, she introduced me to one of her friends that I could tell she had the hots for.Lexie couldn't take her eyes off Sasha and it's funny because Sasha snuck glances at Lexie.They liked eachother but were chickens so a little push in the right direction wouldn't hurt.All three of us were gonna hang out but I canceled with the excuse "I had make up work to do", I didn't really, I finished all my makeup work for the while month awhile ago and now it was just the two of them.I sighed as I looked at all my messages I received today from the team, each one tried to contact me.I scrolled to Maki's messages, to be honest I wasn't that mad with him because I knew he only did it because he would get teased and made fun of if he didn't.A knock on my door made me chuck my phone on my bed as I proceeded to make my way to the door, I opened the door to find someone I did not expect."Makki!?What are you doing here?!"I asked as I stepped inside to let him in."How did you find me?"I asked as I sat down on the couch after closing the door, Makki just stood awkwardly in front of me."I got Kenma to hack your phone."He replied as he scratched his neck."So let me get this straight, you got Kenma to hack my phone to find out where I am, then you fly out here."I stated as he noded."Why did you come here?"I asked as his face saddened."To apologize."He responded as he took a seat on the floor in front of me."Well?"I asked as he took a deep breathe."I'm sorry I made fun of you all the time.I'm sorry I never stood up for you when they made fun of you.I'm sorry I didn't notice how you were feeling, and I'm sorry I was a terrible best friend."He stated as tears slowly prickled his face.I sighed then hugged him tightly as he hugged back tighter."I forgive you Makki."I stated as he compied the smile I had on my face.

As I was lying on the couch letting my fingers move threw his hair a thought overcame me."How long are you staying for?"I asked as he smiled."Until you go back home."He replied as I smiled."Hows the team?"I asked as his smile faded."Not good.You leaving took a turn for everyone."He replied as I noded."I've heard.Does the team know your here?"I asked as he laughed."No, I told them I had to vist my grandmother's for the time being.Only Watari and Kindaichi know I'm here."He started as I noded."So how's America so far?"He asked as my smile brightened."Good!I made two friends so far, one my neighbor Lexie and her crush Sasha."I said as he laughed."Your way to excited."He stated as I laughed."We have to go shopping!"I exclaimed as I shot up off the couch with Makki behind me."Fine with me."He replied as grabbed my keys and flagged down a taxi once we got by the road."The food here is amazing."I stated as a excited look flashed over his face when we pulled up to a street with a bunch of clothing shops.I guess one has been forgiven.

I hope you enjoyed!

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