Mom 2

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This is a part 2 to Mom.

"Kyoutani!Hurry up and get your ass down here or your walking to school!"I yelled as I was waiting by the door with two lunchboxes in my one hand then a backpack in my other."I'm coming!"Kyoutani shouted as I laughed seeing Kyoutani almost trip down the stairs rushing."Here."I said as I handed him his stuff then walked out the door and to the car.I started the car as Kyoutani locked the door then hopped in the car."You ready for the dance after school?"I asked as he looked out the window."Not going."He said as I shook my head."Oh no, you are going."I said as he grumbled "I have no change of clothes anyway."I already knew he was gonna pull that excuse."There is a suit in the back in your size and then one in my size, plus a couple ties to choose from and some shoes."I said as he looked pissed."I don't have anyone to go with anyway."He said as I smirked."Yes you do, I set you up with Yahaba so be grateful brat."I said as we pulled up to the school."See you at lunch!"I shouted as he ran away from me and to his classes."Are you terrorising Kyoutani again?"Iwa asked from behind me as I grabbed my bookbag."You know it."I said as we started to walk to class."You really played him like that."Iwa said as he laughed after I told him what happened in the car."I did, he needs to socialize and I am sick of him sneeking glances at Yahaba."I said as we reached class.

"So how was your day so far kiddos?"I asked the team as I sat down to eat at our table."Good."Kindaichi said as most of the answers consistented of good, decent and fun."Excuse me Oikawa?"Someone said behind me as they tapped my shoulder.I turned around to see one of the spoiled rich girls behind me with heart eyes."Yes?"I asked as the team looked at us."You should go out with me."She said as the whole team's facial expressions changed completely and Iwa was death glaring her."Yeah, no."I said hoping she would juat leave but she didn't, instead she looked angry."Why not?!I have money, looks and would be good for your reputation!"She yelled catching others attention but most ignored her."He said no.Now scram!"Makki said as she laughed."Watch your words pretty boy, I could get my dad to sue you."She said as Makki mocked her."Oh shut up!Oikawa is the only reason the team is great, all the rest of you suck!Having gays on a volleyball team is ruining our reputation, our reputation would be better and so would our volleyball team without you faggots!"She yelled getting the rest of the cafeteria's attention fixed on us.Iwa and I were open with our relationship but some people didn't get the memo or it could be the fact he didn'treally show much affection."Ok listen here you selfish litttle slut!"I yelled as I got up from the table and pushed her back.Everyone was very surprised from my action."No one, and I mean no one insults my team!Who cares if they are gay?Literally no one but the spoiled little brat in front of me!You know what?!"I yelled as I pulled Iwa up from his seat and kissed him in front of the while cafeteria."I'm gay and in a relationship!So please move your spoiled little ass away from this table and leave us the hell alone!"I yelled as she ran away crying.The whole team was clapping for me and Iwa was a bit red but still clapping.I faced the rest of the cafeteria."If I found out any of you insult my team, I am not afraid to commit murder."I said before I sat down and finished my lunch.Everyone was silent except my table."Never thought you had it in you."Mattsun said as Iwa laughed."That was nothing, someone picked on Yahaba the one day and the dude ended up with 2 broken ribs."Iwa said as their eyes filled with shock."Mom!You said you were only gonna talk with him."Yahaba said as Iwa laughed."Funny thing is the dude was in wrestling too."Iwa said as I shoved my mouth full of my last bite of milkbread."That's nothing."Kyoutani said as I looked at him dead in the eye hoping he got the message not to tell them."He couldn't have done something worse then that."Makki said as Kyoutani laughed."You promised you wouldn't tell them!"I whined as he shook his head."What did he do?"Iwa asked wondering what in the hell have I done worse then breaking two ribs."A dude kept bullying me and hitting me, Oikawa found out one day, so he broke the guys nose, twisted his right arm, kicked him in the dick, broke two pf his fingers, gave him multiple bruises and then spat on him.It was hilarious to watch."Kyoutani said as the team looked horrified."What happened to the guy?"Kunimi asked as Kyoutani smiled."He didn't tell anyone because he was so scared to and then moved away."Kyoutani said as Iwa looked at me worried."What the hell babe?!"He asked as I laughed."And I'd do it again."I said as the team laughed.

"Hurry up and grab your suit, shoes and a tie!"I said as he grabbed his suit which is black with a white undershirt, black shoes and a red tie."Chill out."He said as he walked back inside.I took the white duffle bag out of the trunk, shut it, then ran off to the locker room to change.I choose a different outfit then the one I originally planned because of that spoiled girl.I made sure I was the last person there before changed.No one knew my outfit choice, and no one will find out until I enter the gym where the dance is gonna be.I quickly put on my outfit.I was the last one to enter the gym and when I did everone gasped.I walked down the clearing to my team."Oikawa you look so pretty!"Yahaba said as he looked at my outfit.I was in a turquoise dress withthe top laced and a skirt that went just above my knee and that was a bit puffy.I had on earrings that matched the color of my dress and high heels.(like this one)

"Never thought I would see you in a dress

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"Never thought I would see you in a dress."Makki said as I watched Iwa's expression."Do you like it?"I asked as I spun around to give them a whole view.Most of them said they liked it while Iwa didn't say anything."Iwa~chan?"I asked as he snapped out of his own world and back in reality."You look beautiful."He said as the team laughed."Thanks Iwa~chan!"I said as blushed a bit."Hey Oikawa want to get some puch with me?"Yahaba asked as I agreed and followed him to the punch table."I need your help."He said as he turned to me with a cup of punch."With?"I asked as he blushed pink."Confessing to Kyoutani."He said as I squealed."Ask him to dance when a slow dance comes on then confess."I said as he noded."Thank you so much."He said as I hugged him."Now let's get back to the team before they get suspicious."I said as he noded and we started to walk back."Did you shave your legs?"Kindaichi asked as he pointed at my legs."Yep!"I said as I drank my punch but it was grabbed out of my hand by Iwa, he finished what was left in the cup."The slow dances are gonna start soon."Mattsun said as I snuck a glance at Yahaba, he looked a bit nervous."Great, let's head on the floor!"I said as I walked away to the dancefloor with them tailing behind.I made sure Iwa and I were next to Yahaba and Kyoutani so I could see how it went.The songs suddenly switched to a a slow, calm song.Everyone coupled up and started dancing but I eased dropped into Yahaba's and Kyoutani's conversation."Hey Kyoutani."Yahaba said as Kyoutani looked at him as they danced."What?"He said as bit harsh but that was his personality.Yahaba took a deep breathe before speaking again."I like you."He said as Kyoutani looked surprised."What?"He asked."I like you as more than as a friend."Yahaba said to make himself clear."I like you too I guess."Kyoutani said as Yahaba looked really happy."So will you go out with me then?"He asked as Kyoutani ruined the moment."Why else would I say I like you too dumbass."He said as I cringed.He was never good with words that matched his feelings."Stop spying on those two and focuse on me."Iwa said making my attention be centered on him."Fine."I said as I looked at him."Did they finalky get together?"He asked as I noded and leaned against his body with my head on his shoulder."Wanna get food?"He asked as I noded and headed to the food table leaving him.He followed me and found me mumching on a piece of milkbread.He grabbed a cookie then stood next to me then ate.I scanned the crowd looking for familiar faces.Makki and Mattsun were snogging eachothers faces off by the bathrooms.Kunimi and Kindaichi were dancing on the left, Kindaichi was still having a bit of trouble.Watari was dancing with one of his friends on the right.Everything was how it was supposed to be.

I hope you enjoyed!

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