Heard you crying

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Oikawa's P.O.V
I could hear a whole fight coming from the other side of the wall of my apartment.I could here shouts and little cries from another side.I desperately wanted to know what was going on over there.I stayed up all night listening to them.

I knocked on my neighbor's door to reveal a man about in his fourties."Hello.What do you need?"He asked as I examined him.He had bags under his eyes and cuts and bruises on his arm."I wanted to know if everything is alright over here.I heard the fight go down and wanted to make sure everything was ok."I said as he looked at his arms."Everything's fine, just a fight with my wife."He said as he looked up at me.He looked to be a weak state."I can tell it's not sir.You have bruises and cuts on you.The least I can do is help you care for them."I said as he sighed."Come in."He said as he walked very slowly to the bathroom and grabbed the medkit there."Daddy?"A little boy around eight asked."I'm fine Kagayama."He said as I looked at him concerned."Who is this?"Kagayama asked."The neighbor to the right of us.He wanted to help me."He said as I took out everything I needed to help him in the medkit."Oh, thank you stranger!"He said as he ran to the elder man."You can call me Oikawa."I said as I treated the elder man's wounds."I'm Chris and this is my son Kagayama."He said as I wrapped his wounds."You got a cute fellow there."I said as I pointed to Kagayama."I know.Best son you could ask for."He said."Can you tell me what happened yesterday?"I asked hoping to get a answer."I'll tell you since you helped me.My wife goes out everyday and usually spends a lot of money without telling me first.So naturally I get upset with it and we started arguing."He said as he took a break to take a sip of water he had."Then the argument lead to her hitting me.Poor Kagayama was in his room the whole time crying.The thing is though with the money.I'm the one that works not her.I work all night, then in the morning I come here and rest.She just leaves every morning before I arrive.I can barley watch Kagayama anymore."He finished."Oh my.If you need someone to watch Kagayama I would gladly agree to it.The boy is very sweet.But I have one question."I said as he raised his eyebrow."I noticed you look like you are in a weak state.Is there any reason why?"I said as he sighed."I have Cancer.I take pills and stuff for it though.But I don't know how long I have left."He said as he gently cried.I walked over to him and hugged him."If you or Kagayama ever need anything you tell or ask me ok?"I said as I slipped him my number."Thank you so much dear."He said as Kagayama came back in the room and hugged me."Thank you."He said as I hugged back."Of course little one."I said as Chris got some pills out and swallowed them."Well it was a pleasure being meeting you but I sadly must return next door.Please call me if anything happens, ok?"I said as Chris noded his head.

This repeated every day, The fight happens and I go over to help with his wounds.Kagayama comes to my place often.Until Kagayama ran onto my apartment."Oikawa help!Daddy!"He yelled as we both ran to the apartment beside mine."Chris?"I asked as we went to the bedroom."Chris what happened?!"I exclaimed as I saw that he was really pale and weak looking."I forgot to take my pills yesterday.I had to hurry to work."He said in a quiet voice."I'm taking you to hospital.Not taking your pills once isn't gonna cause this."I said as I told Kagayama to get dressed."Fine Clara threw them out.I've been without them for a week."He said I picked him up and motioned for Kagayama to follow.I put him in the driver seat but he was losing consciousness."Hey stay awake for me please."I said as we where half way there."I can't."He said as he passed out.When we arrived he was immediately taken back.

"Hey Kagayama go in before me and check on daddy please the doctor needs to talk to me."I said as he went in the room."What's the news?"I asked hoping for the good."He doesn't have long to live, maybe 2 weeks at most."He said as I started crying."Also why are there cuts and bruises on his arm?"He asked looking me directly in my eye."His wife abuses him.She has also hit me."I said as he took notes."Ok I'm gonna need you to come back out and explain to the officer that should arrive in 20 minutes.Other than that your free to go."He said as he walked away.I walked into the room.Chris was held at to see Kagayama crying in his chest.I went up to them and pulled them into a hug."I don't want to be stuck with Clara!"He yelled."You won't be, Oikawa is your guardian after I die.You won't see her anymore becuase she is getting taken away."He said as I smiled.At least I got Kagayama.I don't think I could watch him get sent anywhere else."Also Oikawa you get the money I have left.I put you in my will to have everything you want."He said."You didn't have to do that.I'll be fine."He said as Chris took his hand up to rub Oikawa's cheek."I know but you have helped me.so much.But I need you to promise me something."He said as I titled my head a bit in confusion."Promise me you will take care of Kagayama and give him the loving home he deserves.I also want you to confess to that boy."He said as I cried more."I promise.How did you know I liked him?"I asked."You talked about him all the time."He said as he laughed. "So I will be staying with Oikawa?"Kagayama asked.He noded at his son and handed me a box."I want you to continue my family tradition of using these for me."He said as I opened the box.Inside were two very shiny golden rings."I can't except this Chris."I said as I tried to give it back to him."No you keep them and use them kid."He said as he rufled my hair.

The next 2 weeks went by very fast.Clara got arrested for abuse and fraud from gambling.Kagayama has been staying with me since then.Chris made people make our two apartments conjoined and remodelled.I couldn't dread this day more.We were told he passed away 2 hours ago.Kagayama gripped onto me as we both cried.

"Hey daddy it's been two years.I miss you."Kagayama said as he cried."Hey Chris, even though I didn't say it enough thank you.You gave me alot of things I neved had.You gave me a figure to look up to as a father figure.I kept your promise of confessing to Iwa, we are together now.I will continue to keep my first promise to you."I said as I placed his favorite flowers on his grave.Kagayama came up and hugged me becuase I was crying.Then Iwa came and held all of us."It's ok."He said.He reminded both Kagayama and me of Chris.They were so much alike."Mommy can we go now?"Kagayama asked as he pulled on my sleve.I stood up and shaked the dirt of of me and got up."Sure sweetie."I said.I was mom and Iwa was Iwa.Kagayama didn't want to call anyone else daddy and we respected that."Daddy can you pick me up?"Kagayama asked as he pulled on Iwa's pant leg.Iwa looked like he was about to cry."Sure bud."He said as he put him on his shoulders.Iwa smiled at me and I returned it.This kid is our light to the dark.

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