You fucked up

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Omegaverse UA

Iwaizumi's P.O.V

If I could go back in time, I would take back every word I said to Oikawa five minutes ago.I fucked up really bad.Why am I so stupid?!

Five minutes earlier

Oikawa's P.O.V

"You seriously don't see anything wrong with smelling like another omega!?"I shouted."No I don't!Your just being dramatic!"Iwaizumi shouted at me."You just don't let another omega scent you than expect your omega to be fine with it!"I yelled.What the fuck is wrong with him?!The damn bitch that scented him has a crush on him not to mention, so of course I'm angry about it."She was having a bad day!"He shouted."Mhhm"I said as his next statement made me freeze."I wish I never bonded with you!Your just a needy little whore who thinks they can control me!"He yelled as I looked down.I released a large amount of sour pheromones."I'm leaving."I said as I started to pack a bag and head out the door."Wait Oikawa, I didn't mean it!"Iwaizumi yelled as he tried to run after me but I was already driving away.I drove to Suga's house and knocked on the door."Hi-Oh my what happened?!"He said sounding worried."Can I stay here?"I asked as he noded and brought me in.I put my bag by the door then sat on the couch with him sitting next to me."What happened?"He asked as I finally released the tears I was holding back."Iwaizumi and I fought."I said as Suga started stroking my hair softly."Why did you fight?"He asked as I looked down."He let another Omega scent him and of course I got mad.Then he yelled at me that he wished we never bonded."I said as my crying increased."Oh Oikawa."Suga said as he hugged me tightly."That's not even the worst part."I said as Suga looked at me confused.I got up to pull something out of my bag."Oh my god, Oikawa your pregant?!"I said as he looked at the ultrasound."Yep and I was gonna tell Iwa earlier but the fight happened."I said as Suga sighed."I'm sorry Oikawa.You can stay with me as long as you neef."He said as I hugged him tighter.
Iwaizumi's P.O.V

Shit!Shit!Shit!I didn't mean to say that.I stood there on the sidewalk before I went back inside.The house spelled heavily of sour omega pheromones.I opened a couple windows before I went to bedroom and sat on the bed.If only I didn't let her scent me then everything would be fine.I would be sleeping with Oikawa tucked into my arms.I don't remember when I started crying but the tears wouldn't stop falling.Why did did I say that?I love him more than anything.Everything was fine then I fucked it up.God damn it!I hit the wall before I went to the closet to take one of Oikawa's sweatshirts.(Oikawa always bought larger sweatshirts than he needed.)I pulled it on to have my nose be filled with his scent.I decided to lay in bed a bit before taking a shower.As I was looking for the toothpaste in the drawers I saw something that caught my eye.There was a positive pregnancy test in the far right corner.I quickly grabbed it and realized how bad I fucked up.He was more emotional because he is pregnant and I fucking said I wish we didn't bond.My first thought was to call Daichi for advice so that was exactly what I did."Hello?"He asked sleepily."Hello, I need help.I fucked up bad.Really bad."I said as I could hear feet shuffling on the other side of the phone."I'll help you but what did you do?"He asked as I explained everything to him."You fucked up real bad Iwaizumi.If I'm being honest I don't know if you can fix this."He said as I sighed."I know but I want to try.I'm not losing Oikawa and the baby easily."I said as Daichi sighed."Ok we'll do this tomorrow goodnight."He said as I was left alone in a house that didn't feel right.I couldn't sleep at all.

Oikawa's P.O.V
I decided to go back today even though Suga said I could stay as long as I needed but I didn't want to bother him."Be careful, ok?"He said as he hugged me."I will."I said as I started the engine.I was so nervous to go in bit I also was very scared.What if he broke up with me?!Ok, calm down.I took a deep breath before I opened the door to be greeted by our dog Buddy.As soon as I stopped petting Buddy I was engulfed into a hug from Iwaizumi.I didn't know whether I should hug back or not so I didn't do anything but I could see a look of hurt on his face as I pushed him away.I walked up to the bedroom to put my bag there.The room smelled heavily of upset alpha pheromones.It honestly felt nice knowing he felt terrible.It was very rare for alpha's to release these pheromones not to mention make a whole room smell like them.The smell was really affecting me.My inner Omega was screaming at me to go hug him but I was not doing that.I opened the window to air out the room before I went back downstairs to find Iwaizumi exactly where he was before."I'm sorry Oikawa."He said as he looked at me directly into my eyes."Sorry doesn't make anything better Iwaizumi."I said as he cringed at the sound of his first name."I know.I'm really sorry Oikawa.I am.I love you more than anything.I didn't mean what I said.I don't regret bonding with you, it actually was the best thing to happened to me.I'm sorry I thought letting another omega scent me was fine.I know your a bit more emotional than normal and tend to get more jealous but that doesn't give me the right to make you cry.I know about you being pregnant, I found the test in the bathroom.I understand if you don't want to be together anymore and I'll accept whatever your decision is.I know I was being a terrible alpha but can you forgive me?"He said as he bowed down to me as a act of apologies.I don't know whether to forgive him or not."I forgive you but you have to make it up to me.Now get up and stop weeping."I said as he instantly pulled me into a hug peppering my face with kisses as his pheromones changed from upset to happy.A low rumble erupted from my chest as I smelled his happy scent.Iwa instantly let a deep rumble erupt from his chest as we sat down on the couch cuddling."Here."I said as I took the ultrasound out of my pocket and handed it to him.His eyes lit up as he looked at the picture.He set the picture on the table next to then pulled up my shirt and started kissing my stomach as I giggled.I could hear him whispering apologies to the baby as I laughed.He stopped to kiss my lips before he wrapped me in a tight hug."My perfect omega."He said as he started purring again making me smile and pur again.I started scenting him as he did the same.We either smelled too much like bad pheromones or like other people."You mine."He said as he licked my bonding mark making a shiver go through my spine.He moved onto kissing the mark then he picked me up to take me upstairs.

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