Single mom

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Males can get pregnant and breastfeed in this.

The sounds of cries woke me up from my sleep, I immediately walked to my baby's crib.I pulled him into my arms as he stopped crying but kept trying to latch onto me indicating he is hungry.I made my way to the rocky chair as I tried to calm down the fussy baby.I lifted my shirt before he latched onto me and started to eat.I sighed as he stopped squirming around and ate happily, I hummed as he was noding off.I lifted him up to burb him before placing the now sleeping baby back in his white crib.I crawled back into my bed as my eyes were desperately trying to close before I two was out like a light.

I made myself a quick breakfast before showering quickly just in case he woke up.My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing as I saw Iwa~chan's name on the caller ID."Hey Iwa~chan!"I stated excitingly as I put on my pants."Hey Oikawa.How's Kageyama?"He asked as I smiled brightly."He's doing fine.So what did you call for?"I replied as I walked to sit on the sofa."I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out later at 4."He stated trying to hide the nervousness in his voice but it was very noticeable."Sure!I was gonna drop Kageyama at my mom's house anyway because she wants to spend time with her grandson and not her kid."I responded as I heard shuffling coming from Kageyama's room."Great!I'll pick you up."He replied with a much happier tone that replaced his nervous one."Ok see ya Iwa!"I exclaimed as he replied with a simple "Bye" then hung up."I walked into Kageyama's room to see him moving around in his crib, I tugged the baby up before he babbled happily at me.I let him play with my fingers before getting one of his toys to replace my fingers with.I laughed as I noticed the toy was soaked in baby salvia after a couple minutes, then I started to walk around the house as loud noises escape the happy baby."Little ball of sunshine aren't you?"I asked as he babbled in response.I laughed quietly at how cute he was before deciding to put him back in his crib when he let out a cute little yawn."Sleep tight."I whispered as I quietly shut the door to the now sleeping baby's room.Hmmm, it's 12 so I guess a little nap wouldn't hurt.I shuffled to my bedroom and opened the door, I instantly dropped on the soft mattress then fell asleep right away after tangling myself in the blankets.

"So where are we going?"I asked Iwa as he turned down another road."A cafe."he replied as a small building came into view that I recognized, it was a cafe I frequently went to.I always got my coffee here and some sweets, everything was delicious here.He parked the car before we made our way to door, he held the door open for me like a gentleman, that made me blush."You don't have to hold the door Iwa~chan."I stated as he laughed at my red face."I know."He replied with a snarky smile, I rolled my eyes at him before we were interrupted by a waitress."Good evening.What can I get for you?"She asked as I turned around to find her squealing."Oikawa!It's nice to see you bestie!"She said excitedly as she as I laughed at Iwa's confused expression."I come to this cafe often.This is Layna, I met her awhile ago and we became good friends."I explained as he noded."Lanya this is Iwa~chan."I stated as she squealed."So he's who you always talk about!"She stated rather loud."So you talk about me, aye?"Iwa teased as my face reddened a bit."He talks all about how he-"She started but I put my hand oved her mouth before she could continue."How about we order?"I asked nervously but managed to glare at her without Iwa noticing."Right.I'd like a black coffe with strudel."Iwa sated as she wrote that down."I'll have-"I started but was cut off."A coffee with 1 pump of vanilla and 3 spoons of sugar with a cherry turnover and a chocolate chip cookie."She stated and handed Mason the order."How often do you come?"Iwa asked as we sat down in the corner by the plants."Everyday usually."I stated as he looked shocked."Are you not eating full meals again?"He asked as I awkwardly smiled."Maybe."I replied as he sighed."You have to eat other things than snacks Oikawa."He replied as he shook his head in disapproval.Before he could say anything else Layna dropped off out orders."Bye the way Oikawa.Jasons here."She teased as I laughed.Iwa sent me a confused look before taking a sip of his coffee."Who's Jason?"He asked as I took a bite of my turnover."Some dude that always flirts with me.I don't think he gets the hint that I don't like him."I stated as I saw Iwa scoff."So what else are we doing tonight?"I asked as his face returned to a smile."That's a surprise."He replied with a smirk, he knew how much I hated surprises."Please tell me!"I whined as he shook his head and laughed."Nope now hurry up and eat so we can go there already."He sid as I grumpily finished my food and drink.I left Layna a ten dollar tip before Iwa dragged me out of the restaurant and to the car.As I sat down in the car something was put over my eyes making everything dark, I tried to pull the thing off put hands caught mine before I could."Calm down, I'm not gonna murder you.I just need to blindfold you fir the surprise."Iwa stated as I relaxed a bit before the sound of the engine firing up could be heard after my seatbelt was put on.

"Can I take it off yet?"I asked as we stopped walking."You can."He replied as I took it off We were on a cliff that over looked the ocean, waves splashed against the side of the cliff and rocks."It's so pretty."I stated as I sat down by the edge."It is."Iwa replied as he copied my movement."So why did you bring me here?"I asked as I heard Iwa take a deep breathe.I turned to face him to see his ears had turned a light shade of pink as he attention was focused on me."Oikawa I like you."He stated as I just looked at him confused.Does he mean romantically or platonic?"I like you romantically idiot."He stated as his ears and faced turned a dark pink that was very visible.My own face had copied his as I was taken back.He actually likes me?After a few minutes of comprehending the situation I finally spoke."I like you too Iwa."I replied as he let a smile slip onto his face.Before I knew it our faces slowly made there way torwards eachother before embracing into a gentle kiss.The kiss sent sparks through my body before we parted."So will you be my boyfriend?"He asked as I jumped at him."Yes!"I yelled excitedly as he laughed then kissed my cheek."Now let's go get Kageyama."He stated as he stood up and offered me his hand.I happily took his hand and let him lead me to the car while I had a big smile on my face.Finally I had someone who loved me other than my little bundle if joy.

I hope you enjoyed!

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