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"Hey mom pass me a volleyball."Kindaichi said as he quickly turned red.Everyone else in the gym turned to look at him."Sorry."He said as I laughed "Don't worry, everyone here has called me mom except Iwa~chan."I said as Kindaichi's face relaxed."I didn't."Kyoutani said as others agreed."Oh really?"I said."All of you have so go back to practice.Even Kageyama has."I said as they grumbled.
The next parts are when/why they called Oikawa mom.

My phone was ringing repeatedly while I was watching a alien documentary at 3am."Hello?" I said as I didn't bother to check the caller Id."M-mom I need you n-now."Th voice spoke on the other side of the phone.I recognized the voice of Kagayama."I'm on my way baby."I said as I hung up and quickly rushed out of the door heading to his house.

I quickly flung open the door then shut it and quickly rushed up the steps to Kagayama's room.I opened his door to see him curled up into a blanket with teary eyes.I sat down on the bed and brought him up to my chest.He snuggled his face into my collarbone before holding onto me for dear life."What's wrong Kags?"I asked as he sniffled and wiped his nose on my shirt.
"Nightmares?"I asked as he noded.He's been having nightmares since his parents died."It's ok.I'm here."I said as I rubbed his back in a comforting motion.I pulled the blanket over us as he calmed down a bit."Thank you Mom."He said as I kissed his forehead."Your welcome baby.Now sleep."I said as he didn't close his eyes."I don't want you to leave."He whispered almost unaudible."I won't, I promise."I said as he relaxed into my touch and snuggled into my body again.His body was on top of mine with his head rested in my neck and his arms wrapped around me.I layed down on the bed completely with his body following mine.This poor kid, he lost his parents then has nightmares.I sighed before slowly closing my eyes.


Weird, Kyoutani didn't come to practice."Hey Iwa, your in charge today.I'm gonna check on Kyoutani."I said as Iwa noded.I quickly chnaged back to my regular clothes than headed in the direction of Kyoutani's house.I stopped on the way to grab some soup at a store in case he was sick.I knocked on the door before his dad rushed out almost knocking me over.Why the hell was he here?!I quickly went inside the house locking the door on the way out and ran to Kyoutani's room after putting the soup down."Kyoutani?!Are you ok?"I asked as I found him sitting on his bed, his cheek had a slap mark, his other one had a bruise on it and a large cut."Oh god."I said as I dragged him to the bathrooom."Are you ok?"I asked frantically as I helped his face."I'm fine.Why are you here?"He said in a raspy voice."You didn't come to practice so I got worried."I said as I finished cleaning his cut."What did he do?"I asked as he looked down as if he was ashamed."Kyoutani look at me."I said as he looked back at me with teary eyes."You have to tell me."I said as he noded.We went to his room to talk."What did he do?"I said as he stripped his clothes."Oh my god."I said as I scanned over his body.There was bruises and cuts everywhere not to mention the amount of hickies on his stomach."Shh.Ot's ok."I said as I hugged him and he burried his tear streaked face in my shoulder."Pack your things."I said as I pulled away from the hug."Why?"He asked as I threw him my hoodie I had on."Because your living with me not that abusive asshole."I said as he put on my hoodie.He noded then started to pack.I went back downstairs to see if he had anything downstairs."You ready?"I asked as he came down the stairs with bags."Yep."He said as I grabbed the soup off the counter and headed out the door.Unlucky us we ran into his dad coming back into the house."Where the hell do you think you are going?!?He yelled as Kyoutani flinched."He is coming with me."I said as my answer made him more mad."Get you ass back in the house and tell your friend to go home!"He yelled as I stepped infront of Kyoutani."He doesn't take orders from you.He is coming to live with me and you have no say in the matter."I said as his dad turned red from anger."You are not his parent so he listens to me!"he yelled as a few neighbor's came outside to check find where the commotion was coming from."You are not a parent in anyone's eyes."I said as I bit my tongue to help keep my cool.I could see Kyoutani was about to cry so I took his hand and rubbed circles into it."You can't take him, I'm his parent!"The man yelled as I kept my cool."I will adopt him if I have to."I said as I felt Kyoutani squeeze my hand."He will be staying with me!Get back in the house!"He yelled.After seeing Kyoutani wasn't moving he went to hit him but I blocked it making him hit my face."Listen here asshole.He will be going with me and you will not have a say in it you abusive, drunk, dick!"I said as everyone frooze except Kyoutani."Go get in the car Kyoutani."I said as he did as told."You won't get away with this!"His dad yelled as I laughed."There is nothing to get away with here, but you my friend will be going to jail for being abusive."I said as I got in the car then drove off.I saw Kyoutani flipped him off as we drove off."You good?" I asked as we neared my house.I made sure that nobody followed us."Better than ever."He said as I chuckled."Thanks Mom."He said before he turned red."Mom?I haven't even adopted you yet."I said as we both laughed."You can call me mom or whatever you like, I don't really care."I said as he smiled, Kyoutani smiled."Never thought I see you smile."I said as he scoffed."Better not get used to it because it doesn't happen often."He said as we pulled into my driveway."Welcome home!"I said cheerily as I stepped out of the car."Home."He mumbled with a small smile.He grabbed his bags then followed me into the house."I'll show you the house tomorrow."I said as I put the soup in the fridge then grabbed a bottle of whiskey and took a swing."Want something?"I said as I opened the cabinet to reveal a lot of different kinds of alcohol my parents left before they ditched me."We're not legal to drink."He said as I laughed."Have a little fun in life Mad dog."i said as he grabbed a popsicle out of the freezer."Don't touch the little cups of jello in the fridge in the basement."I said as he looked confused."There jello shots with vodka."I said as I put the whiskey away and went up the stairs with Kyoutani following."This is your room, mine is the room at the end of the hallway.The rooms are soundproof also."I said with a wink and Kyoutani grumbled.We separated so he could unpack and I could cook dinner.I made some ramen then set the table."Dinners done!"I shouted as he came down the stairs without a shirt on."We need to clean those after dinner."I said as I pinted to his scars and the new ones. "Also how much were you eating?"I asked as he sat down and looked away from my eyes."I only ate when I came to school or when I went out."He said as he meet my eyes."Well you are gonna eat 3 meals a day and snacks if you want any."I said as I finished my ramen."Ok."He said."I'll make your meals and pack your lunches so you don't have to eat the schools food since I know you hate it."I said as he smiled."Thank you for everything mom."He said as he went to wash the dishes but I waved him off."I can wash them go get settled."I said as he agreed and went back to his room.

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