Chapter 5 (Zelda POV)

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I woke up, in an  unfamiliar place

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I woke up, in an  unfamiliar place. It smelt almost smoothing with lavander. I was placed in a light lilac room with white borders on the ceiling and floor. I was under a dark plum purple comforter. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Where am i? I asked my self. I looked around more. There was a white dresser and  a white desk with a matching chair. There was a white book shelf with children's book. My eyes kept scanning until I felt something move beside me. I quickly looked beside me and saw what seemed like a small lump under then comforter with me.

My eyes widden and slowly I pulled the blanket back to see what was in the bed with me.

There laid a small frail little girl, with long snow white hair, and porcelain skin. My eyes narrowed and I was trying to think if all what happened. But nothing was coming back to me. I touched the back of my head and I could feel a lump but I didn't remember how I got it.

The frail girl started to stir and slowly she fluttered her ruby like eyes opened. She looked around until she saw me and then her eyes slowly widden and then soften.

"Sissy?" Her voice was sweet and innocent. She body sat up and I could see she was in a pale pink night gown. She sat on her knees and and tilt her head studding me.

"Sissy?" I asked back. She slowly nodded her head.

"Birdmen said I get a wolf sissy." She answer me. Still confused my tail curled around me. "Fluffy!" She went to reach for my tail. I was a little scared at first but relaxed when she just petted it. "Wolf sissy." She cooed.

As she was petting my tail there was a knock at the door and then it opened. The girl quickly curled into my body trying to hide, I wrapped my arm around her trying to protect her.

Two men came in with different kinds of bird looking mask, and stood beside the door frame letting a shorter male in with a half mask that covered his lower face. His golden orbs landed on me and the girl.

Finally everything hit me fram last night. This was the boss, Overhaul. I gritted my teeth I could feel my my tail start to from a line of black fur standing up fallowing the bones.

"Ah I see you have awoken Okami. Do tell me that little Eri was welcoming enough for you." He asked. I felt the girl cling to me tighter when he said her name. I could feel a small growl coming from the back of my throat.

I clung to the girl tighter pushing her behind me. I could see Overhaul wasn't happy about that, but it seemed like he was patient man, at lest for now.

"Now come my wolf, it's time for you to be come part of our family, since you no longer have your father." When he said that my eyes opened to max, my body became cold. I was alone I didn't have anyone. Slowly my body became limp and I slowly lossen my grip around the little girl.

"Sissy?" Her honey like voice brought me back. I looked down to her.

"Look if you don't follow instructions then I'll have to come and get you." Overhaul scoffed.

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