Chapter 13 (Zelda POV) (💔)

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In this chapter there was be a scene with Overhaul and Zelda. Don't wanna read it look for the broken hearts 💔💔💔 to skip it. Now on with the story! You have been warned.

I took a deep breath as I stood at city square

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I took a deep breath as I stood at city square. When I let it I could see my breath. I shivered not only from the coldness but from fear. God Tamaki I hope you still okay. I pulled my hands to my face blowing what ever warmth I had into them.

I looked around they had finally put the Christmas tree up and was now working on decorations. Lights twinkling, hanging from street lights. I kept looking, couples walking around holding each other for warmth, or people carrying shopping bags which I would assume christmas gifts, for their family.

"Well hello wolf." I heard a voice behind me. It was older and rough, I turned to see Rappa. My body froze from fear. So this is it. My freedom for Tamaki. I swallowed thickly, and my mouth slightly opened like I was going to say something but nothing was coming out.

Rappa chuckled. "I guess the cat got your tongue didn't it?" I softly nodded. "Heh. Well let's get out of here, i hate being cold. " He said pointing his thumb behind him to a black sedan. There stood, Larceny holding the back door open for me. I looked up to Rappa.

He put his hand on my back and gently ushered me to the car. As much as my body wanted to just transform and run I couldn't. I had to save Tamaki no matter what.

Once we got to the car I made my way inside into the back seat. Once the door closed my breath finally released, from hold it. My body was trimbling. The other side of the back seat door opened and Rappa crawled in, while the blonde got into the driver seat.

The air was thick with tension, I couldn't get my mind under control, going in different directions, to the point I was giving my self a splinting headache.

Once we got to a new looking mansion Rappa quickly hopped out and ran to my side opening the door. I felt like I was going to faint.

Pushing my body out of the car and into the night I saw what I assume was the front door opened. Out came Overhaul, with Tamaki beaten to a bloody pulp. My heart stop as I felt the blood drain out of my face and on to the floor.

"As promised my little wolf, if you came home then the punishment ends...." He said, but I could tell there was venom dripping from his words. He was holding poor Tamaki like a rag doll. His eyes became smiling eyes as he muttered something.

My blue eyes looked down to Tamaki's indigo ones. His poor soul was looking like it was pleading for help. I could tell he was in alot of pain.

"Now wolf if you come inside I'll let him go." I felt a shiver down my spine. Slowly I started walking forward. I was about arms reach when I could see the bright yellow amberish eyes stairng straight through me. I quickly looked at Tamaki trying not to make it obvious.

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