Chapter 4 (Zelda POV)

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Slowly I rolled over, and opened my eyes

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Slowly I rolled over, and opened my eyes. Everyone was still asleep. I tiptoed out of the room and found my way into the bathroom. After emptying my bladder I opened the door and saw Tamaki rubbing his eye.

"Morning, Ta-" he cut me off.

"Bunny!" He slightly startled me.

"Ye-yeah?" I whispered.

"You're still here. I was worried that you left."

"Oh....umm no." I put my hands up and shook them softly. " I-i- had to pee." I giggled. Slowly a smile creeped on his face and it quickly became a squiggly worry smile.

His face started to turn a shade of pink and he bow his head and quickly turned away. I watched him as he went back into the bedroom with his head down and his shoulders hunched.

"Tama-kun" I said softly, he stopped but didn't turn around to look at me. I slowly walked over to him and hovered my hand on his shoulder but then quickly pulled it back to my chest. My heart was fluttering, I wanted to thank him for letting me spend the night but nothing would come out of my mouth.

Slowly I saw his face slowly turn to look at me. His dark eyes hiding behind his dark hair. His body was about to starting turning around to face me but before he could there was Mirio's head poping out of the wall.

I let out a high pitch scream and fell on to the floor. I pull one hand to my heart and other one trying to hold me up. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.

Mirio was laughing at me while Tamaki glared at him and then walked over to me. "Mirio!! You scared me!" I shouted. He just smiled and chuckled.

"Well I see that you're a wake now." He gave me a wink and pulled his head back and went back into the bedroom. Tamaki offered me his hand. I quickly took it and he pulled me up. I sighed and dusted my self off of the invisible dust.

"So-sorry zelda-chan he, likes to-to prank you, cuz yo-you jump so easily." I let out a sigh and lowering my head and then looked up at him. Now that Im close  to him and he was standing up straight he might had been a little taller then me. Maybe around 5ft 9in? I was 5ft 5in. I could start to feel my face start to heat up from looking up at him. I quickly turned my face and looked at whatever was on the floor if there was anything.

"ZELLLLLLLLLDA!?" it sounded like Nejire was calling me, Tamaki turned to the side to let me through. I walked past him and into the bathroom. "Oh there you are I heard you scream. You okay?" She asked hoping in front of me with her pink fluffy pajamas. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I just a jump start when Mirio scared me." I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck. Her eyes glared at Mirio, and she started walking over to him. She started point at him and scolding him like a mother would to a child.

Finally she turned back around. "Sorry about him, if you seem to jump easily then you're in trouble." She laughed. I chewed on my lip. I was one who would jump at my own shadow.

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