Chapter 17 (Tamaki POV)

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I could hear screaming, sounding like Zelda's voice, screaming out my name

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I could hear screaming, sounding like Zelda's voice, screaming out my name. But as time went by it got farther and farther away.

I felt cold, and numb. I could see into the wolf's eye and I could see her. Her eyes weren't black anymore, I could see her face stained with tears. I could see her banging on some type of glass like she was trying to get to me. "I'" her voice wasnt even a whisper anymore, it was so far away.

Zel- da.... I wanted to hold her. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted so much but my body couldn't even move. My vision started to fade to black I was trying so hard to say something to her. But the only thing that was coming out was gurles from blood filling in my mouth. "Zelda, I love....." My vision went black and I couldn't feel anything anymore. No pain, no weight of the wolf standing above me.

"Tama-kun! Did you play the new expansion on borderlands with out me?!?" Zelda was teasing me.

" No I....I just installed it! I...I...didnt-" she started tickling my sides.

" Say you give! Say it and I'll stop!" She laughed. Mirio and Nejire just watched from my bed as Zelda was on full assault on me. I could here them chuckling at us.

"Okay! I...i... Give! Bunny stop!" I was laughing to the point tear pricked at the corners of my eyes. Zelda stopped and gave me a smug smirk.

"Yeah you better!" She teased before taking a step back. I looked over at Mirio and he looked back at me. He nodded and knew what the plan was. With her not paying attention Mirio went through the floor and through the wall grabbing her legs. Zelda fell on the floor stunned, as I pounced on top of her and started my attack on tickling her sides.

"Niiii. Nooo. Tha-thats not....faaaaire." she shouted between laughs. I kept my assault on her as Mirio started tickling her feet. Zelda squirmed under us trying to kick poor Mirio in the groin and bunk me off. The apartment was filled with laughs and giggles for the rest of the night.

I saw more visions. It seemed like I was going through flash backs with Zelda.

The first time she and I held hands, when we went to the ramon restaurant. The first time I actually studied her sunny day like eyes. How when I first met her she seemed like she was scared of her own shadow, but the more she was around me and the others the more opened she be came.

Then the last thing that flashed in my mind, before everything stopped.

The night when we had each other when she came back to us. How our hands roamed over each others bodies. How she moaned out my name. How she kissed me. How she softly muttered. "I love you Tama-kun" in her sleep.

My love, my precious Zelda....

"No......let me go!  TAMAKI!" I could hear Zelda's voice calling out to me. I took in a deep breath and automatically started coughing out the dead air. My body felt warm, like someone was hugging me tightly.

Thank you for bringing light into her life.

I heard a female voice that I never heard before. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my Zelda. "Bun-bunny?" My voice was hardly audible.

" Ta-ta-maki." Zelda" s voice was just as bad at mine. I could see tears all over her face, and her eyes red and swollen. Without even thinking I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down into me kissing her.

I could feel her cup my cheek kissing me with love, passion, and the intensity that we both shared.

I could hear some heros gasp, but I was not going to stop. I finally had her. I finally get to keep her again, and this time nothing was going to stop us from being together.

We had to break for air, and Zelda slowly sat up, with the light coming from the sky she almost looked like she had a white aura around her. She was even brighten then the day I met her. She was like a white star shining so bright.

"Wait we shot her so how did her quirk work?!" I heard a hero questioned. My heart felt like I was shot. I sat up quickly and glared at the heros.

"Wait you shot her?!" How could you do that! How can you just shoot her like a wild animal!  I was about to jump up from my spot and tear into them, but I felt Zelda grasp my hand and gently gave it a squeeze.

"It's gone now. I used the last of my quirk to save him." Her voice was nothing but a whimper. I felt sad for her. She used the last of her quirk to bring me back to life. I reached out and grabbed her shoulders, making her look at me.

"Zel-Zelda, no matter what I'll still love you. Quirkless nor not, you're still Zelda." I saw her slowly nod to me.

"Yeah Sunshine! You're stilly you!" I hear Mirio's voice. Both us looked over at him. He was barely standing. He was was holding on to his side like he was injured.

"You're okay!" Zelda shouted. I saw her try to stand up but her body went limp and she didn't make it very far. Which caused him the chuckle at her. He slowly walked over to us and basically tumbled on top of us hugging us.

He hugged both of us tightly. "Yeah I was just knocked out for a few that's all." He laughed. I could feel Zelda's grip get tighter around us.

"I'm so happy!" She cried out. I saw a couple of heros made their way to us.  

"Okay let's get you guys taken care of." One of the heros spoke. I looked up and scanned them. I could see, Aiwaza, Fatgum, and a few others I knew. I softly nodded my head.

I stood up and help Zelda and Mirio up. With him on one side leaning on me with his arm around my shoulder, I had Zelda on the other side with my arm around her waist pulling her close to me. "Co-come on guys let's go home." I smiled.

Butterfly Kisses, Wolf Bites (Amajiki Tamaki X FemOc)Where stories live. Discover now