Chapter 2 (Zelda view)

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"Aww Zelda, did you fall again?" A women with silvery white hair was smiling above me

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"Aww Zelda, did you fall again?" A women with silvery white hair was smiling above me.

"Mama! I tried to turn into my doggy form but it hurts when I wanna become a person again." I cried out hugging her leg.

She smiled at me and patted my head. "Honey, it takes practice, daddy  can't be a doggy and then be a person with out feeling winded too."

Little me, smiled. "Yeah daddy's doggy it HUGE!" I raised my hands up trying to show how big he was. 

My mother giggled. "Yes honey he is a big doggy, and one day you'll be a big doggy too." She kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes.

When I opened them I woke up to a white room, with white curtains around me. I slowly sat up trying to keep my self from being light headed.

"Oh you're wake, little girl?" I heard an old woman's voice. I turned my head and looked around I could feel fear coming over me and my hair turned black. An old woman walked over to me using a giant needle as a walking stick. "You kinda worked your self to exhaustion. You need to be more careful." I tried to smiled and say something.

"What happened to the boy who had me?" I asked I quickly looked down hiding my blushing face. Why am I even asking that? He only did that to be nice.

"Oh you mean this boy?" The women smiled. I shot my head up and looked at her. She pulled the curtains back and he was sitting in a chair playing on his phone. Until he felt eyes on him. He looked up and around until we made eye contact. He quickly lifted up his phone like he was trying to hide be hind it.

The old women giggled. "The boy was worried about you, that he never left the room." She ratted him out. I looked to her and then to him. His face was red, including his ears. He shoved his hands among with his phone into his pockets, jumped up and went to put his head against the wall.

I started thinking I did something wrong. I bet he doesn't like me if he's doing that. I mean he was only being a hero by bringing me here. She only said those things to make me feel better. I bit my cheek and let out a long sad sigh.

"Aww what's wrong deary? What's with the sad face?" She asked coming closer to me. My eyes widden and I started waving my hands in a panic.

"Nonononononono nothing is- is wrong!" I panicked and I was trying to keep the word vomit under control. "It's just-" I stopped and looked up at Tamaki. "Thank you Tamaki-ku-"  my heart felt like it stopped my eyes widden and quickly covered my face and jumped out of the bed, running out of the room. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE

I ran down the hall and out the building. It was already sunset, so I guess I was out for the rest of the school day. Finally after running a block away I was panting. I bent over a little putting my hands on my legs. "Welp I guess tomorrow no one will talk to me now, not like it even matters." I spoke out loud I stood up and looked ahead. "Every time I do the wolf thing everyone calls me a freak, I'm sure he thinks the same." I bit the bottom of my lip.

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