Chapter 16 (Zelda POV)

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I sat there on the cold ground, I felt like I was in a dark room with this what seemed like a hell hound standing in front of me

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I sat there on the cold ground, I felt like I was in a dark room with this what seemed like a hell hound standing in front of me. Blood dropped from it's eyes and nose, it's head was nothing but a skull of a wolf, and its body was rough, course hair all over its body.

When it opened it's mouth to speak I could smell the slufer, like this monster came right out of hell. "Little girl are you gonna let me in?" I shivered under it's words. It seemed like a light smoke was coming from it's mouth.

"Who.....who are you?" I studdered.

The monster walked closer to me. "Ah child you don't know? You don't know the extent of your own powers? That's a shame." It felt like the monster was talking in riddles. "A white wolf and a black wolf, live in all of us little girl." The monster started walking towards me. "White is joy, happiness, anything that is a good emotion." They took another step and now standing above my weak body. "Black is anger, agony, pain, hatred."

I could feel my body shaking a, my eyes looked deep into the blood eyes of the black wolf. "The one who wins is the one you feed the most." It head got closer. It opened it mouth like it's about to swallow me while.

"No......I....I won't let you in!" I shouted. The wolf stopped in it's pose and slowly backed up to close it's mouth. "I might be angry right now but that doesn't mean anything!" I started to stand up.

"But you need me little girl. You'll need me to face your fears." The wolf growled. When it opened it mouth again smoke and blood dripped out of it.

"I might need you! You are a part of me! But youre aren't me!" I screamed out. I punched it's nose. The hell hound like wolf backed up a little.

I saw what seemed it smiled slightly and its whole body turned black, slowly I heard bones shifting from it and the black faded back to color.

What stood before me was my father. "Da-dad?" My voice was full of confusion. I saw a small smile form on him and he fluttered his eyes open.

"Hey pup." I narrowed my brows. I was confused. His smile faded. "I...I am sorry for everything pup. I... I never wanted to lose you, or your sister...hell even your mother." His voice was soft. "I lost my self to the black wolf a long time ago. I fed it too much, so it took over. But as for you. You can fight the temptations of it."

I was so confused, but it did make since. The myth of the white wolf and black wolf was running in my head. "So use that. Use your anger, but make sure you don't fall the path that I did pup." I slowly nodded my head and father turned into black smoke.

The smoke quickly went to me and I felt it go down my throat. I stood there choking feeling like I couldn't breathe, but then I felt my chest burning. I clenched my chest and my vision started to fade once more.

My eyes opened to seeing the back of Mirio. I could feel the heat in my chest burning uncontrollably. I let out a scream and it started to turn into a howl.

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