The Blue Rose

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🔥-Dabi's view- 🔥

I was working in my in my office, trying to fill out paperwork, when there was a knock at my door.

"Enter." I said not even looking up from the desk. A familiar voice, spoke out asking if I was still going on patrol tonight. I looked up to see the blonde with her head down looking at clip board in her hand, that had a bunch of cutesy animal sticks on it.

"So Dabis are ya going on patrol or not?" She asked again.

"Yes Toga, I already made plans for it. I just got to finish this paperwork or else it's gonna pile up." I ended up growling at her. She just rolled her eyes and turned around and walked out closing the door behind her.

The 17 year old girl needed a job, for she dropped out of school. Her quirk was odd, and almost villainness but I couldn't judge her. Hell the way my quirk made me look, I would had fit right in with the villains.

I wrapped up my work and closed down my computer for the night. I walked over to the giant window that looked over the city. Street lights slowly turned on.

I placed my arm on the window and place my head on it leaning into my arm. My eyes looked at the dead street. I was on the side that nothing really happens which was fine, it just meant that my patrols were quite and boring.

I fluttered my eyes closed and sighed, slowly I opened them and I saw a girl running. I couldn't make out too much but she had flaming red hair. I watched her run into an alley with four men following behind her.

I quickly pushed my self off the window and grabbed my black tench coat and was running down the hall and down the stairs.

I ran out side trying to remember where they ran off too. I heard wind whistling, and I saw what looked like snow blowing out of the alley way. I quickly ran over hoping that the girl was okay.

When I got there all four men was frozen in place, my eyes slowly widden. Did she do that? I slowly walked up to one of the men. I was about to melt the ice. When I heard a girl's giggle. It almost sounded like Toga's giggle when she is told to use her quirk.

I looked around starting to get into fighting stance. I wasn't much for hand to hand, long as I kept her at a distance then I should be fine.

"Sooooooooo, wanna explain why youre here hero?" The girls voice sounded like she was trying to be sinister. My eyes looked around trying to find her. "I already saved my self you can go home now. I have no need for your help." She growled.

"Look I'm sorry I'm late to the party, but at lest show your self that way I know you're okay." My voice had a slight worry to it. I was worried about her safety but the way she was acting was a villain, and not only that she use her quirk for harm without a permit.

Slowly I saw a red shimmer and saw a girl with a grey turtle neck walk out of the shadows. She had her red hair pulled back into poneytail. I narrowed my eyes at her and was trying to study her. Among with red hair it looked like she had yellow tips, and blue eyes. Her face was soft and round almost like she was still in her teens. Her body was plump, but not over weight, more of full hour glass figure.

She had her hands in front of her with her pointer fingers entwined with one another, with her head down and slightly at an angle, almost like she was trying to act shy.

"Look, dollface are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked, slowly letting my guard down. Her eyes, moved to me but she never moved her body.

"Why do you even care?" She hissed still in her shy pose. She was acting like a dog barking at shadows, scared. I was about to take a step forward when she broke her pose and was about to take a step back.

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