Chapter 1 (Tamaki's viewpoint)

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I slowly rolled over hearing the buzzing of my alarm clock go off

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I slowly rolled over hearing the buzzing of my alarm clock go off. Trying to make it stop I reached for it but moved to far and fell off my bed with a thud. "Owch." I whined. Just laying on the floor I yawned and slowly got up. I wen to the bathroom to brush my teeth and start my morning routine.

I just moved into my own apartment, since I'm old enough to be on my own and plus I wanted to be away from Father. Nothing against him, it's just I rather be alone the be with someone that puts me down all the time.

My room still with boxes same with the living room and kitchen. I went to the fridge and grabbed some left over seafood hotpot. I always got extra octopus and clams in mine, not only were they were my favorite, but it also helped out my quirk. Anything I eat, I can use to my quirk. I put in the microwave as I went and got dressed.

I came back, and grabbed it. Still steaming out I was trying to find my chopsticks but just settled on a fork when I found one and started eating. I blew on the food before eat but it was still too hot.

Quickly swallowing it I spit my tongue out and was trying to fan it. "Hot hot hot." I muttered. I went and got a bottled water from the fridge and started chugging it. It cooled enough to where it didn't hurt no more.

BA-DING my phone went off.

Sunshine: Hey guys I'm gonna go ahead and head to school, the Mr Aizawa said he needed me there early today.

Bubbles: Oh okay Mirio, I'll walk with Tamaki to school then.

Butterfly: Okay, see you at school then Mirio and I'll be out here in a bit I'm just now ratting breakfast Nejire.

I went back to my food and started trying to scarf it down with water fallowing behind it to wash it all down. Once I was done I put the bowl into the sink and headed out the door locking it. I walked out of the build and there stood blubbley Nejire.

"GOOD MORNING TAMAKI!!!" she shouted. I instinctly put my hands in my pockets and held my head down hiding my face.

" Good morning." I bearly let out a whisper. I slowly looked up to her a smiled and then looked back down.

"Well at lest you're looking at me now." She teased.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked. I looked at her feet, when she was standing in front of me.

"I mean that." She poked me in the chest. "Nevermind." She laughed. "Look if we don't hurry we are gonna be late!" She grabbed my arm and started walking dragging me behind.


We finally got to the school ground and Nejire was saying something before she spotted Mirio. I looked up when she shouted his name and I saw him talking to a girl. She was a bit shorter then us, with short black hair and glasses. She had a black, sweater on over her school uniform. But the one thing that got my attention was she was shining brighter then Mirio. Which was odd cuz to me he was bright as the sun so how was she even brighter?

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