Chapter 10 (Tamaki POV

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Once we gotten to my place, I opened the door and Mirio was front and center

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Once we gotten to my place, I opened the door and Mirio was front and center. He quickly grabbed Zelda pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank goodness you're safe Zels!" He let out. I could see his face was full of relief, but with worry at the same time. "I was so worried that you would do something stupid the way bolted out and-" she quickly cut him off.

" God I missed you guys! And Tama-kun found me, and we'll ummm...."

My body froze and my eyes widden. Oh god please don't tell him! I could feel my face burning. He looked over at me. Nuuuuuuu don't look at me!!

After a long pause, Mirio finally let her go, and looked down at her. I made my way to grasp her hand, in my mind if I wasn't holding her in some way I felt like she was going to disappeare. I kept my head down hoping to hide the blush all over my face.

I felt Zelda shift a little and then pecked me on the cheek. My body jumped, my face quickly turned red all the up to my ears. Mirio start laughing at the sight of us.

"God you guys are so cute together." He smiled. When I looked at his face I could tell he was telling the truth. I looked over at Zelda and her face was flaming red, even her white hair couldn't block out how red she was. She so cute, and pretty.

Mirio spoke up, "Oh Nejire is in the other room, she wants to talk to you Zelda-chan." I felt her squeeze my hand. " I kinda finally spilt the beans with her and told her what happened. Granted now she's furious with Tamaki and me. But with you she hates her self for not letting you have a chance to explain your self. So you might want to talk to her."

Zelda nodded and let go of my hand and walked around Mirio and headed down the hallway.

I was about to start walking to the bedroom as well until Mirio put out his arm and stopped me.

"Please promise that she will be happy and safe Tamaki." I looked up to Mirio's face. It's not very often that he used that serious tone with me. But it seemed like he cared for her as much as I did. I fluttered my eyes closed and softly nodded, putting my hands in my pockets.

He slowly lowered his arm and sighed. After a few seconds he perked back up. "Weeeell since you guys are a couple now you have to seal the deal!" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I was confused in what he meant. "Don't worry I guess when I have some free time I'll send you my stash!" My eyes narrowed.

"What?" I was confused. He started laughing, wiping away a fake tear.

"Don't work you'll find out later." He gave me a wink and started heading to the bedroom. What on earth is he talking about?

Once we got close to the room Mirio froze in the door way.

"No it's not you it's just.... My kidnapper abused me alot." I over heard Zelda whispered.

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