Chapter 8 (Tamaki POV)

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I was running in the direction that the women pointed

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I was running in the direction that the women pointed. The wind picked up and it started to rain, and then poor. I looked around and was already lost, until I saw some blood on the street. I started to fallow it.

My heart pounding. Oh my god is she hurt?! Is that her blood?!? My mind was panicking and my heart trying to pound out of my chest. I could feel the rain beat against my face and soaking my clothes.

I kept pushing forward until I saw a pool of blood. My eyes widden and I fell to my knees. My eyes watering, my breath hitched at the back of my throat. "Oh Zelda." I whisper out. I wiped my eyes with the back of my wrist.

My chest was hurting, my body was becoming cold, my mind running in circles. I was bout to start to sob when I heard what sound like a dog whimpered. I looked around trying to figure out where it was coming from. My brows narrowed and I looked around.

I heard it again and stood up. Slowly I fallowed it to a pickup truck. I looked under it and didn't see anything. But there was a whimper again. I looked in the back and there was a black dog, covered in cuts and was still bleeding.

Slowly it opened it's eyes. They were blue, and full of fear. I heard it cry out in pain looking at me. How did it even get in here? I thought. But looking at it's eyes I saw something that was familiar.

I went to reach out for it before it shook in fear and then pasted out again. It's eyes closed and was still, when I petted it's head. "Don't worry, I'll help you." I whispered softly.

I crawled into the bed of the truck and used my quirk. Though I didn't eat much I still had some octopus.

I gently wrapped my tentacle fingers around the black dog and lifter it up, that when I saw it was a girl dog. "Zel-da?" I whispered the name. Slowly I saw the black wolf turn snow white, and then into a girl I knew. It was Zelda, but cover in cuts and scratches.

My eyes widden and I felt beyond grateful I found her. Now the question was what do I do? My body consciously started heading to the hospital. But after a block I stopped and thought.

No, I can't take her to the hospital, if Overhaul knows she's missing then I'm sure he's on the look out for her. I bit my lower lip. I didn't know what to do. So instead I started running back to my apartment.

Once I got there my quirk was starting to fade off, but yet again I only at breakfast. I quickly pulled her into my chest and cradled her into my arms holding her bridel style. Her head was trying to fall back so I had to rock her a little to get her head forward.

I juggled her while trying to open the door. Somehow I managed and took her straight to my bed. Gently laying her down I can finally check out how bad her wounds were.

I could see cuts on her shoulders and around her waist. Whatever she was wearing was caked in mud and toren almost to the point it was falling apart. My face started to turn red. She was almost naked, but she was covered in dirt and grime.

I clenched my chest. I needed to clean out her wounds, and that would mean. I could feel my lip trimble. Should I call Mirio? Wait no, cuz then he might she her naked. Should I call Fatgum?

I got on my knees and tried to figure out something. My bottom lip trimbling, and my heart beating out of my chest. I grabbed my head. I have to do something! Other wise they could get infected or she'll get sick. My body started rocking.

I was trapped in my own thought until I heard Zelda whimpered in her sleep. I quickly looked up her face was in pain. I jumped up and grabbed her face trying to get her to calm her down.

"Zelda-chan! I'm here!" I cried out. I felt her forehead she was burning up, and I could see sweat start to run down her face. My eyes darted back forth trying to figure out what to do.

I swallowed my anxiety, and stood up and ran to the bathroom. I started the bathwater, I tried to make it warm.

I ran back to the bed room and gently put my arms under her to lift her up. I walked us to the bathroom and sat her down. I stripped down to my boxers and I bit my lip and turned super red, my entire body was trimbling.

I turned to her and went to reach for her as I pulled her up I heard a rip and off came her what ever she was wearing and she was completely. My body became weak and I almost dropped her freaking out. Fuck fuck fuck.

I took a deep breath, and slowly let it out. I carried Zelda to the tub and I sat down with her between my legs.

I turned the water to the shower head and had it on the most gentle setting I could put it on. I gently sprayed her body, I could see the water running off of her going down the drain was dark and brown, showing how dirty she was.

Once the water started to clear I had the shower dribble while I grabbed the soap. I had her back resting on my chest. I could feel my lip trimbling as I started to looked down at her naked body. I could feel heat all the way up to my ears. I felt like I was on fire. I could even feel my boxers cling to my skin.

I started to run soap on to her body. "" her voice was almost a moan. I stopped rubbing the soap on her arm. Slowly I felt a knot in my stomach, and my boxers were starting to cling to my member.

I had to shift a little more, to make sure it didn't stab her. "Zel-da. I.....I'm sorry....but....but I have to cl-clean you." I whispered.

Once again my body heating up, and I felt like I was melting under her. "Ta-ta-maki" she moaned out again. I started shaking under her, and started to wash her quickly. My mind and body couldn't take it anymore.

I have gotten her arms done and I had to move to her legs, but her body wasn't helping me nor myown body.

Once again. I swallowed my anxiety and ran my hands with soap running until I couldn't reach anymore. But I froze my hands had to go to the inside of her legs.

I whined with my mouth closed and quickly did it. I moved to her waist and I had to do her chest next. I pulled my head back and quickly run my hands over her tummy, and then up.

I felt something soft engulf my hands. My eyes shot opened and looked down. My heart was beating so fast I was sure it was gonna beat out of my chest. My hands were under her breast.

I felt faint, my vision was going dark and my head dropped on to her shoulder. But quickly came back. I had to finish this, other wise we will be both be cold.

I gulped, and thing finished quickly what I needed to be washed and then grabbed the shower head. I raised her off, and my self.

Once everything was cleaned I turned off the water and stood up, gently picking her up. I carried her to the bed. At the moment I didn't care that she was gonna get the bed wet. I placed her on the bed on her back and ran to to my closet to pull out a T-shirt.

I quickly ran back to her and sat her up slightly and putting it on. I gently laid her back down. I pulled the blanket over her. I let out a sigh, and went to change, getting out of my soaked boxers.

Finally in gym shorts and a extra large shirt, I went and grabbed a blanket and a pillow. When I came back, I heard her crying in her sleep. I quickly ran up to the bed.

What do I do?!? What do I do?!? What would Mirio do? He held me when I was up set. I crawled in to the bed against the wall and crawled under the covers. I pushed my hand under her head above her shoulders and pulled her into me while the other hand wrapped around her waist.

I felt her muzzle under my jaw and into my neck. "Tama-kun?" Her voice was barely heard.

"Shhhhh, i-i- am here." I whispered in her ear.

"I-i- love yo-you ta-ta-maki."

My heart stopped. I slowly looked down at her my mouth dropped and gaping. Her eyes were half opened, but it looked like she was still sleeping.

"I-i- love you too, Zel-da chan."

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