Epilog (3rd person)

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I had been a year since Overhaul went to prison, and the big three graduated

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I had been a year since Overhaul went to prison, and the big three graduated. Tamaki and Zelda were a couple, and started a family of their own once school was over.

Eri was an aunt, and was happy seeing her little niece and nephew, Yoshiko who was born first, she had brown hair and blue eyes, and Takao, who was born 2nd with his black hair and indigo eyes, like his fathers. Eri sat on the couch hold both babies as Zelda went to cook dinner. Tamaki was out doing hero work.

Eri rocked the babies softly when there was knock at the door. "Sissy! Door!" She shouted. Zelda wiped her hands off on her dish towel and head to the door. There stood Mirio and Nejire, with big smile on thier faces.

"Hey hey guys come one in!" Zelda smiled brightly. The two nodded and walked into the house that was on the country side. Zelda was the only one with out a quirk. Eri was able to give Mirio his back when she learned she could. But Zelda on the other side it was best if she didn't take hers back.

The all walked into the living room. Mirio squatted down to see the two sleeping twins in Eri's lap, as Nejire sat beside her on the couch.

"Man look how bigger they gotten!" Mirio smiled. Eri nodded her head with an agreeing hum. "May I hold them?" Mirio asked softly. Eri looked at the twins and then back at Mirio and smiled. He gently took the two little potatoes in his big arms. He gently rocked then and cooed at them.

Then the front door opened and in came Tamaki. Zelda quickly went and kissed him on the cheek. "Welcome home, love." Tamaki blushed under her kiss.

"Than-thank you bunny." He kissed her back. He was still shy around her unless he needed to step up. She help him take off his cape and some of his hero suit before he headed into the bedroom to change while she went back to kitchen to cook dinner.

As the night got later, Zelda put the babies to bed, Eri fell asleep in her lap on the couch as Zelda cuddled with Tamaki. Mirio was in the floor with his back against the couch and Nejire sitting at the end.

The were all watching a movie, when there was a knock at the door. Zelda looked at Tamaki confused. It was late at night, maybe it was Aiwaza coming to pick up Eri. But he said she could spend the night if she fell asleep before he got her so why now? Mirio looked up and smiled.

"I'll get it!" Mirio jumped up and went to the door. What he saw was a little odd. There stood a girl that looked just like Zelda but with longer hair. He blinked really hard and looked again. "Hi.... Ummm... Can I help you?" He asked still confused on why there was a girl that looked like Zelda in front of him.

"Hi.... Ummm... Aiwaza said that Zelda lived here." He voice sound just like hers but was a little more deeper.

"Ummm yeah but who are you?" Mirio asked.

"Well... Long story short I want to see my sister." Mirio's eyes widden.

"You're Zella?!? " She nodded her head. " Oh my god! Come in I'm sure you want to see your sisters!" He opened the door and ushered her in. She slowly made her way to the living room and smiled.

Zelda fluttered her eyes open from her small nap and saw her twin sister. "Zella?" Her voice was soft.

"Hello Zelda." She answered just as softly. Zelda's filled with tears.

"Is it really you sister?" Zella nodded her head. As much as Zelda wanted to jump up and hug her sister Eri was still sleeping in her lap.

Zelda gently shook her until she stirred. "Sweet are you ready to meet your other sissy?" Sir fluttered her eyes opened and yawn. She gave out a confused hum. "Are you ready to meet Zella?" Eris eyes shot open and she sat up. Her ruby eyes landed on a girl that looked like Zelda.

"Sissy?" She asked, rubbing an eye.

Zella chuckled. "Yeah I'm your sissy too." Eri jumped from Zelda's lap and ran up to Zella giving her a hug.

" SISSY! "  She cheered. Zella hugged her back picking her up. Zelda finally got up from her seat and went to hug her sisters. For once the family was united, and this time nothing was going to tear them apart.

Sorry this is the last Chapter. But its also is a shout out to TsukiYonakaKage she is working on her book with Zella in it. She is new as this so go give her some love and some support. So I hope you enjoy this wild ride of a book. The "chapter" is the next book I'll be working on.

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