Chapter 7 (Tamaki POV)

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The next morning I woke up and got ready for school as much as I didn't want to go I had to

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The next morning I woke up and got ready for school as much as I didn't want to go I had to. I got dressed and didn't even bother brushing my teeth. I went and opened the fridge, and nothing seems appetizing but I knew I had to eat something or else I would get sick, or needed my quirk.

I forced my self to eat cold octopus soup. I didn't even bother to heat it up. Once I was finished I put the bowl in the sink and then sat on my couch. I curled my knees to my chest and just sat there.

I didn't know being in love with someone would be this sad. I barried my face into my knees. I heard my alarm going off, telling it's time to start walking.

I slowly got up and walked to the door slipping on my shoes and grabbing my bag. I opened the door and saw Nejire. She had the look like she was angry, and confused at once.

"Okay Tamaki you've been super mopey. Is it cuz of zelda? If it is then I'll never forgive her!" Mirio and I agreed not to tell anyone about Zelda. If people would ask, Mirio would say she was visiting family, or something like that and she didn't want to talk to anyone anymore, until she got back. But I guess Nejire took this the wrong way and thought that she abandoned us.

"I.... Umm..... Well." I ended up stuttering, and my lips formed a worry line.

Her eyes became full of hatred, "I knew it!" She shouted stopping her foot. "If I see her I'll give her a piece of my mind!" She turned and stormed out. All I could do it clenched my chest. It pained me to see her like this, but the more people involved then the more risk that Overhaul would hear that we know he has her.

The walk to school was awkward, and thick with anger from Nejire. I kept my head down and my hands in my pockets. She was telling about how she let Zelda into our lifes and now she ruined everything. Or how Mirio is even mopey now that she is gone.

To me it sounded like she was kinda jelious about Zelda. She didn't like that Mirio and I opened up to her so easily. And pluss we all knew she had a crush on Mirio but Mirio always turned her down. I just ended up sighing under my breath as she went on and on.

We made it to school and I quickly made my way to the classroom and saw Mirio already in his seat. "Anything on your end Tamaki?" I ended up shaking my head. "Me neither" the only people looking into Zelda's situation is, Fatgum, Mirio, Nighteye, and my self. Nighteye being Mirio's mentor. He agreed to look into things as well.

The warning bell rung and students slowly made their way in and took their seats. I made my way back to mine and looked over at Zelda's empty desk. My heart was aching.

As soon as the classroom was full the next bell went off. The students started to quite down as Aizawa walked into the door. He had some papers in his hands.

"Attention class. I have some grave news." Everyone looked back and forth at each other. I could feel Mirio's eyes looking at me. I was about to look back when Aizawa spoke again.

"This morning we got a phone call from Zelda's father saying she isn't coming back to UA." His face was deadpanned. My heart stopped and my eyes about to pop out of my head. No!

I looked back at Mirio and he pretty much had the same expression. His eyes slowly looked over to me and his mouth slowly closed as his brows turn angry. He knew as well as I did, that wasn't her father.

"Its sad to see her go, we only had her a short time, but her father said that she had to move with other part of the family." I looked back at Aizawa. Even though he looked exhausted, it looked like he was puting a front up so the other students wouldn't know, that he was suspicious about her disappearance.

"Well class we need to move on to the lecture."


For me it felt like time was standing still and no matter what I wasn't getting answers for Zelda. All I could do was school and patrols. I didn't even have time to do homework. Fatgum was really working Red Riot and I hard. I wasn't sure if he was even looking into things. But I had to trust him. Other wise I would be in more of a mess then I really was.

-Time skip 1 week-

It's been a week since we were told Zelda wasn't coming back and I was getting more and more frustrated each passing time. I was starting to get even more quite around people. I wouldn't even bother to respond when people talk to me. The world just seemed so grey with out her. It seem it was also effecting Mirio as well.

We were all sitting at Nejire's favorite hotpot place. I order my normal stuff, but didnt even touch it, and same with Mirio's he only had a few bites and then played with his food with his chopsticks.

Nejire rolled her eyes and spoke up. "Would you two cheer up already! You guys are acting like she died or something!" Her voice was full of disgust.

Mirio's eyes looked at her, without even moving his face. I could see him chewing on his lip, trying to keep from slipping the beans.

"I mean come on you at you too! You're acting like lost puppies. I bet she already moved on and everything, cuz it seemed like she was friendly. But yet again her music taste seem to make her kinda of a freak if you ask me."

I could feel heat rise into my cheeks. My chest was tighting to the point it was hurting. I knew she wasn't close to Zelda but still this is kicking the girl while she's down.

"Nejire. That's enough." Mirio sounded like he was growling at her. I never seen him like this before.

"Well she was! The only friends she had was you two! It was like she didnt-" Mirio cut her off by slamming his fist into the table.

"Hado! I Said ENOUGH." You  can hear the rattle of silverware hitting the table.

His body was stiff. I never seen him like that before expect when people were bullying me. Her eyes locked on to him and shrunk down in her seat.

I couldn't help sunk down into mine. I could feel eyes from other tables looking over and it was setting my anxiety up in flames.

I could feel my body shaking. " to to... Go." I quickly got up and ran to the door. I never even looked back. I ran out side and quickly grabbed my head.

I tried to calm down. My body slowly stopped shaking but my lips were trimbling. I could feel tears in my eyes. I didn't understand why she was doing that? Was she trying to make her self feel better? Was she trying to make her self more important? What the fuck is wrong with her!?

Once my body was able to move I started heading home. I kept my head down and my hands in my pockets. Once in a while a sniffle or a tear ran from me. I took in a shakey breath and lifted my head up.

I could see some stars, with a waxing crescent moon. Some grey clouds here and there. It seemed peaceful. Until I heard some lady scream.

I quickly started running to see what was going on and there was a lady that looked like she fainted. I ran up to her and pulled her head up slightly so I could put my knees under her.

"Wh...what happened?" I asked.

"Wolf....A GAINT WOLF!" she fainted.

My heart felt like it stopped and my mouth ran dry. GAINT WOLF?

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