Chapter 5 (Tamaki POV)

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I pased back and forth waiting on Mirio and Nejire

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I pased back and forth waiting on Mirio and Nejire. Finally I heard a door open and in came Mirio still in his hero costume.

"I came as fast as I could!" Mirio ran and grabbed my shoulders and then looked around. Nejire looked around the living room. I lifted up Zelda's phone, showing Mirio.

He quickly grabbed it seeing Zelda's plead. "So something did happen?" Mirio spoke. I could feel pain in my chest. I nodded and looked around. Mirio and I started looking around the house. Mirio went one way and I went the other. I ended up finding her room. It looked like robbery almost. Things were scattered across the floor, drawers open, the closet opened wide with clothes bearly hanging on hangers. "Hey Tamaki come here." Mirio shouted across the hall from me.

I started to walk over and walked into I assume was her fathers room. It was filled with liquor bottles and reeked of alcohol. Mirio pointed to a photo that looked like the frame was cracked. I walked over to get a closer look. In the photo was a women, with white hair with a smile, a man with black hair and wolf ears, and two childern no more then five with white hair and a wolf tail. "I think that's her mom and dad, and a sister?" Mirio spoke. I looked at him and nodded. She has a sister too? She never said anything about her.

"Guys I think I found something." Nejire voice rang out. She was standing at the end of the hall. Mirio and I started walking to her. There was a door that was slightly opened going down stairs.

Even knowing her for a month no one had been in her house. I started feel a bit guilty, but I need to find her. Something is seriously wrong.

Mirio went first and then me, then Nejire fallowed. Once we reached the bottom there was another door but this time, I felt something in my gut telling me not to open it. Mirio went to reach for the lock when I grabbed his hand.

"Mi-Mirio I.... I don't think this is a good idea." I stuttered. Mirio spooked at me and then back at the door. He pulled his hand back.

"No she might be in there!" Nejire shouted opening the door. The smell of bleach filled the air. Mirio walked inside and same with Nejire.

I hunched my shoulders, something didn't feel right. I slowly made my way in. There was a slight smell of iron hidden behind the bleach.

The lights flicker on, with a click. My eyes tried to adjust. It was nothing but a bright white room. Both Mirio and Nejire walked around the room. I stayed beside the door.

After a few minutes later after not finding anything both Mirio and Nejire looked at me. I kept my head down. My mind was running wild. Zelda where are you?!?

"Tamaki I guess we have to head home, at lest for now. I don't think shes hurt. I'm sure she strong." Mirio spoke. But you didn't what I saw in her room.

I sighed and nodded my head. They started walking back upstairs while I just stood there. I pulled out her phone and looked it. There was an eevee themed lockscreen, and then when I opened it what I saw made my heart flutter. It was a picture of me, she took when I was showing her shiny eevee she got me as a camp site.

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