Chapter 9 (Tamaki POV)

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I felt a warmth next to my body

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I felt a warmth next to my body. I tried nuzzling closer to it. I hugged it tighter to me, it felt so soft and warm. There was a soft scent of the soap I used, on zelda last night.  Shuffled even closer trying to breathe in the scent and the warmth felt like a body. I felt it slightly move but, it was too nice to open my eyes. This must be just a dream.

I felt like my hair was being brushed back. It felt so nice, so gentle. "Tama-kun" I bearly heard my name. It sounded so far away. I kept feeling my scalp being gently raked. I couldn't help but to moan out. "That feels nice." I eneded up moaning out.

My mouth was left open and I could feel a slight drool stay to escape, with my hair being messed with, and warmth in front of me, I felt like I was in heaven.

"Tama-kun, we need to get up." I heard a voice near my hear, the slight of the breath sent a shiver down my spine. I felt like I shook my head and nuzzled closer to the warm body.

I felt it move a little bit. "Tama.....can't breathe." Finally it hit me. Zelda?

I slowly let go and was hesitant about opening my eyes. Oh god. Please just tell me this is a dream! I took in a deep breath, and slowly fluttered my eyes open.

I saw pure blue eyes with a sun in the middle of them looking back at me. Oh god it wasn't a dream! I could feel my eyes widden and my heart pounding. I remember I touched her naked skin last night. Oh god she only has a shirt on and nothing else.

I could feel my skin being set on fire, from my ears, down to my toes. My pulled in my lips and I couldn't help but they started to tremble. I blinked hard and I could hear her giggle. No don't giggle. Oh god why are you giggling at a time like this?! Then I remembered her saying when I get embarrassed I tend to try to laugh it off. It kinda makes me feel better maybe you should try it Tama-kun.

I try to scoot away from her. I bet with me being on fire she was over heating. But I pushed to far and fell into the floor. With a small thud I quickly ran to the corner of the room and sat in the corner, pushing my head as far as I could into the 90° wall holding my knees. I couldn't help but to start rocking my self. I saw her naked. She's only has a shirt on. Oh god. Is she gonna kill me? Am I gonna die. Oh godohgodohgod.

Lost in my thoughts I heard her squeel and my eyes shot opened. "Ta-ta-maki? Can-can I have......shorts?" Oh god now she knows! Oh gooooood!

I heard her stomach growled. It made me stop over thinking. I lifted my head up and slowly turned my head over my shoulder. "Zel-da chan. Hungry?" I eneded up tripping over my own words, but could still feel my face burning.

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