Chapter 11 (Zelda POV) (☁️🍈)

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Once we reached Aizawa's office, Mirio knocked and then opened the door

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Once we reached Aizawa's office, Mirio knocked and then opened the door. As they entered one by one, I finally entered last.

I saw Eri sleeping on the couch beside a book case and Aizawa at his desk. His red dry eyes finally landed on me.

"Okami you got some explaining to do." His voice sounded angry and tried but most all almost fatherly. I nodded and walked over to the couch. I ran the back of my hand on Eris cheek and she stirred. She opened one eye and then the other fallowed.

"Sissy?" Her voice was full of sleep. She sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah I'm here." I whispered at her. I sat on the couch, and she quickly curled into my lap and rested her head on my chest gripping my shirt making sure I wants gonna leave her again.

I looked down at her and couldn't help but to feel relieved, wash over me. I felt the seat sink in a little deeper and when I looked up Tamaki was sitting beside me. He gently ran his long fingers in her hair. Mirio came and sat on the arm of the couch and Nejire sat on the other side of Tamaki.

I felt Eri snuggle closer into me, and finally looking away from her I looked at Aiwaza. "She is a sweet kid Okami. Is she really your sister?" I nodded at him. My mouth opened but then shut. I bit my bottom lip and then sighed.

"This is gonna be a long story so I'll try to make it easy to fallow." I started I looked down at the sleeping girl and kissed her head. Looking back up I took in a deep breath and started the story.

"So my mother, basically, well... Got pregnant by a man, my father." Oh god the word vomit. I took a deep breath and started again. "So my mother had a set of twins, me being first and then my twin Zella. We both had powers from our father by transforming into wolves. But I had more powers from my mother then Zella did." I felt Eri shift in her sleep.

"So how does she fit in?" Aizawa asked, nodding is head at her.

"We don't share the same dad but we do share the same mom. Mom tried to make it work with my father but he was abusive. And she couldn't take anymore. So she left, with me while Zella chose father. After all she was his favorite one." I cupped around Eris ears hoping that she wouldn't hear the next part. "But one night after mother had Eri for a few months my father went crazy and killed my mother kidnapping me, and paid some memory eraser quirk to make me forget anything that had to do with my mother."

I could feel tears start to form around the corners of my eyes. Before I could wipe them away Tamaki lifted my chin up and wiped them away with his thumb.

I saw Aiwaza shift in his chair. "So youre telling me you have a twin, and this little girl is your half sister?" I nodded. "So where is your twin?" He asked.

I looked down and dropped my shoulders. "To tell you the truth I don't know. Father told me she ran away the night I came home. Saying that she hated me, which now I don't believe that is true." I looked back up at Aiwaza.

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