Chapter 8 (Zelda POV)

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Once I knew she was safe, my body was starting to feel every little pain

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Once I knew she was safe, my body was starting to feel every little pain. From over using muscles from running to where the bullets grazed my skin. I was lucky I wasn't actually shot, just in case they were using the quirk cancelling bullets.

My body was slowly dragging, I could feel my self limping. Everything finally was comprehending what was wrong with my life.

First my mother died, but I was never told how she even died. Then father wanted nothing to do with me. I've been treated as a freak all my life and never had any friends. Overhaul kidnapped me, used me for his dirty deeds, killed my father and now I have no family.

I could feely my body shifting back into my human form. I closed my eyes and collapsed on the ground. I felt the coolness of the concret touch my naked skin. The nightgown I was wearing was filthy and ripped apart, and was nearly holding together.

I kept trying to keep my eyes open but nothing seemed to work. I bit my lip, but granted my body was so numb I didn't even feel it. I tried with all my might to push my self off the ground and I stood up. I was staggering with each steep, but I needed to get out of the street. Some how I made it to a truck and lucky for nothing was in the bed of it. I crawled in to it and laid down.

It wasnt the smarted idea but I couldn't make it to any where else.

I curled up into a ball. I could feel my black tail curling around me. I couldn't help but to shiver I felt like I was freezing. I slowly closed my eyes hugging my self. "Tama-kun." His name just slipped out of my mouth.

I could feel my hair stick to my face and slid in front of my eyes. Slowly my vision was consumed by darkness.

"Aw my little wolf are you okay?"  My mother looking down at me with my scraped knees

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"Aw my little wolf are you okay?"  My mother looking down at me with my scraped knees. I saw my little self  crying and rubbing my eyes with my dirty little hands.

"Mommy...I...I...don't know what happened!" My little self cried out. This is when my body showed that I could transform. I was born with a tail but they didn't know what quirks I gotten. I was born with white and black hair. White on one side and black on the other. And it was same with my tail.

I knelt down to my younger self. I tried to reach out but my hand went right through me.

My mother squatted down, and petted my little head. Slowly my younger self stopped sobbing and looked up at mother. Her long snow white hair, showed that she was happy. Only on rare occasions did I ever see her with black hair.

She fluttered her eyes closed and kissed my knee. A white light glowed from her lips and when she pulled back the light faded away from my knee and the scrapes were gone. Then she moved on to another cut.

I sat back and watched as mother took care of my younger self. I was only 6 it looked like.

I saw father coming, with a smug looking face. "You know babying her is never gonna let her become the wolf she needs to be."  My father growled. Now that I'm lookeding out side of the box, they were never married. Now that I'm an adult I can see that they didn't really love each other. They just wanted to make sure both of them were in my life.

I closed my eyes and it felt like a flash forward. Now we were when I was 10. My little self was sitting on the stair case trying to hide my little body from mother and father. They were fighting in the kitchen. As a 10 year old I picked up this wasn't a normal family. Father was always angry and mother wanted to run away from it. I felt like I was the one holding her hostage.

"You already messing around with someone?!? I thought we talked about trying to fix this! I thought we were gonna try to be a family for Zelda and Zella!" I could hear my mother's voice echoing through the house. Her hair was black as coal and I could see black mist forming off her skin, almost like my black flames.

"Oh let's talk about that Shie Hassaikai dude huh! You're hooking up with the leaders fucking son!" My father shouted back at her.

" I am not! He's only a friend! And pluss when you can't help with financially he's there! And not to mention he makes sure Zelda gets all she needs!"

Now that I'm re-seeing this I do remember a guy taking mother and I places. They went back and forth while I was trying to remember his name or what he looked like but I couldn't. I remember an old looking guy that loves reading me book. But I couldn't even remember his name either.

It was getting to the point it was give me a head ache just trying to remember them. I closed my eyes and we fast forward again. Two years later mom and that guy did have a baby girl. That side of the family really did take care of me. The old man loved buying me gifts and my step-father was trying to show me how to use my quirks better.

Until one weekend I was supposed to go by to my father's. And he left me alone that whole night. I woke up to him covered in blood. When I panicked he covered my mouth and just smiled at me.

"It's okay honey daddy's here. I won't let anything hurt you." his voice was dark and sinister. I was terrified.

"I wanna go home." I started to cry.

"But you are home honey." His face looked like he was a lunatic losing their grip on humanity.

Some other man came into the room with a book. I never saw him before.

"Dad I'm scared." I was trying to curl into the corner, but i had no where to go.

" Don't worry honey it will be all over soon!" He looked at the man. "Do it. Make her forget her, make her forget everything that had to do with her!" The man nodded and reached out to me.

"No stop!" I screamed out. The man touched my head and a blue looking smoke came out of my mouth and eyes and into that man's finger tips. Then my 12 year old self passed out.

So this is what I'm so sorry I forgotten about you! I clenched my chest, and was sobbing, then wailing out. Once my mind was clear enough I understood who my half sister was. It was Eri!

My head was pounding and rain was pooring on to my limp body, it was in my wolf form but smaller like a normal dog size. My leyelids half way shut, I looked around. I saw a shadow move and then someone was above me. With the water hitting my eyes I couldnt see nor was able to move.

I whimpered at the back of my throat. Is this it? Am I gonna die? Questions running through my head. Soon darkness came crawling into my vision once again and I faded back to sleep.

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