Chapter 9 (Zelda POV)

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Slowly my body was starting to wake

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Slowly my body was starting to wake. I felt strong arms around me. I started to panic until there was a familiar sent. I fluttered my eyes open. What I saw made my heart burst.

Indigo hair, elf ears, and innocent face. It was Tamaki! He was softly snoring. I slowly lifted my hand and cupped his cheek. Slowly a smile creeped on his face and then he hugged me tighter and barried his face into my neck.

His hair tickled my face, and I couldn't help but to giggle. "Tama-kun" I whisper brushing his hair out of my face. His hair was super soft and fluffy. I just ended up raking my fingers though his hair. I heard a soft hum of approval.

I heard him mumbled something. "Nice".  I kept running my fingers through his hair. After a while I could feel something a little wet on my  neck. Is he drooling?  I smiled slightly, then proceeded to look around the room trying to find a clock of some sort. Finally I cought a glimpse of his alarm clock. 6:42pm

God lord. I sighed. "Tama-kun, we need to get up." I whispered in his ear. He nuzzled in deeper, and clung to me tighter. Any more tighter, I'm gonna stop breathing. I started to squirm a little in his arms. "Tama.... Can't breathe." I let out. Finally I felt him loosen his grip.

Slowly he pulled his head back and his eyes fluttered opened. His dark indigo eyes locked on to my blue one. Slowly they started to widden when he realized how close he was. His face turned to a dark shade of red, even all the way up to the tips of his ears.

His lips were formed tight squiggly line. I could feel the heat radiated off him. I couldn't help but giggle trying to hide my embarrassment.

He quickly moved and fell off the bed and ran to the corner of the room and sat shoving his head into the corner hold his knees.

I slowly sat up, still tender everywhere. Once I sat up I saw I was in a different shirt. It looked like it had the puppy emoji randomly scattered across the shirt. I couldn't help but to smile at it but that smile quickly turned to a blush to a squeel.

"Ta-ta-maki? Can-can I have...... shorts." Did he see me naked?! My head was spinning. Until one thing made all of us over thinking. My stomach growl, loudly.

He lifted his head up and slowly looked over his shoulder slightly turning to me. "Zel-da chan. Hungry?" He studdered. He was still a shade pink but at lest it died down.

I looked over to him and nodded. I swung my legs over the bed and stood up. The shirt reached about mid-thiegh but when he turned to stand I felt my tail started to lift the shirt and wag. Soon I felt a cool breeze on my behind.

My eyes widden and I quickly pulled the shirt down crossing my legs. "Oh right shorts!" He ran to his dresser and pulled out some gym shorts and held his arm out and covered his eyes with his other hand.

I slowly walked over and grabbed the shorts and quickly put them on, and now I don't feel so naked. I sighed out in relief and wrapped my arms around his back pulling him into a hug.

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