Chapter 17 (Zelda POV)

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The smell of Tamaki's blood made me snap back to reality

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The smell of Tamaki's blood made me snap back to reality. In my mirror the blobs started coming into shapes and I could see Tamaki under the wolf's paw, bleeding profusely from his neck and shoulder area.

I screamed out his name banging on the mirror, tears staining my face, and the floor. "IM SO SORRY TAMAKI! IM SO SORRY!" I kept screaming. I could see his eyes look directly at me like he could see the real me. "Ta..... ta.... Tamaki.. I'm so sorry." I could feel my body go limp as my fist slid against the mirror and I fell on to the floor.

I let out screaming sobs into the emptiness of my black prison. I could hear screaming out for Tamaki, assuming it was the heros. I could hear bangs like guns going off, and then pain hitting my sides. But my body couldn't even move. I was so shattered that I couldn't even react to the pain of guns being fired at me.

"Oh little girl you regret letting me in now?"  I lifted my head up and saw the demonic wolf that was bleeding. My face was dead, no emotions. "Which one you feed is the one who wins."  It let out a demonic laugh.

I looked back to the ground. The one you feed is the one who wins. I fluttered my eyes closed and took a deep breath. "I love you. Tama-kun." I whispered.

I started trying to remember back into my memories, of all the nice things that Tamaki, and the others did with me.

Flash backs for all of us going to the arcade, Nejire and I playing DDR. Mirio and I singing at karaoke. Tamaki and I playing Borderlands. I could feel a cool wind lick my tear trails on my face and I fluttered my eyes opened.

The demon wolf was gone and there instead was a wolf with almost a rainbow type of coat. I wiped away a tear with the inner part of my wrist. I breathed in deep.

I could hear the mirror behind me start to crack and then shatter. The wolf just looked at me deadpanned.

"I....I....hurt someone I loved. I....I...didnt-" I was a stuttering mess. The wolf didn't even move, nor did it even blink. It was just sitting there with its tail wrapped around it covering its paws.

"Well child. Tell me this. Why are you happy now?" The voice sound almost like mother's.

"I...I." I stopped and looked down at my knees. "I thought about all the time I spent with him, and he made me happy. He brought happiness into my life, when I was in the dark for so long!" I looked up to the wolf , there was tears riming my eyes once more. "I....I fell in love with him. I....I..." I clunched my chest over my heart. " I DO ANYTHING TO MAKE HIM HAPPY! ILL DO ANYTHING TO BRING HIM BACK!" My voice was cracked and sorrowful. The wolf nodded and slowly walked up to me.

It nuzzled my forehead making me look up into its eyes. "Remember, who you feed wins." After the warning it blew into my mouth, as its body became a pale blue smoke and went into my chest. I could feel warmth like mom was hugging me.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and fluttered my eyes opened. I was in my human form from what I could see. I was laying on my back, my eyes looked around I could see people but I couldn't make them out. I heard muffled screams but I couldn't figure what they were yelling about. Until my eyes landed on Tamaki.

My eyes widden, and I quickly jumped up. My body was limping barely working from the quirk cancelling bullets, as well as my shifting.

I was able to crawl over to him. Tears was running, as I leaned on him to hear for a heart beat, but there was nothing. "TAMAKI!" I screamed out. I felt arms grab my shoulders pulling me away from him. "NO! LET ME GO! TAMAKI!" I was screaming out for him.

I squirmed out of a heros arms and was able to kiss Tamaki on the lips. I blew the same air that the white wolf did for me into him.

But once again someone grabbed me pulling me away from him. "NO! STOP! TAMAKI!!!" the hero was starting to drag me away. I tried squirming but nothing was working. My breathing was shaking, and my body was starting to feel cold.

With all the yelling I was starting to be drown out until, there was a sound of someone coughing. Everyone stop, and looked at me and I looked to Tamaki. I saw his chest moving. Slowly a smile formed on my face. I squirmed out of the heros arms and crawled to Tamaki and was crying joyful cries.

Slowly his eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was me. "Bun-bunny?" His voice was very course.


I was a smiling, teary mess. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into him crashing his lips into mine. I could feel the passion, and love in his kiss. I kissed him back cupping his cheek and closing my eyes.

I could hear some gasp from other heros,  but nothing was breaking us apart. We had to break for air, and we sat back up. I could see that he wasn't wounded anymore. The wolf's air healed all of his injuries.

"Wait we shot her so how did her quirk work?!" I heard a hero ask. I looked over to them and then looked down.

"Wait you shot her!?" Tamaki shouted. He looked furious and was about to jump up. I reached out for him gently grasping his hand.

"It's gone now. I used the last of my quirk to save him." I whimpered out. Tamaki grabbed my shoulders, making me looking up at him. His eyes filled with worry.

"Zel-Zelda, no matter what I'll still love you. Quirkless or not. You're still Zelda." I slowly nodded.

"Yeah Sunshine! You're still you!" I heard Mirio's voice. I turned and saw him bearly standing. My eyes widden and then teared over.

"You're okay!" I shouted. I tried to jump up but my body didn't work. I could hear him chuckle, before walking and basically tumbling on top of Tamaki and me hugging us.

He hugged both of us tightly. "Yeah I was just knocked out for a few that is all." He laughed off. I couldn't help but to hug them both.

"Im so happy." I cried out. A couple of heros made their way to us.

"Okay let's get you guys taken care of." One of the heros spoke. I looked up and scanned them. I could see, Aiwaza, Fatgum, and a few others I knew. I softly nodded myf head.

Tamaki stood up helping me up and then Mirio. With Mirio on one side of him and me on the other he wrapped his arm around my waist and kept me close. "Co-come on guys let's go home."

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