Chapter 14 (Tamaki POV)

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I woke up in a large bed that wasn't mine

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I woke up in a large bed that wasn't mine. My eyes darted around and I could see Eri sleeping soundly next to me. When I looked to the end there was Mirio and Fatgum sitting in the floor sleeping as well.

Studdenly I felt eyes on me and I looked to the side and saw Aiwaza looking at me. He had his arms crossed and had a serious look on his face. "So you're finally awake kid. You sleep well?" His voice wasn't harsh but he did have a serious tone to him.

I slowly sat up clinching my head, from the spliting headache. " long was I..ou-out?" I asked. I felt Eri shift in her sleep and rolled over, slightly opening her eyes  and moved over to where her head rested on my leg.

With out even thinking I placed my hand on top of her head and let it rest the before looking back at Aizawa.

"A whole day Amajiki." I felt my heart stopped.

"Wait! What about Zelda!" I ended up shouting which woke everyone one up and scaring poor Eri from her sleep. She jumped from her spot and curled into a sitting ball. Her eyes wide and was trying to figure out what was going on. "Sorry Er-Eri." I apologized to her. Slowly she nodded her head.

She crawled into my lap like she does with Zelda and tried to go back to sleep. I saw that Fatgum and Mirio woke up to my shouting. "Hey buddy calm down I'm sure we can get sunshine back!" Mirio smiled. Though in his eyes I could tell he was extremely worried.

I couldn't help but to give him a hopefully smile but inside I was screaming. I watched as Fatgum walked closer to the bed. "Hey I'm sure Stadic has got info on them." I shook my head, he was the one who made his voice be like hers. I wasn't going to trust him.

"Alright calm down guys." Aiwaza step in. "We need to come up with a plan. I'm sure that Overhaul isn't going to give her up easily. So we need to figure out something. And the faster we do this the more we know he can't do anymore then what he has done to her." I could feel my heart breaking. The worst I could think of him doing to her is killing her or torturing her. I shook violently at the thought of it. I felt Eri touch my cheek.

"Mr. Elf don't cry. Sissy will be okay! Sissy is a strong puppy!" She smiled. I looked down at her and finally I saw the tears drop from my face that I didn't know escaped. I slowly tried to smile but it was hard, when my bottom lip was trembling.

"She's right Tamaki." Mirio spoke up. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Well we can always ask more to help." Fatgum suggested.

"Right! We can get all the help we can get! Even though not alot of people like her music they did get use to her after a month! Hell some other the others from class 1-A is asking about her. I think it's time to tell them the story!" Mirio spoke.

"He's right. They have been asking me about her. Even if she doesn't know it she made an impact on other students during her month here." Aiwaza added.

I could feel like my heart strings were being pulled. They were right Zelda did make an impact on people. I nodded my head. "Right!"


A couple of hours there was students from all over sitting sitting in 1-A it was about 10 at night but Aiwaza grabbed all his students as well as other to help.

"Alright we all know about Zelda, the truth is." Aiwaza started with his hands on his desk. "She is being held hostage." Everyone gasped at his words.

"Who would take such a shy girl?"

"Hell her quirk is super strong how did she not fight back!?"

Students were asking questions left and right.  "We know who took her, and she used her self as a sacrifice to save someone else like a true hero should do." I felt my heart sink. "I'm sure you all know who Overhaul is, and what he can do." Aiwaza pushed off his desk and looked around the room.

"If he touches you, youre dead." His eyes narrowed with the warning. Some students gasped, other gulped, and some just nodded their heads. "And not only this, he is part of the gang like Mafia, who is making quirk erasing bullets. You get shot you lose your quirk...... permeantly."

Everyone started to panic, only ones keeping calm was Mirio, my self and a few others from 1-A. But one boy did catch my eye. The little green hair boy that was asking about Zeldas quirk that one time. He looked serious.

"Now do we have any questions, before I go on. I know this mission can be life or death and I can understand if you don't want to do it, but I mast ask you, if the roles were switch would you want someone to save you?"

The students were quite the only sound was people breathing, hearts beating, and ticks from the clock.

Some of the student left while only a hand full of them stayed. "Okay now we are gonna put the rest of you into groups." Aiwaza ordered.

"Nighteye's group, is Bubble Girl, Centipeder, Lemillion, Deku, and Me." So Mirio would be with his mentor and the green hair boy. "Ryukyu Squad, Nejire, Uravity, and Froppy." So Nejire is going with them. "Then lastly is Fatgum's group. Suneater, Red Riot, Rock Lock, Kesagiriman, Mr. Brave."

All of us started heading to our groups to talk about strategy. Though I was the only one at the mansion before, I didn't know where anything was.

"Yo bro! I have to ask something." I looked to Kirishima. "Is that girl you're girlfriend? I can understand worrying about her as a friend but you seem more, how to put this...more agressive about it." I bit my lip and nodded. "Dude! That's so manly of you! Worrying about her safety and all. Don't worry Suneater we will get her back!" He gave me his signature shark tooth smile. I smiled and nodded back.

"Right." I agreed.

Once everyone figured out what they were going to do nighteye spoke up. "We will all gather here in the morning. we will bring Zelda back by the end of the day I can promise you."

Butterfly Kisses, Wolf Bites (Amajiki Tamaki X FemOc)Where stories live. Discover now