Chapter 12 (Zelda POV)

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I woke up around noonish, Tamaki was already gone

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I woke up around noonish, Tamaki was already gone. I rubbed my eyes and sat up to stretch. As my legs touched the harden floor I looked over to see where I left my clothes from last night. Tamaki already took them to wash them.

My face flushed with blush as I remembered what happen last night. I covered my face and let out a small squeel. Omg! I can't believe I did that to him! I can't believe that I.... I let out a other squeel.

Once I calmed down I went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready. I saw a towel already ready for me with some folded clothes. It was a blue long sleeve shirt and it looked like some grey sweat pants, with a note on top of the clothes.

        I had some things to do today, and I'm sorry if there isn't any breakfast, I didn't know what time you were meeting up with Aizawa. But anyways it snowed last night so it will be cold. I have a coat for you hanging up by the door. Please stay safe, and warm.

         Love Amajiki.

I couldn't help but to smiled and hug the letter to my chest. I let out a lovey sigh and put the letter down on the counter as I jumped into the shower.

Once done I got dressed in what he gave me. I walked to the front door and saw some fluffy socks beside some old shoes. I quickly put them both on and stood up grabbing the heavy coat, and putting it on. I shoved my hands in my pockets finding a key to the front door.

I opened the door and walked out ready for the adventure with Aiwaza and Eri. I closed the door and locked it and started walking to UA to meet up with them.

Eri ran up to me from the gates. She was wearing a oversized tan snow coat and red mittens. I squatted down so I could hug her. "Sissy! Sissy! My Ai got me some snow clothes!" I smiled down at her.

"Yes and you look really cute!" I giggled. Aiwaza walked up to us with his hands in his pockets wearing a black marshmallow type of coat and black jeans.

"Ready to go?" He asked not even looking down to us.

I nodded my head with a small hum and same with Eri. As we walked small crunches were heard with every step. It started to snow again. Eri ran slightly ahead.

She threw her arms in the air and spun around playing in the snow fall. Small laughs and giggles came from the little girl.

I couldn't help but to smile and feel some warmth in my chest. It was nice to see her happy once more.

"I guess first stop is food. Have you eaten?" Aiwaza yawned. I shook my head. "Ah, well I fed Eri around I want to say 8 so she's probably hungry by now." I nodded my head to answer.

We made our way to a small McDonald's and Eri was excited to get a happy meal. The toys this month was something hero related. So she wanted to get a mini Aiwaza. But when she opened it she got someone else.

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