Chapter 1 (Zelda's View)

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I sat in my empty bedroom, with box's still full of my things

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I sat in my empty bedroom, with box's still full of my things. Clothes still in bags, the only things that I had out for me was a week's worth of clothes, my glasses and my phone with headphones.

"Zelda you better be up I got you into UA, so you better be there or else." My father warned, through the closed door.

"Yes, father. I am already dressed and ready. I was about to head out." I spoke softly.

"Good, now move it. I have to head out." I could hear his foot steps fade, and I let out a sigh. My father was a villain, who worked under Overhaul. He never really treated me like a daughter, after my mother past when I was 12. My quirk could be useful but I could never control my feelings which is what main purpose of it.

When I felt happy, joy, anything that made me feel good, my hair turned white and I could transform into a wolf who, could heal you, boost your speed or I can make a water shield. But with my depression, my hair was black, I could only attack or burn things. The one thing I refuse to use is the shadows. I used it one and I ended up watching as shadow looking hands come from a cat shadow and ripped it part.

The sound of crushing and popping of bones haunted my mind just remembering it. I could feel the blood drop from my face as my brain pushed replay.

"No please stop." I clenched my head and it finally stopped. I slowly let go and dropped my hands to my sides still shaking. "Why am I even like this?" I asked my self. I stood up and headed to the my black vanity and looked at my self. My eyes looked like they had black bags under and my eyes lightly red and puffy. "I guess I was crying in my sleep again."

I was already in my uniform, but the one thing I needed to do was hide my wolf tail. I usually tied it around my leg but this skirt is shorter then the ones I'm use to wearing. I bit my cheek and thought of an idea of putting it over the band and stick it in my shirt. Long as I don't let anything phase me then it shouldn't come out.

I finally headed to my door. I could smell something foul but ignored it. Father might have 'brought' work home. I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh and headed out to this new school of heros.


I walked all the way to UA, Im 18 I would be in 3rd year. I looked at my paper trying to figure out where I was going when someone bumped me. I dropped my paper and the wind blew it away.

"Well.....fuck me." I sighed. I turned to see who bumped me.

"Heeeeeey sorry about that!" A hulk of a build blonde kid apologize.

I tried to fake a smile, and waved my hand. "It''s okay....don-dont worry about it." I ended up stuttering. 'well I guess it's better then my random word vomit.' I thought.

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