Chapter 2 (Tamaki's view)

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I held Zelda body in my tentacles cradling her the best I cold

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I held Zelda body in my tentacles cradling her the best I cold. I didn't want to hurt her, so I walked slowly with her to nurses station. I opened the door and Recovery Girl was sitting at her desk looking at some paperwork.

"Umm re-re-coverery girl." I stuttered out. She looked up to me and saw zelda in my grasp.

"Oh dear what happened?!" She jumped up from her seat and the old women scuffled over to Zelda.

"Shhhhe - aaaah-" I couldn't say anything I was looking down at Zelda's sleeping face and was starting to turn red.

"Just put her on the bed and I'll see what the damage is done." She sighed. I put her on the bed as gently as I could as she came over and checked her out. "Go sit in the chair, you in the way." She ordered.

I went to go sit in a chair on the other side by the wall. She pulled the curtains closed and started checking her. It was only 1pm, so that that whole battle took about 4 hours.

I started to doze off a little. I woke up with a jump when I heard Zelda's voice.

"What happened to the boy who had me?" She asked. I grabbed my phone trying to see what time it was. I even had Mirio and Nejire asking where I was.

Oh you mean this boy?" The women smiled. Kept my head down trying to replay to Mirio. I heard the curtains being pulled back, and I looked up at Zelda. Without thinking I quickly put my phone to my face trying to mind my self to answer Mirio.

The old women giggled. "The boy was worried about you, that he never left the room." She ratted him me out. I felt my face become red all the way up to my ears. I was starting to freak out. When I looked at her and tried to imagine her as a potato it didn't work she was still a beautiful woman standing by a potato head old women. My lips begin to tremble and I jumped up shoving my phone into my pockets as well as my hands. I turned and placed my forehead against the cool wall.

No matter what I do, even if I try to imagine her as a potato she doesn't change. Shes still a person.

Aww what's wrong deary? What's with the sad face?" I heard recovery girl ask.

"Nonononononono nothing is- is wrong! It's just-" I could hear Zelda crying out with fear and panic in her voice. I swallowed hard about to turn around and say something. "Thank you Tamaki-ku-" my heart felt like it stopped. I slowly lift my head off the wall and was about to turn around and look at her with wide eyes. But instead she covered her face and jumped out of the bed, ran out of the room.

Recovery girl and I just stood there and she finally let out a giggle. "Looks like the little girl like you Suneater." I turned my head to her confused on what she meant. "Well I guess don't worry about it for now go ahead and head home it's getting late." I nodded and headed out of the building. Zelda was no where to be found.

She probably went home already. But.....what did she mean when she said she liked me?"

" Heeeeeey Tamaki!" I was still lost in thought when I felt Nejire jumped hugged me. I quickly stiffen my body. "Hey where's the new girl?" I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

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