our baby

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Aiko sat in the hospital room with her mouth butting her nails.

"Please try your best to calm down, Aiko," Itachi placed his hand onto her shoulder. Aiko lets out a light sigh and shook her head understandingly.

"Yes, I know," she whispered while looking out the window. It was quite for a few more moments they have been waiting for hours, and the both of them were growing wary for Shisui.

Suddenly, the hospital door pulled open, and a severely wounded and comatose Shisui began to be wheeled in. Aiko's heart fluttered as her stomach twisted. She was excited to see her husband, but Aiko was equally distraught at his condition.

"Aiko? You're here?" Tsuande gasped lightly after meeting eyes with her.

"Y-Yes," she replied while walking over to Shisui's bed.

"Shisui," she whimpered as she placed her hand onto the side of his face that wasn't bandaged.

"You're home," a single tear began to shed from her eye as a small smile began to spread across her lips.

"He'll wake up soon," Tsuande walked around to Aiko and placed her hand on her quivering shoulder.

"He's o-okay L-Lady T-Tsuande?" she quickly looked back towards the sannin.

"He's going to be fine..." Tsuande nodded her head, but Aiko could tell there was something worse.

"Wh-What's the m-matter? I-Is there something I should be worried about?" Aiko sniffled. She was doing her best to wipe her tears away.

"Aiko, Shisui's body, will be fine. I made sure of that. His critical injuries are completely healed... But he's missing his left eyes is gone," Aiko's eyes widen in shock as she felt her blood turn cold.

"His eye is gone?" Itachi shot up, and his facial expression was filled with undeniable anger.

"Yes," Tsuande sighed.

"I have to report this to the Hokage. This is now a clan and village issue," Itachi vanished after that, and Aiko turned her gaze back to Shisui.

"Rest now dear, you've gone through more than enough," she placed a gentle kiss onto her forehead before embracing Tsuande into a tender hug.

"Thank you so much. I owe you the world," Aiko whispered softly.

"I was only doing my job, and besides, your baby is going to need their father," Tsuande returned the embrace.

"Now, give me a minute. I'm going get you a bed and some food for your wait," Tsuande smiled. She then removed herself from the very pregnant woman.

"Might as well make yourself a home because that baby should be coming out very soon," she winked before exiting the room.

"Baby?" a groggy voice spoke, which immediately grabbed [y/n]'s attention. Aiko then turned around to face Shisui, and when his eye landed on her pregnant belly, a gasp left his lips.

"A-Aiko," he began to cry as he attempted to sit up.

"Shisui, lay back down, please rest," she gently pushed him back into the bed.

"You're p-pregnant?" he sniffled while reaching over to touch her belly.

"It's o-our b-baby," Aiko nodded while placing her hand over his.

"I'm sorry, I-I left you al-alone for so long," Shisui felt so much guilt.

"No, dear, please don't be sorry! Itachi, Izumi, your mom, and my family have been such a great help," Aiko reassured her husband.

"God, you look so beautiful," he sighed in awe. Aiko was gleaming in beauty. Aiko blushed at his comment as Shisui began to scoot over.

"Shisui don't strain yourself, please," Aiko begged since she saw the way his face scrunched up in pain.

"C'mere, I want to hold you guys," he patted to the space he had made for her. Aiko couldn't deny him. She desperately wants to be in his arms. She slowly made her way next to him and adjusted herself to make sure she wasn't applying any pressure to Shisui's injuries.

"I'm so glad you're home," Aiko whispered.

"I'm so glad to be here with you guys," Shisui placed a kiss on her forehead.



another christmas update ❤️

i hope you enjoyed this chapter 🥰

i wanted to write a happy ish one since it's the holidays and all 🥸


if you have any ideas for future updates don't hesitate to comment some ideas :))

much love and stay safe ❤️
-marle 🥸

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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