right now and after

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"Aiko are you ready dear?" Shisui's voice echoed from outiside their bedroom door.

"Y-Yeah just a few more seconds," Aiko responded while fixing the lose ends of her yukata. She then examined the half up half down hair do, fixing the her Uzuamki clip which held the top half of her hair. Aiko huffed nervously while giving herself one last look.

"The necklace," she whispered, quickly grabbing it from her night stand. She then attempted to put it on, but then she realized she was struggling with putting it on, causing her to sigh in defeat and make her way out the room door.

"Shisui?" she slowly exited the door, a bashful look on her face.

Her husband then turned around, his eyes widen in awe, this was the first time he'd seen Aiko so dressed up since their wedding.

"Ready to go love?" a tingly sensation filled his stomach, her yukata suited her so perfectly, and her hair oh how he loved the way she styled it.

"C-Can you put my necklace on? I couldn't do it," she stuck out the hand that held her necklace.

"Of course Aiko," an endearing look on his face as he took the necklace into his hands. Shisui then walked behind her, carefully placing the necklace onto the top of her chest.

"You look absolutely beautiful," he whispered into her ear, finally clipping her necklace together. Chills trailed down her spine, her knees could of given out at any moment, the way he made her feel was something she couldn't comprehend.

"You look quite handsome yourself," she smiled, as Shisui stood beside her once more.

"May I hold your hand?" he asked while placing his out.

"You don't have to ask anymore," Aiko responded, she then embraced his hand gingerly, a pink tint filling her cheeks.

"Let us go then," he grinned excitedly, he now took the lead and led her out the home.

"Have you ever been to a firework showing?" Aiko questioned, she wasn't use to outings like these. Her whole life she stayed home doing chores or reading.

"Yeah tons of time, I'd drag Itachi along we'd eat so much dango, and I of course tried getting him some girls to talk to," Shisui laughed but then a solemn look painted his face.

"Shisui what's wrong?" Aiko stopped walking, she's never seen such sad look on her cheerful husband.

"I just realized this is the first time I go without him," Aiko squeezes his hand, and she began to look around the Uchiha compound.

"Why don't we look for him? There's still some time before the firework showing I'm sure we'll find him!" Aiko began to walk again pulling her husband along with her.

"A-Aiko no it's okay, I want to go with you!" Shisui wasn't lying, he just felt odd breaking a tradition he had when he was a bachelor.

"I don't like seeing you upset, come on let's go look for Itachi," Aiko grinned, their hands still intertwined.

"I'm not upset Aiko, I was just reminiscing!" Shisui explained, but Aiko still was set on her goal.

"Aiko," Shisui plants himself to the ground and gently pulled her towards his chest. He then used his unoccupied hand, placing his fingers under her chin, and tilting her face up.

"I want this night to be special for us, this is our first date! I only brought up Itachi because, before I married you I had no one but Itachi. So forgive me if I made you feel like you aren't enough, because that's not the case at all! You are truly the only person I want to be with right now and after," Shisui looked deep into her eyes, the matcha colored eyes he loved dearly. In a quick but meaningful way, Aiko kissed his cheek.

"I understand, I was just taken back by the solemn look of yours. Sorry if I over reacted," she spoke  timidly.

"Aiko you're so cute I can't take it!" Shisui chuckled, while cupping her face and planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Now let's get going for sure this time," he smiled sweetly, letting go of her face so he could hold her hand again.


{[a/n]: ughhh shisui so cute i can't even 🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️

anyways i dropped my Itachi book!

i feel like i always use him as a second love interest in my stories! so i finally made a story about him and you 😉 so check it out if you want 🥰

much love y'all and stay safe 💞

-marle 🦋

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