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"So there's going to be a firework showing tomorrow night," Shisui spoke as he watched Aiko brush her hair.

"Really?" Aiko looked at him through the vanity mirror.

"Yeah, and well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" his cheeks began to heat up as he played with his hair nervously.

"Are you asking me on a date, Shisui?" Aiko asked playfully; she was now beginning to feel more comfortable around her husband.

"Y-Yeah I-I suppose I am," Shisui eyes were glued on Aiko, taking in all of her beauty.

"Well then, let's go," a soft smile formed on her lips.

Aiko wore a white sleeping gown covered by a deep red robe which held the Uchiha crest on the back.

"Uh Shisui," Aiko turned shy again as she began to slip her robe off.

"Y-Yeah Aiko," as a man himself, he couldn't help but think that maybe tonight he would be able to share a few intimate gestures with his wife.

"I have something to tell you," Aiko then walked over to their nightstand on her side of the bed, nervously pulling out her new jewelry box.

"What's the matter, Aiko?" Shisui straightens his posture as his wife sat next to him.

"Well, I recently found out that I am a uh," Aiko began to place the box in front of her husband, pausing mid confession to nervous to say anything.

"Hm, this is an Uzumaki symbol," Shisui lifted the box in curiosity.

"I'm an Uzumaki," she squeaked, afraid of Shisui's reaction.

"Oh well, you're actually an Uchiha," he responded calmly. Aiko's eyes widened when he heard Shisui's response.

"Well yeah, b-but my bloodline is Uzumaki," she looked away awkwardly.

"Aiko, it doesn't matter what your bloodline. If anything, this makes you even more wonderful!" Shisui smiled sweetly as he cupped one side of her face.

"All that matters is that you stay true to yourself," Shisui began to lean in, and Aiko's heart rate accelerated.

"Uh, Sh-Shisui, should we do our book pages?" Aiko interrupted the moment. She wasn't ready to share a kiss, and to be quite honest; she didn't know when she would be.

"Ah, yes, you're absolutely right!" Shisui grinned, turning around to pull the book from his nightstand.

Oh my god, I'm such an idiot! Shisui thought while looking for their pencil.

Why did I do that?! She must feel so uncomfortable now! He internally slapped himself, embarrassed by his actions.

"Second page tonight, right?" Aiko asked innocently, trying to move past the awkward moment they both shared.

"Y-Yes d-dear," Shisui responded, pulling himself aside her again. Shisui then opened the book. His cheeks still tinted a slight red. 

"Soon," Aiko whispered, placing her hand gently on behind his neck. It was soft and tender; it made Shisui gulp nervously, and shake his head in an understanding matter.

The first time that she saw him:

At a tea shop in Konoha, the day before our wedding. He looked very handsome and showed me the most amazing smile. That's where I also found out we have a very similar taste in literature.

Aiko let out a giggle as she handed him back the book.

"You're too cute Aiko,"

The first time that he saw her:

I was kids when I first saw her, and it wasn't too far from the academy. She was talking to my best pal Itachi! They exchanged books, and from then on, I'd never forgotten how stunning she was.

"You were there?" Aiko asked, giving him a shocked look.

"Yeah, you actually waved hi to me that day," he explained, leaving Aiko to remember that day.

"Hmm, I don't remember," she mumbled quietly, tapping her chin as she tried to imagine that day again.

"I must not have made such an impression that day," Shisui chuckled nervously.

"I might have been out of it, I was a pretty lost child," she sighed while looking down onto her fingers.

"A lost child?"

"The war had ended, and my father never came home, I didn't know what to think back then, my whole childhood felt like a daze," she wanted to explain more, but she didn't want to open those wounds again.

"Aiko, do you want to talk about it?" Shisui placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe another time Shisui,"

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